Chapter 26 - Ambitious (Rev.)

Huang Jin's face turned red when he heard Xun Wei's mother ordering the assistant to bring out the boxes of T-back. He furiously typed on his cellphone while Xun Ruan was instructing the assistant to bring more clothes in their sizes.

Although Huang Jin's face showed no emotion, deep inside, he wanted to dig a hole and bury himself in embarrassment. When he turned, he noticed the assistant trying to flirt with him, suggesting various items to Mother Xun, who was listening intently.

The short-haired assistant considered warning her co-worker about being too close to the customer, as she knew it could lead to a reprimand from the manager. However, the girl seemed too engrossed in impressing Mother Xun to pay any attention.

Huang Jin observed the girl's actions and behavior towards Mother Xun. He found it amusing because it was clear why the girl was acting this way. If Xun Wei were to witness the girl's attempts to flirt with Huang Jin, he knew he would be faced being drown in Xun Wei's jealousy.

Huang Jin shifted into a more relaxed position as he watched Mother Xun busily choosing clothes. She then called him over, asking him to try on some of the clothes she had picked out.

"Ahjin, come here and try these on. I think they will look great on you," Mother Xun said.

Huang Jin stood up and took the clothes from her, ready to give them a try.

The short-haired girl led Huang Jin to a changing room. He opened the door and entered, proceeding to remove his clothes and try on the new ones. He settled into a fitted grey turtleneck long-sleeve sweater and ripped black jeans that hugged his thighs comfortably.

Feeling satisfied with the outfit, Huang Jin stepped outside to show Mother Xun. The assistant noticed him and gave him a thumbs-up gesture. Huang Jin smiled and thanked her for the clothes.

Mother Xun's eyes sparkled with delight as she saw Huang Jin wearing the clothes. "You see, I have a great taste when it comes to clothes. Very good," she praised him before instructing the assistant to prepare multiple sets in various colors.

The bun-haired assistant eagerly took the other jeans and began gathering them in different hues. She was pleased to fulfill Mother Xun's order, feeling like a dutiful daughter-in-law. As she passed by Huang Jin with the clothes, she flashed him a beautiful smile, almost resembling that of a lovestruck fiancée.

Huang Jin's smile was friendly, but he didn't pay much attention to the girl's attempts at flirting. Unbeknownst to her, Huang Jin's heart was already taken by a certain man, and he had no interest in pursuing any other romantic connections.

As the girl continued with her actions, little did she know that her attempts were in vain, for Huang Jin's heart belonged solely to Xun Wei, and nothing could sway his unwavering love and commitment to him.

As the girl returned with the jeans, she suddenly heard the bell at the entrance ring. As the girl turned to look at the entrance, her eyes widened in awe at the sight of the perfect-looking man who had just walked in. His tall and well-built figure exuded confidence, and his jet-black long hair tied in a ponytail added an air of mystery to his appearance.

The icy gaze from his sharp-featured face seemed to pierce through anyone who dared to meet his eyes. He was dressed in a stylish outfit, with black fitted jeans and a simple sweater layered with a collared shirt underneath, all topped with a long black winter coat that added an aura of sophistication. His winter boots completed the polished look, making him the epitome of elegance and charm.

The moment the girl saw the newcomer, her eyes widened, and her heart skipped a beat. The man's striking appearance was enough to leave anyone captivated. She couldn't help but be drawn to him, as if he had an irresistible magnetism surrounding him.

The girl couldn't help but be mesmerized by his presence, feeling a mix of admiration and curiosity about the man who seemed to exude such an air of power and allure.

Unbeknownst to her, the newcomer was none other than Xun Wei, Huang Jin's beloved partner. He exuded an aura of confidence and power, and his icy gaze held a sense of authority that demanded respect.

As Xun Wei entered the shop, his eyes scanned the area until they landed on Huang Jin. A small smile formed on his lips as he approached his lover, unable to contain his fondness for him.

The girl couldn't help but hold her breath when she saw the handsome man enter the shop. The first man was undoubtedly good-looking, but the second man exuded an aura of danger and wealth, making him even more enticing.

All thoughts of seducing Huang Jin vanished from the girl's mind as she was drawn to the dangerous man. Their eyes met, and she felt a rush of excitement in her veins. Forgetting about the clothes in her hands, she quickly handed them to her co-worker and confidently approached the man, oozing with seduction.

But before she could greet him, the man headed straight to the mother and son. She witnessed the man kissing the cheeks of the lady and kissed the long haired man on lips and engaging in passionate displays of affection.

Her soul felt like it wanted to escape from witnessing such intimate moments. Her face turned red from a mix of disgust and envy. She yearned to separate the man from the woman she viewed negatively and make her own move, but she quickly realized that the man in question didn't care about her feelings at all.

The girl watched the interaction between the two men, her heart sinking with disappointment as she realized that the handsome man she hoped to impress was already taken by someone else.

