Chapter 28 - Jian Bao (2) (Rev.)

Upon hearing what the child was telling Huang Jin, Xun Wei noticed the damaged gift box, wet from the snow and thrown aside in anger. He immediately picked it up, trying his best to fix the box as much as he could.

Xun Wei had seen the little boy from the next street on several occasions when he went jogging or took a stroll with Cray in the community.

Xun Wei frequently spotted the child playing alone at the playground, carrying a bucket and a spade, engrossed in creating sandcastles. Whenever the child caught sight of Xun Wei with Cray, he would rush over to them, happily pet Cray's head, and share a warm smile and laughter. Despite the child's cheerful demeanor, Xun Wei couldn't help but sense a tinge of loneliness within him.

Consequently, whenever Xun Wei ventured outside, he made it a point to carry candies and snacks with him. He would join the child in playing at the playground and offer him treats, inviting him to come home and share a meal together. However, the child would politely decline, expressing concern about his father's reaction. Not wanting to cause any trouble, Xun Wei would respect the child's decision and simply urge him to return home early.

Xun Wei had been preoccupied with gathering materials and making preparations, causing him to momentarily forget about the child. However, witnessing the child's tears and hearing his heartbreaking story reignited his anger towards the father.

Huang Jin listened intently to the child's narrative, his own eyes welling up with tears as he couldn't bear to see the child so sad and distressed. The child's eyes became even puffier from crying, and Huang Jin's heart ached witnessing his pain and sorrow.

Xun Wei, on the other hand, was growing angrier by the minute as he learned about the child's mistreatment at the hands of his father. The sight of Jian Bao in such distress ignited a protective fury within him.

Huang Jin felt a strong desire to console and comfort the child. He couldn't understand why the father constantly neglected and humiliated his own son. There was no need for the father to use hurtful words, as it would leave lasting scars on the child's young mind. From the child's account of the situation, Huang Jin began to suspect that the child his father was holding might be his son from another woman. This realization made him even angrier, as it showed the father's irresponsibility and lack of care for his children.

"Don't cry, okay? Would you like to come home with us? We can stay at home and have a delicious meal together," Huang Jin gently said, comforting the child by patting his back.

"I can also call your sister once we're home. I have her phone number. Would you like that?" Huang Jin continued, trying to provide some warmth and comfort to the child in the chilly weather.

Upon hearing his sister's name, the child nodded in agreement. Xun Wei gently lifted the child from Huang Jin's lap, helping him stand up from the snowy ground. He then patted the child's wet and dirty pants to brush off the snow.

Xun Wei cradled the child in his arms, while he handed the ruined box to Huang Jin to hold. "It's freezing out here, Ahbao. Let's go to my family's home first, okay? You hate the cold, right? I remember you told me that. Cray is also there, and you can play with him and eat lots of sweets," Xun Wei coaxed.

The child simply nodded in response, burying his chubby cheeks against Xun Wei's neck and holding him tightly with both arms. As they reached the car, Huang Jin opened the back door and gently took the child from Xun Wei's arms, settling him beside himself. Mother Xun took the front passenger seat, while Xun Wei got behind the wheel and drove them home.

When the car pulled up in front of the villa, they all got out. Mother Xun and Xun Wei carried the shopping bags filled with clothes, while Huang Jin cradled Jian Bao, who had dozed off in his arms.

Jian Bao had fallen asleep on the way from the shopping mall to the villa and remained soundly asleep even after they arrived.

Mother Xun mentioned that she would head upstairs to change her clothes before joining them downstairs.

Huang Jin carefully laid Jian Bao on the sofa in the living room and gently covered him with a blanket. After making sure the child was comfortable, he retrieved a calling card from his dimensional space and dialed the number written on it.

Seated next to Huang Jin, Xun Wei embraced him while they waited for the call to connect. Huang Jin relayed the situation to Jian Bao's sister, explaining that they had found him crying and cold in the mall's parking lot. He recounted everything the child had told them, sharing how Jian Bao's father had treated him. The sister became increasingly furious upon hearing the details and demanded more information about her brother's well-being. Huang Jin assured her that they would take care of Jian Bao and keep him safe until she arrived.

