Chapter 25 - Disgusting White Lotus (Rev.)


Inside the Huang Residence, life seemed to carry on as usual. Huang Jun continued to go to the company, attending meetings, and performing his duties. However, when he returned home and shared supper with the family, he could sense something different.

Huang Ai, in particular, displayed a noticeable change in her behavior. Despite him advising her not to meddle in the company affairs, she persistently tried to please him, offering signs and words that, had it not been for Huang Jin's advice, Huang Jun might have believed her intentions were genuine.

Huang Jun couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions as he navigated this delicate situation within the family. While he appreciated Huang Jin's counsel, he also wondered about the true motivations behind Huang Ai's actions. As the days passed, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the situation than met the eye.

When Huang Jin didn't come home, the family members kept asking about his whereabouts. Huang Jun decided to give them a reason, stating that Huang Jin was recovering from a health condition.

This plan was devised in consultation with his son to ensure that Huang Jin wouldn't be subjected to further questioning or investigation by Huang Ai. It also explained why Huang Jin was absent from school.

The ruse of Huang Jun's health being worse served as a cover, allowing Huang Jin to remain exempted from further scrutiny and buy them some time to handle the situation carefully.

Last week, Xun Wei made a call to Huang Jun and informed him that he had sent an email containing all the evidence regarding Huang Ai's infidelity, Huang Ren's gambling issues, and their affairs with both Huang Ai and Huang Bin. Additionally, the email included information about some of the company's directors engaging in inappropriate relationships.

Upon reviewing the report from Huang Jun's secretary, Hao Wentong, who was tasked with investigating the activities of the directors, the findings were extremely distasteful. The directors were found to be involved in multiple extramarital affairs with married individuals, painting a concerning picture of their conduct within the company.

Huang Jun was completely unaware that Huang Bin, who seemed pure and perfect on the surface, was actually just like her mother - lewd and despicable in private. Shocked by the evidence provided by Xun Wei, Huang Jun had expected to uncover Huang Ai's filthy secrets. However, to his disappointment, the evidence also revealed Huang Bin's similar inclinations of engaging in relationships with married men.

Initially, Huang Jun had thought he might need to intervene and help Huang Bin, hoping to prevent her from following the same path as her mother. However, to his surprise, it became evident that Huang Bin's actions mirrored those of her mother, and he realized he didn't need to do anything at all as she was already deeply entrenched in her immoral conduct.

Chen Ai first caught Huang Jun's eye at a gathering of companies in A City, where she worked as a secretary for a small corporation. He was immediately struck by her elegant simplicity, dressed in a black whole dress with a modest design and three-inch heels. Her demeanor was refreshing, and he found himself instantly drawn to her.

Following that evening, they decided to meet again, and as they spent more time together, Huang Jun's feelings deepened, eventually falling in love once more. Initially, his reason for pursuing a relationship with her was to find a mother figure for his son, but as their connection grew stronger, his emotions evolved into genuine affection and attraction.

After two years of being together, Huang Jun and Huang Ai formerly know as Chen Ai decided to get married. Huang Jun knew at that time that Chen Ai had a daughter and a stepson, and he admired her decision to adopt the stepson even when she was single. It was one of the reasons he believed she would make a good mother.

Chen Ai was sweet and elegant in front of Huang Jun. She always reminded him to take care of his health and not to work too hard, and she frequently asked about Huang Jin and how he was doing. However, Huang Jin didn't take the news of his father's marriage well. Huang Jun didn't seem to consider his son's feelings eabout the marriage at the time.

After they got married, Chen Ai, her daughter, and her stepson moved in with Huang Jun and Huang Jin. Initially, Huang Jin tried to adjust to the new living situation.

Huang Jun thought everything was going well, but one night he saw Chen Ai doing something that made him uneasy or concerned.

That night, Huang Jun witnessed Huang Ren kissing Huang Ai. As he was about to question Huang Ren, he noticed Huang Ai pushing him away. Believing everything was fine and trusting Huang Ai, he didn't pay much attention to the incident, as he knew she wasn't that kind of woman.

However, he didn't realize that Huang Jin had seen what happened. The next day, Huang Jin confronted him and revealed that Huang Ai had relationships with both Huang Ren and one of the directors at the company.

Learning the truth, Huang Jun felt a mix of anger, disgust, and deep disappointment towards Huang Ai and her children. He couldn't bear her affectionate gestures and kisses, finding them insincere and manipulative. Though he played along with her deceit, he secretly planned to get revenge before the apocalypse arrived, a time when he believed he would have the chance to confront her.



