Chapter 23 - Saving Someone (Rev.)

Huang Jin's mind drifted back to the past when the world faced its apocalypse. Headlines from major channels worldwide reported an alarming outbreak, as a significant number of people started exhibiting flu-like symptoms that were highly contagious. The initial phase lasted for about a month, during which those affected experienced severe fever, coughing up mouthfuls of blood. Their eyes turned red, their skin became flushed, and blisters began appearing.

The situation turned even more gruesome when the blisters burst, releasing a foul-smelling, yellowish goo-like pus. It was a horrifying and distressing time for humanity.

Exactly at three o'clock in the afternoon, without any prior warning, a small fraction of the human population around the world fell into a mysterious coma. To everyone's horror, those who had been sick and in a coma awoke as walking, rotting corpses, driven only by their insatiable craving for flesh and blood. Their sole purpose now was to feed on the living, causing terror and chaos wherever they roamed. The world plunged into a nightmarish apocalypse, with the uninfected fighting for survival against these ravenous creatures.

As the healthy people emerged from their comas, an astonishing phenomenon unfolded. Their genes had undergone an inexplicable enhancement, granting them extraordinary powers beyond imagination.

Simultaneously, a mysterious force began to corrode cables and pipelines across the nation, leaving the communication lines, water supply, and electricity networks severely compromised. When people finally awoke, they found the country's infrastructure nearly obliterated, plunging them into a state of confusion and disarray. The world had transformed into a place of both awe-inspiring abilities and unparalleled challenges, as survivors grappled with their newfound powers amidst the crumbling remains of civilization.

The initial hope that the disruptions in communications, water supply, and electricity were temporary soon gave way to a growing sense of despair. All forms of communication, including computers, mobile phones, and radios, became completely useless. The water and electric lines continued to deteriorate, causing prolonged agony for the survivors.

As days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, the realization sank in that things might never return to how they used to be. The lingering hope of a swift recovery began to fade, replaced by an overwhelming feeling of hopelessness and despair. Each passing day only deepened their understanding that they were living in a new reality, one where the conveniences of the past were lost, and the challenges of survival loomed ever larger. People grappled with uncertainty and the daunting prospect of an unpredictable future, wondering if they would ever regain a semblance of the life they once knew.

As months passed after the apocalypse, the majority of people who had not experienced the initial coma remained ordinary humans, trying to survive in the harsh new world. However, a startling development occurred when one-third of the global population suddenly fainted and entered a state of hibernation. Hours and days ticked by, and eventually, one by one, from adults to children, these individuals awakened.

Among the awakened, some were bestowed with extraordinary powers, and they came to be known as the second generation. These individuals exhibited unique abilities, each one different from the other, making them forces to be reckoned with in the post-apocalyptic landscape.

On the other hand, those who had gone into hibernation but failed to gain powers became zombies, similar to the previously afflicted individuals. These mindless and relentless creatures roamed the world, seeking to devour the living and adding to the ever-present danger survivors had to face.

The world now stood divided between ordinary humans, the formidable second generation with their powers, and the relentless threat posed by the zombies. The struggle for survival had intensified, as each group sought to carve out their place in this changed and treacherous world.

The exclusive community where Xun's family stayed is located on the outskirts of A City. A City is known for being the residence of the rich, famous, and top military personnel, many of whom own luxurious villas in the area. This exclusive location offers privacy, security, and a high standard of living.

The community's strategic location also makes it convenient for survivors from B City to come and seek refuge. After leaving the community, there is a specific road that leads directly to B City. Despite the distance, the journey typically takes around four to five hours before arriving at the center of B City.

This arrangement likely offers a safe haven for those escaping the hardships and dangers of B City while providing a comfortable and luxurious living environment for Xun's family and others residing in the exclusive community.

The presence of the National Road directly leading from the North gate of the exclusive community into the capital city adds even more convenience for the survivors traveling to the capital. The National Road likely provides a well-maintained and efficient route, making it easier and faster for people to reach the capital from the community.

Considering this advantage, the top military personnel and authorities may have decided to designate the capital city as the main hub for survival and relief efforts. The capital city would have better infrastructure, resources, and facilities to accommodate a large number of survivors and effectively manage the crisis caused by the events in B City.