The assistant who witnessed her co-worker's behavior, acting in a provocative and inappropriate manner, could only shake her head in disappointment.


The man was Xun Wei, and as he glanced at the girl, he quickly turned his attention to Huang Jin, who was standing in front of his mother on the sofa. Huang Jin noticed Xun Wei's arrival and saw his shameless lover, causing his ears to turn red. He didn't bother greeting Xun Wei, feeling a mix of embarrassment and affection.

Xun Wei noticed Huang Jin's blushing ears and couldn't help but smirk, tempted to bite and lick them playfully until he heard Huang Jin moan with pleasure. However, they were in a public place, so he restrained himself.

He greeted his mother with a kiss on the cheeks and asked if she had chosen something for him too. Then, his eyes traveled over Huang Jin's body, and he smiled, looking pleased. With a loving impulse, he leaned in and kissed Huang Jin's lips, gently biting them affectionately.

He continued to hold onto Huang Jin's lips until he felt a response from him. Xun Wei was not disappointed as he sensed Huang Jin's lips starting to move and reciprocate the kiss. They engaged in a passionate French kiss, savoring each other's taste. When their lips finally parted, Xun Wei smirked and whispered, "Thanks for the meal."

"Shameless!!" Huang Jin said, feeling a mix of annoyance and happiness at Xun Wei's behavior. He couldn't deny that he missed this cheeky man a lot. The couple then heard a giggle from Mother Xun, who was trying to hold back her laughter. Huang Jin blushed and playfully slapped Xun Wei's arm.

Xun Wei playfully pulled Huang Jin to sit beside Mother Xun on the sofa, continuing to bother him and act cute without a care for their surroundings. Huang Jin found himself helpless against Xun Wei's antics, so he decided to just let it be and enjoy the moment.

A/n: Let's name the girl Ambi, short for Ambitious because it's very tiring just calling the girl and Ambi sounds like a fitting name for her! 😄

Ambi couldn't understand why the man didn't seem to pay any attention to her attempts at seduction. She sashayed towards them, trying to disturb the intimate scene between Xun Wei and Huang Jin, and desperately seeking the handsome man's attention. However, no matter what she did, the man didn't even bother to turn his head in her direction. It was as if she didn't even exist in his world.

Ambi snorted in frustration, refusing to believe that she couldn't seduce the man. She continued to sashay towards them, determined to disturb the intimate scene and get the attention of the handsome man. However, no matter how persistent she was, the man remained unaffected and didn't even bother to turn his head.

Ambi's persistence annoyed Xun Wei even more. He decided to speak more firmly to make her understand.

"I said stop," Xun Wei's voice became stern, and his icy eyes fixed on Ambi. "My lover is right here, and I don't appreciate your behavior. It's disrespectful and rude. Please leave us alone."

However, Ambi continued to ignore his words and acted as if she couldn't hear him. Her desperate attempts to seduce the handsome man persisted, causing further irritation to Xun Wei and making Huang Jin feel uncomfortable.

Xun Wei took a deep breath and spoke in a cold tone: "You," he turned and addressed the other assistant who was standing behind Ambi.

"Call the manager. I need to speak to him immediately."

The short-haired girl nodded and hurriedly went to another room to call her superior. When the manager arrived, he had no idea that he would be facing Xun Wei's icy expression.

"Da Meng, I had no idea that your assistant would be so incompetent. Do I need to give you specific instructions on how to handle your staff?" scolded Xun Wei.

Da Meng, the manager, was shocked to see his boss standing there, and his brows furrowed as he listened to Xun Wei's words. He turned his gaze to the assistant in question, and his body filled with anger at her behavior.

"What are you doing, Ambi? Are you trying to bring shame to this shop? How many times have I warned you about the rules? I have already told you not to flirt with or seduce the customers, but you keep ignoring my instructions," scolded Da Meng.

He saw Ambi's face turn pale, and he felt annoyed by her behavior. Da Meng turned to Xun Wei and assured him, "Don't worry, boss. I will make sure to fire her. I've given her enough chances to change and do her job properly, but she always agrees and then fails to follow through."

"Does she think she's so beautiful that she can seduce any customer and live a luxurious life?" Xun Wei asked, his handsome face turning towards Ambi. "Are you serious?"

Ambi's face turned ashen and then red, her body flinching in embarrassment. She wanted to refute his words, but deep down, she knew they were true.

Huang Jin remained silent and focused on calming Xun Wei's mood. He gently patted Xun Wei's back, trying to soothe his emotions.

"I observed her behavior, and she was shamelessly trying to seduce me right in front of my lover. I don't want to see her face in this shop ever again. Do you understand, Da Meng?" Xun Wei said, his tone firm, as he continued to kiss and comfort his annoyed Huang Jin.

"Yes, Boss," Da Meng turned to Ambi and delivered the verdict: "Pack your things and don't bother to come back tomorrow. I've given you numerous chances, but you've ignored them all. Don't blame me for this; blame yourself for your greed."