December arrived in the blink of an eye, bringing with it dry and cold weather. As Huang Jin observed the plants and flowers freezing from the chilly winds, he couldn't help but bundle up in a down coat jacket and a thick wool sweater. Despite the changes his body underwent due to the water inside his dimension, he still felt the need to keep warm in the cold winter.

Over the past months, Huang Jin and Xun Wei have been busy traveling between A City and N City. They have been closely monitoring and managing the development of the base, diligently accumulating supplies, and establishing connections with various companies to acquire the necessary materials and equipment required for the home base.

The couple decided to celebrate Christmas and New Year with Xun Wei's family, and Huang Jun was also invited to join them. Huang Jun wanted to be with his son during the holidays, so he informed Huang Ai that he would spend those days with Huang Jin. However, Huang Ai tried to prevent him from going and made various excuses, claiming it was their first year as a married couple to celebrate the holidays together.

Huang Jin and Xun Wei's mother took the opportunity to go shopping while the mall was still less crowded. As they arrived at the shopping mall, Huang Jin noticed the festive atmosphere with ladies, teens, and fathers busy buying gifts and decorations. The festive mood rubbed off on Xun Wei's mother, and she excitedly pulled Huang Jin's arms, leading him to a high-end clothing shop.

The shop exuded an air of elegance, and it was clear that its clientele came from affluent families. At the entrance, a professional and alluring assistant stood, her eyes catching sight of a man and a woman approaching the shop. The man donned a black down jacket, a woolen long-sleeve shirt with a grey scarf elegantly draped around his neck, complemented by black jeans and ankle snow boots. Beside him, the woman wore a peach cheongsam-style thick woolen long-sleeve dress, adding to the overall grace of their appearance.

Both exuded simplicity and elegance, their every step and movement indicating their upper-class background.

The assistant couldn't contain her excitement as the man approached, realizing that he was not only handsome but also wealthy. She saw an opportunity to improve her life by seducing him. However, Huang Jin remained oblivious to the glint in the girl's eyes, and even if he noticed, he simply didn't care.

The girl was extremely eager to greet them, especially Huang Jin, and she made an effort to catch his attention.

"Welcome!" she greeted them enthusiastically.

Both Huang Jin and Xun Ruan only nodded in response as they heard other employees greeting them. Xun Ruan then guided Huang Jin to a nearby sofa to take a seat.

As they settled down, she informed Huang Jin, "I told Ahwei to meet us here. He's been quite busy these days."

"I know, Mom. He already told me. He said he's on the way," Huang Jin replied while busily fiddling with his phone.

'Where are you?' Huang Jin furiously typed, demanding to know Xun Wei's whereabouts.

He saw the words Ahwei is typing.

'I'm coming,' As Xun Wei typed back, he tried to suppress his laughter, amused by the situation.

'Seriously, your mom is trying to kill me with embarrassment!!' Huang Jin tried to sound nonchalant, but inside, he felt like a crazy rabbit bouncing up and down.

'I know, I know, I'm sorry, baby...' Xun Wei was apologetic about Ahjin's situation.

'Do you know she ordered a box of T-back! T-back, Xunwei!'

Seeing Xun Wei taking longer to reply to his words, Huang Jin realized that Xun Wei already knew his mother's habit of buying underwear for them.

'You knew!! You shameless man! So that's why you didn't come with us!' Huang Jin scolded Xun Wei.

'I'm sorry, baby, I didn't mean to...' Xun Wei apologized, trying not to laugh.

'Shameless!... I don't know you!'

Huang Jin didn't bother replying to Xun Wei's messages as he saw Xun Ruan talking with the sales lady.

'I'm coming, okay? Wait for me.'

Xun Wei's messages continued, calling Huang Jin "baby" and "honey," while he was preparing to face the consequences of his mother's actions.

Before Mom told them that they were going shopping, Xun Wei already had a feeling that she would purchase that kind of underwear again. The first time she did it, Xun Wei tried to tell his mom that she didn't need to buy them for him. However, she didn't believe him, and every time she went shopping, she would drag Xun Wei along. If Xun Ruan couldn't find her son, she would look for her husband instead.

Whenever Mom invites them to go shopping for that kind of underwear, they always come up with excuses not to go. Xun Wei still finds it mentally exhausting every time. He loves his mom dearly, but buying her boxes of that underwear is something he truly dislikes. He's an adult, for God's sake!

So when Huang Jin messages him, he knows he's in for his wrath. He feels a shiver run down his spine, sensing that something terrible is going to happen.

'Honey, I'm coming!!' Xun Wei quickly responds, preparing himself for the inevitable confrontation.