Chapter 24 - Rest day (Rev.)

Upon Huang Jin's return, it was already late, and he brought back three cartons of takeout from a nearby restaurant. The delectable aroma that wafted from the restaurant enticed him to order the food. As he walked back home, the rain unexpectedly began to pour.

Inside the house, Huang Jin noticed Xun Wei's mother sitting on the couch, engrossed in her laptop while playing with the family dog, who was happily nibbling on a dog bone. Father Zhou sat close to his wife, and in front of them, Grandpa Zhou was engaged in a game of chess.

The family decided to take a break from their material-gathering activities, and only Xun Wei went out to the base to make the final arrangements before leaving his military career. Grandpa Zhou had reminded him that even after retiring, he would always remain a soldier of the country, and the missions he had undertaken in his profession were the reason the military didn't fully discharge him. Despite the possibility of being recalled after retirement, Xun Wei was no longer concerned about it with the impending apocalypse. His top priority was to be with Ahjin and take care of his family.

When Mother Xun heard the door open, she immediately noticed Huang Jin standing there, holding three cartons of takeout and a dripping umbrella. His hair was messy, and his clothes were damp from the rain.

Mother Xun's brow furrowed with concern, and she pursed her lips disapprovingly. "Ahjin, why are you all drenched? Why didn't you wait for the rain to subside before coming back? What if you get sick?" she admonished, expressing her worry about his well-being.

After entering the bathroom, Huang Jin discarded his wet clothes on the floor and proceeded to fill the tub with warm water. Once the tub was filled, he stepped in. The contrast between the warmth of the water and the coldness of the wind outside was evident, but the comforting sensation of the water helped him relax.

As he closed his eyes to unwind, Huang Jin became completely unaware of the passage of time, and before he knew it, he had fallen asleep in the tub. Meanwhile, Xun Wei returned home from the base, but he didn't notice Huang Jin in the living room with his parents and Grandpa Zhou.

Curious about Huang Jin's whereabouts, Xun Wei inquired, and they informed him that Huang Jin was in the room, adding that he had been there for some time. Concerned about his lover, Xun Wei decided to check on Huang Jin to ensure he was alright, especially after coming home drenched from the rain.

Upon Mother Xun's request, Aunt Hei brought a cup of hot tea for Huang Jin. Meanwhile, Xun Wei had already taken the cup of tea for himself to serve it.

As Xun Wei opened the door to their room, he didn't find Huang Jin inside but noticed the bathroom door was open. He carefully placed the cup of tea on a small desk near the bed. Peering inside the bathroom, he saw Huang Jin with his eyes closed, apparently asleep in the bathtub.

Calling out, "Ahjin?" Xun Wei received no response, confirming that Huang Jin was indeed fast asleep. Concerned for his lover, Xun Wei approached the bathtub to check on him, making sure that Huang Jin was safe and comfortable. Observing Huang Jin's peaceful slumber, Xun Wei couldn't help but feel a sense of affection and protectiveness towards him.

Xun Wei grabbed a large towel from the cabinet near the bathroom door and carefully placed the sheet in his arms before lifting Huang Jin gently. He didn't mind getting wet as he cradled Huang Jin and slowly walked out of the bathroom.

Placing Huang Jin at the top of the bed, Xun Wei proceeded to wipe his wet body with a towel. Afterward, he fetched some pajamas and dressed Huang Jin, taking care to make him comfortable. He gently arranged Huang Jin's sleeping position and allowed him to rest peacefully.

Deciding to take a bath himself, Xun Wei changed into pajamas. Once ready, he returned to Huang Jin's side and laid down beside him, watching him sleep. Feeling an overwhelming sense of affection, Xun Wei pulled Huang Jin closer into his arms and tenderly patted his back. In the process of comforting Huang Jin, Xun Wei found himself succumbing to drowsiness.

Without realizing it, Xun Wei also closed his eyes and soon fell asleep, finding solace in their shared embrace and the tranquility of the moment.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Huang Jin awoke, finding himself in bed wearing pajamas. He felt puzzled as he remembered being in the bathroom before falling asleep. However, as he turned around, the mystery was solved. Xun Wei was right beside him, peacefully asleep, holding Huang Jin in his arms. Seeing his lover's serene expression, Huang Jin couldn't help but admire Xun Wei's handsome face and felt grateful for his faithfulness.