Jian Bao's sister requested if her brother could stay with them for a while, as she was currently working in another country and needed to fulfill her job commitments before returning. She expressed her concern for her brother's well-being and firmly stated her decision to take custody away from their irresponsible father. She assured Huang Jin that she would make all the necessary arrangements as soon as she could and thanked them for looking after Jian Bao in the meantime.

Huang Jin glanced at Xun Wei while still on the phone, seeking his approval to invite Jian Bao to stay with them for Christmas and New Year. When Xun Wei nodded in agreement, Huang Jin conveyed the message to Jian Bao's sister, informing her that she could find him at the Xun's Villa. After a brief conversation, they ended the call.

As Huang Jin looked at the peacefully sleeping child, a deep sigh escaped his lips. "I can't help but feel sad for Ahbao, a child whose father doesn't even care if he freezes in this weather."

"He's a good child, and we'll take care of him during the holiday. You don't have to worry," reassured Xun Wei. "If you want, I can request the CCTV footage from the mall and speak to the witnesses who saw what happened. It's clear that his father's actions were unacceptable, and it's in our human nature to help a little boy in need. He deserves better than a father who would leave him at the mall and act so cruelly."

Huang Jin nodded, finding comfort in Xun Wei's words, knowing that they would do their best to ensure the child's well-being during his stay with them.

"Hmmm..." Xun Wei looked down at Huang Jin, his handsome face showing concern. He gently stroked his cheek and placed a loving kiss on his forehead.

The couple spent the rest of the day in the living room after Mother Huang joined them, having changed her clothes. They eagerly waited for dinner, enjoying each other's company and cherishing the warmth of being together.


Little Ahbao stirred from the voices softly whispering around him. His drowsy eyes struggled to open, and he felt a wet sensation on his fingers. With great effort, he managed to blink away the sleepiness and found himself surrounded by people.

His eyes widened in surprise, revealing orbs of rich, rusty chocolate color. He turned his head and saw the friendly dog Cray, trying to nuzzle his fingers with its wet nose, which made him giggle happily.

The kind big brother who had rescued him was seated at the end of the sofa, and he spotted Big Brother Xun Wei sitting beside the him. He also saw the Auntie and Uncle who always gave him sweets and Grandpa Zhou, who often strolled around the community.

When Jian Bao noticed everyone watching him, his little face flushed with embarrassment. He attempted to speak, but nervousness had left his mouth dry. His heart raced, hoping that the people around him wouldn't hear the rapid thumping in his chest.

Perhaps sensing Jian Bao's unease, the dog approached and gently licked the child's hand. Gradually, his heart started to calm down.

Huang Jin observed Jian Bao's anxiety, hearing his heart beating loudly. "It's okay, how are you feeling?" he asked gently.

"I'm okay," Jian Bao replied, but he seemed to be searching for something, feeling a bit down when he couldn't find it.

Xun Wei noticed and picked up a box from the table next to him, handing it to Jian Bao. "Is this what you're looking for?" he asked.

Jian Bao's troubled expression transformed into delight as he saw the birthday gift for his sister, Jian. "Thank you very much," he said, trying to fix the box despite its poor appearance. His eyes welled up with tears, recalling how his father had callously thrown away the box. He bit his lip, trying to hold back his emotions.

Observing the child's distress, Xun Wei decided to share some information about his sister with him. As Jian Bao listened to Xun Wei's words, his tiny brows furrowed in thought. After hesitating for a moment and contemplating what he had heard, the boy eventually nodded, as if he had come to a decision on his own.

"Big Brother, can I call my sister just to be sure? It's not that I don't believe you," Jian Bao said, nodding his head vigorously to assure them that he didn't doubt their words. "It's just that my sister always tells me to be careful and double-check."

Xun Wei couldn't help but burst into laughter at the boy's behavior, his chuckles filling the room. Huang Jin's lips also twitched with amusement.

The child's chubby face turned even redder from Xun Wei's laughter, feeling a bit embarrassed. However, his parents and grandfather found his expression amusing and couldn't help but smile at his cleverness.

"Don't worry, we're not kidding. Here, I'll give you my phone so you can call your big sister Jian," Xun Wei said, handing his phone to the child.

Jian Bao then dialed his sister's number, his little fingers carefully pressing the buttons. As he spoke with his sister on the phone, he listened attentively, nodding his head and occasionally saying "en" in response to her words. The adults in the living room simply listened to the child's conversation with his sister, creating a warm and comfortable atmosphere.