By centralizing the survival-based operations in the capital, they can efficiently coordinate rescue missions, distribute essential supplies, and organize shelters for the survivors. The decision to focus on the capital as the main center for survival and support may have been based on its accessibility, available resources, and capacity to handle the influx of people seeking help and safety.

In times of crisis or disaster, having a well-connected transportation network and a centralized location for relief efforts can be crucial in effectively responding to the needs of those affected and ensuring their safety and well-being.

After contemplating the situation, Huang Jin had an epiphany. In the aftermath of the apocalypse, he could explore the scenic spots within the community and gather all the mutated plants that had evolved and thrived since the world's end.

Huang Jin approached the entrance of a salon and gently pushed aside the bead curtain that adorned the door, stepping inside. The salon was relatively quiet at the moment, with only three customers present, besides Huang Jin. Among them was a plump middle-aged woman seated in a chair, and a tall male apprentice stood behind her, working on perming her hair.

Huang Jin's eyes scanned the salon, taking in the sight of the plump middle-aged woman getting her hair permed by the tall apprentice. He then shifted his gaze to the other woman seated nearby, who was having her hair blown dry by another assistant. Next, his attention fell upon a little boy sitting on a kiddie chair, with a white cloth draped over him, attentively fixed in place by the shop's owner.

The child appeared to be around eight years old, with a round and charming face that exuded innocence and loveliness. As he gazed at his reflection in the mirror, it was evident that he had been raised well, as his demeanor and poise garnered compliments. However, there was something comical about the seriousness on his young face, displaying an adult-like expression that amused Huang Jin, causing him to suppress a chuckle.

As the child sensed someone looking at him, he glanced up and noticed Huang Jin's reflection in the mirror. Huang Jin smiled warmly at the little boy, prompting the child to respond with a smile of his own. However, upon seeing his own serious expression change in the mirror, the child quickly adjusted his demeanor, flattening the corners of his mouth and even pursing his tiny lips in an attempt to appear more composed.

Huang Jin couldn't help but find the child's reactions amusing, and he tried to suppress his laughter as he shifted his gaze away and settled into the chair next to the child. Despite the owner of the salon starting to cut the child's hair, it seemed the little one was still not entirely satisfied.

The scene presented a heartwarming and lighthearted moment, with Huang Jin finding joy in the innocent interactions with the child, who was likely experiencing a mix of curiosity and self-consciousness in front of the mirror.

As another apprentice approached from behind Huang Jin, they inquired about the type of haircut he preferred. Huang Jin politely requested that they cut his hair to shoulder length. Earlier that morning, before leaving the villa and parting ways with Xun Wei, he had already informed his lover that he was planning to visit a salon for a haircut. Even though Xun Wei didn't want Huang Jin to cut his beautiful hair, he still consented to it because he didn't want Huang Jin to feel uncomfortable.

Despite Xun Wei's reluctance, he understood the importance of Huang Jin's comfort and respected his decision. The act of going for a haircut might seem mundane, but it symbolized their consideration and care for each other's feelings in their relationship.

After getting his shoulder-length hair cut, Huang Jin left the salon, securing his new hairdo into a ponytail. However, as he stepped outside, he noticed a sudden change in the weather. The once bright and sky-blue skies had now become overcast. The wind began to howl, causing his hair to become unruly, with some strands falling and sticking to his face. Despite the weather taking an unexpected turn, Huang Jin continued on his way, tucking the loose strands behind his ears as he navigated through the gusts of wind.

As Huang Jin stood on the side of the road, patiently waiting for the traffic light to turn red, he relished the sensation of freedom that came with his new haircut. The weight of his hair was no longer a burden, and he felt a newfound lightness in his head. The wind continued to play with his hair, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of liberation and joy as he enjoyed the simple pleasure of feeling the breeze on his freshly cut locks. With a contented smile on his face, he eagerly awaited the signal to cross the road, embracing the newfound sense of freedom that his shoulder-length hair brought him.

Jian Bao stepped out of the salon and noticed the big brother, who had earlier shared a smile with him, standing by the side of the road, gazing intently at the zebra crossing ahead. Confused, he raised an eyebrow and observed the weather, realizing that heavy rain was about to arrive. He couldn't understand why the big brother was still waiting on the road, seemingly oblivious to the impending downpour.