His fingers gently traced over Xun Wei's features, from his forehead, eyes, nose bridge, to his beautiful lips. Overcome by affection, Huang Jin couldn't resist kissing and nibbling on those lips. To his surprise, he felt a playful bite on his own lips in return. Looking at Xun Wei's face, he realized that his lover had just woken up. Xun Wei smiled at Huang Jin's playful gesture, and their eyes met in an affectionate gaze.

"Hi," Huang Jin greeted softly, a smile forming on his lips.

"Ahjin," whispered Xun Wei, his voice filled with affection.

"How did you sleep?" Xun Wei asked gently, his hand softly stroking Huang Jin's arms.

"I slept well, though I didn't realize I had fallen asleep in the tub. What time did you get home?" Huang Jin inquired, feeling grateful that Xun Wei had let him rest without waking him up.

"Hmm, early. I didn't want to disturb your sleep, so I let you rest. Were you tired from your walk ? Is that why you ended up sleeping in the tub?" Xun Wei asked with concern.

"Not really, I think it's just that we've been running around collecting materials for weeks now, and I didn't realize how tired I was," Huang Jin replied, reflecting on their recent activities.

"Whenever you feel tired, make sure to take a rest. And you don't have to do everything alone. I've already contacted some people to help with collecting materials and sending them to the warehouse. As for the guns and ammunition, Grandpa Zhou will take care of them," Xun Wei reassured, wanting to ease Huang Jin's burden and ensure his well-being.

Huang Jin felt touched by Xun Wei's thoughtfulness and support.

As Xun Wei continued to gently pet Huang Jin's arm, he shared his heartfelt desire. "After the holidays, next year, let's go abroad with our family and get married. What do you think? We can set the date after buying rings and suits for both of us. And then, we can have our honeymoon in another country."

Huang Jin's heart swelled with happiness, and he couldn't help but tightly grip Xun Wei's waist, embracing him lovingly. "Okay, I love that idea," he replied with genuine excitement.

For Huang Jin, true love meant mutual trust, understanding, and respect. He believed in the strength of their bond because neither of them lied to each other, and they shared a deep sense of belief in one another. Although they each had their individual worlds, when their lives intersected, they approached each other with sincerity and trust, nurturing their relationship for the long term. This mutual respect and devotion were the foundation of their enduring love.

Huang Jin felt fearful when he revealed the truth of his rebirth to Xun Wei. He was unsure if Xun Wei would believe him, and the thought of potentially losing him again was unbearable.

Huang Jin didn't want to experience the pain and despair he felt before his death, uncertain if Huang Ren's claims about him killing Xun Wei were true. He found it hard to believe because he knew how strong Xun Wei was, being one of the top powers on the base.

However, his stepbrother, Huang Ren, intervened, driven by his greed and insatiable thirst for power. Huang Jin was caught off guard by Huang Ren's betrayal and the shocking news of Xun Wei's alleged death.

When Huang Jin first heard that Huang Ren had killed Xun Wei, he couldn't help but laugh initially. It seemed impossible to him since he knew Xun Wei was far stronger than Huang Ren. Yet, deep inside, a seed of doubt began to grow as he recalled his time imprisoned in the laboratory and the things Huang Ren had said.

Huang Jin anxiously waited for Xun Wei to come and rescue him, but as days turned into weeks, and then into a month, he couldn't keep count anymore. Fear gripped his heart because, despite desperately wanting to believe that Xun Wei was still alive, the uncertainty gnawed at him. He grappled with the conflicting emotions, hoping against hope that somehow, he would be reunited with his beloved Xun Wei again.

Each time Huang Ren cruelly insisted that Xun Wei was truly gone, hope would give way to a fiery surge of fury and hatred towards Huang Ren. Huang Jin was appalled by his stepbrother's actions and vowed to seek revenge for Xun Wei, his cherished best friend, and his father.

When Xun Wei shared the news of their upcoming marriage, Huang Jin felt immense joy. He eagerly anticipated wearing the ring proudly and announcing to the world that he was wedded to an exceptional man.

Even if it was just temporary peace for the next three years, Huang Jin wanted to seize this opportunity to find happiness and set aside all worries. He refused to let any problems overshadow the joy of their union. Amidst the uncertainties of the apocalypse, he found solace in knowing that he would always be with Xun Wei, facing whatever challenges came their way together.

In that tender moment, the bond between them grew even stronger, reaffirming the depth of their love and the comfort they found in each other's presence. Huang Jin cherished the intimacy they shared, knowing that they were not just partners but also confidants and companions in this journey through life.