He noticed the big brother still standing at the zebra crossing. Although he had initially been concerned about the big brother, his mind was now focused on getting back home.

However, just as he arrived at the big brother's side, Jian Bao's attention was drawn to a familiar figure walking towards them. The person had long hair tied into a bun and was wearing a white dress with a simple design, complemented by elegant black pointed heels. In her hand, she carried an umbrella adorned with a floral pattern. As she approached, her graceful strides became more evident.

As the lady got closer, Jian Bao could see her face clearly, and to his delight, he realized that it was his beautiful sister. Overjoyed to see her, he couldn't contain his excitement at the unexpected reunion. With a beaming smile, Jian Bao called out to his sister, "Sister! What is she doing here?"

As Jian Bao enthusiastically waved to his sister, the traffic light unexpectedly malfunctioned, causing it to turn green and then red again. Ignoring the sudden change, Jian Bao excitedly ran across the zebra crossing, shouting joyfully to his sister, "Sister, I'm here!"

Upon hearing her brother's call, Sister Jian's face lit up with a smile, and she quickened her pace to meet him. However, in the next moment, her expression suddenly shifted to one of concern and alarm.

As Sister Jian got closer to Jian Bao, she noticed a car approaching the zebra crossing at high speed, seemingly ignoring the red light. Fear gripped her heart as she realized the danger her brother was in, and without a moment's hesitation, she rushed forward, trying to reach him in time.

In that heart-stopping moment, as the fast-moving red car was about to collide with Jian Bao, Sister Jian's mind struggled to catch up with the imminent danger. She was running as fast as she could, desperately shouting to her brother, "Car! Car! Ahbao!"

Jian Bao, unaware of the impending disaster, looked to the side just in time to see the car dangerously close to him. It was too late for him to react or escape from the path of the vehicle.

Time seemed to slow down as a sense of helplessness and panic gripped Sister Jian's heart. She reached out, trying to get to her brother in time, but the car was too close, and the horrifying realization of the impending impact paralyzed her momentarily. She could only hope for a miracle, praying that somehow, her brother would be safe.

As the fast-moving car approached, the shock and fear overwhelmed Sister Jian, causing her to lose her balance and fall to the ground. She was stunned by the sudden impact and felt her heart racing, her breathing becoming rapid. Her body felt weak and trembling from the overwhelming experience.

Her face turned pale from fright, and her eyes lost their usual sparkle. The terrifying moment left her in a state of shock, unable to fully comprehend what had just happened.

However, as Sister Jian glanced up, she saw a heartwarming sight that brought relief and tears to her eyes. Her brother, Jian Bao, was safe and sound, cradled in the arms of a young man wearing a white shirt. The young man had managed to whisk Jian Bao away from harm just in the nick of time.

Overwhelmed with gratitude and emotion, Sister Jian's fears started to subside, and tears streamed down her cheeks. She realized that her brother was in the care of this kind stranger who had acted swiftly to protect him from the car's impact.

With trembling hands, she reached out to her brother and the young man, her voice shaking with emotion as she managed to say, "Thank you... Thank you for saving him. Thank you." The relief of seeing her brother safe brought immense gratitude and a newfound sense of faith in the goodness of others.

Indeed, the young man who had saved Jian Bao was Huang Jin himself. As he stood at the zebra crossing, he noticed the little child, Jian Bao, approaching and stopping beside him. He saw the child turn his head and recognize someone he knew.

With a sense of foreboding, Huang Jin noticed the traffic light turning from red to green, and he feared that the child might unknowingly cross the road while the light was still red. His instincts kicked in, and without a second thought, he sprang into action.

As the child started to cross the road, oblivious to the imminent danger, Huang Jin's upgraded body reacted with lightning speed. He swiftly moved to save the child, utilizing his enhanced physical abilities to shield Jian Bao from the approaching car.

In the blink of an eye, the car sped past, its engine roaring noisily like a rocket. Thanks to Huang Jin's quick and selfless actions, the child was now safe and sound, protected from harm.

Huang Jin's heart raced with adrenaline, but he felt an overwhelming sense of relief knowing that he had successfully prevented a tragedy. He looked down at the child, making sure Jian Bao was alright. Sister Jian, who had fallen to the ground in shock, was now rushing towards her brother with concern etched on her face.

With his heart still pounding, Huang Jin gently set the child down, reassuring Sister Jian that Jian Bao was unharmed. He managed a faint smile, relieved that he had been there at the right moment to prevent a terrible accident.

Although shaken by the close call, Huang Jin couldn't help but feel grateful for his upgraded abilities, which allowed him to save Jian Bao from harm. He realized that his newfound powers came with a responsibility to protect and help others, and he was glad that he could make a difference when it mattered most.

As Huang Jin looked down at the child, relief and joy filled his heart to see that Jian Bao was safe and unharmed. He felt a fondness for the little child, grateful that he was able to protect him from harm.

Meanwhile, Sister Jian was overwhelmed with fear and emotion, tears streaming down her face as she witnessed the terrifying incident. The close call had left her shaken, and her emotions poured out as she held her brother in her arms.

Seeing his sister cry, the child, who had been dazed by the sudden danger and rescue, reacted to her emotions. Gripping tightly onto Huang Jin's arms, he jolted and his fear and distress came rushing to the surface. He clung to his sister, crying loudly, his little body trembling from the shock of the experience.

Huang Jin, understanding the impact the incident had on the child, gently released his grip, allowing Jian Bao to find comfort in his sister's embrace. He stepped back, giving them space, and observing the emotional moment with a mixture of empathy and relief.

As Sister Jian held her brother close, she comforted him with soothing words, reassuring him that everything was alright now. Huang Jin remained nearby, ready to help if needed, but giving them the privacy to process the intensity of the situation.

In this challenging moment, Huang Jin realized the significance of being there for others, not just with physical abilities but also with emotional support. His heart swelled with compassion and gratitude for the bond between siblings and the opportunity to make a difference in their lives.

Sister Jian's heart was filled with gratitude towards the young man who had saved her beloved brother's life. She looked at him, noticing the warmth in his eyes as he observed them with care and concern.

Feeling the need to express her gratitude, Sister Jian turned to the young man and said, "Thank you so much for saving my brother. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't been there.

Huang Jin smiled warmly in response to Sister Jian's words, feeling a sense of humility and happiness that he could be of help in such a critical moment. He replied, "I'm just glad I could help and relieved he's okay.

As they exchanged these words, they suddenly heard the sound of a car trying to escape. The driver who had disregarded the traffic light and nearly caused a tragedy was apparently attempting to flee the scene.

Huang Jin swiftly committed the car's license plate number to memory. Meanwhile, Sister Jian expressed her frustration and anger at the driver's attempt to escape the scene, his disregard for the traffic rules, and the potential consequences of his actions. She remarked with irritation, "What does he think he's doing? Does he believe the cameras in the community are ineffective or that he can get away with this? It's unbelievable!"

Together, they decided to take action and promptly reported the incident to the authorities, ensuring that the reckless driver would be held accountable for his dangerous behavior. They understood the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions and upholding the safety and well-being of their community.

As Sister Jian comforted Jian Bao, his crying and sobbing gradually subsided, but his tear-streaked face still reflected his emotional distress. Upon hearing his sister express gratitude to Huang Jin and invite him home, Jian Bao looked up at Huang Jin with his adorable, teary eyes and offered a small voice of thanks.

Touched by the child's pitiful gaze, Huang Jin's heart melted, and he promised to visit another day, taking the weather into careful consideration. As it was not the best time for a visit, he bid farewell to Sister Jian and the child, knowing that they would meet again in the future.

"We won't keep you any longer. Take care," Sister Jian said with a warm smile. "We hope you'll visit us whenever you have some free time." She handed Huang Jin a business card with their home address, extending a kind invitation.

Huang Jin gratefully accepted the umbrella, feeling touched by their hospitality. He thanked Sister Jian once again for her kindness and turned to continue his journey to Xun's Villa. Although he could have taken a taxi or used his enhanced speed, he chose to walk the remaining distance.

Little did they know that this unexpected meeting would mark the beginning of a special friendship and the intertwining of their lives in ways they could never have imagined.