September 9, 20XX.
12:15 pm. As the bell rang, I stepped into a dark classroom, Ms.Sanders classroom, with the only source of light is coming from the board. "What are we doing today for class?" I asked Mrs.Sanders while heading to my assigned seat, far back to the right of the rolls of desks. Lined up perfectly like a military army in perfect formation. "We're watching a movie, since the internet is down for some reason." She responded, sounding confused as I sat down in my seat. When she walked out of the classroom, more students started to fill into the room one by one. As though the students were sand getting poured into a box. Out of exhaustion, I sigh in relief and crossed my right leg over my left, and folded my arms just the same. Soon after, I closed my eyes and tilted my head downwards, almost going into my thighs. My brown curly afro like hair covered my face and my squared black glasses along with the light brown freckles on my brown, smooth skin. The room started to get filled with endless laughter and talking of freshman students. I just sat quietly in my seat, trying to get the energy I needed to continue on with the day.
I opened my eyes as the last bell rang the hallways, signaling students to get to their classes. Ms. Sanders soon returns to the classroom, her domain filled with the aspects of science and knowledge. While Ms. Sanders explains the plans of today's class, I drift off to my own world but to only be pulled back to the soul sucking reality of school and more classes by one person. Which so happens to be one of my partners in my group. "Jordan. What are we doing?" Sean whispered in my right ear, as he sat down in the chair left of me and as the movie played. "We're watching a movie, since the internet is out today." I responded, as I looked into his light brown eyes and as he looked into mine. He nodded his head and turned to face the board and I do the same. I uncrossed my arms but not my legs, I sat in my own silence and started to draw out of boredom. I looked over to my left to search for a new subject to draw. I started to draw a classmate, as he rested his face onto his left arm. I studied the way his body slumped over onto his desk, his short, but long, jet-black hair slumped over his arm and face. Covering the hidden freckles and dimples on his face. The way his ruffled red jacket covered his body, as though it were a blanket.
Suddenly, I felt the ground under my feet shake and heard a rumbling noise. I looked up and the board was now moving too. "Why's the ground shaking?" I asked, looking for answers I desperately needed.Before Ms.Sanders could ease her students, the classroom started to shake uncontrollably. "Everyone get over to the right side of the classroom. Sit as close as possible to the walls and cover your head." Ms. Sanders demanded her class, fearing for their safety. Everyone followed Ms.Sanders orders and ran towards the pearl white walls. I sat in the corner of the room perfectly still, as I watched my classmates and my teacher scramble to find seats near each other. I looked around and saw how frightened everyone was.
Papers started to fly off the desks and shelves. Pictures that once hung up on the white walls, now started to float to the ground like snowflakes in winter. Boxes filled with science equipment, fell off shelves and made a terrible noise that scared all of us. I turned my head to my right and saw the brown wooden cabinet starting to shake as well. Without a second to think, I ran by the feet of my classmates and put my hands onto the cabinet as it almost fell onto a group of girls. My eyes started to change into a lightning blue and my hair started to grow longer, all the way to the edge of my back. I started to levitate as my hair started to change out of a brown and into a silver white color. "Oh, no." I said in a defeated tone, as I held my head down while still holding the cabinet. I brushed my hair behind my ears with my left hand. As I did, could feel my classmates confused eyes starting to stare at me, as though there stares were burning holes into every part of my body. I knew my mom would kill me when she found out I used my powers in school, which are forbidden in every way possible. With every shake and rumble, I stayed calm as I held the cabinet and watched over my class. Every second that passed, it felt as though I could lose my grip on the cabinet and it could fall onto the girls that sat below me.
Somehow I found the courage to turn around and look at my class. Some were in shock that the "Quiet Girl" of the class was something that they had never seen before. Others were interested in my eyes, my hair, my power. But they all had a little bit of fear and amazement in their eyes, as they looked into mine. Suddenly, the shaking stopped in mid-motion. I broke away from the frightened eyes that my classmates held inside. I decided to transform back to my original self, so they could be more at ease instead of frightened at the sight of my true self, my real identity.
I changed back to my original self but one thing stayed, my long silver hair. I didn't really like my silver hair, mostly because it was long and way harder to keep off the ground. I turned around and saw my class stares at me with big smiles on their faces. "What are you?", "How did you do that.", "Are you even human?", questions started to shoot out towards me like bees trying to sting me. Though I never got stung by a bee. "Somebody, please help me!" the screams of a girl, begging for help, could be heard bouncing off the walls. We all ran towards the brown wooden door that acted as a doorway stopping us from getting to the hallways and keeping us in. I pushed the door, "It's stuck. We all need to push if we wanna get out. Or you can stay in here, doesn't matter to me." "Why don't you use your power, or something." "I'm not wasting anymore power, just because you don't wanna help." I said in an annoyed tone, as I argued with Aiden, my classmate. "Well?" I asked as I looked into eyes, as he accepted defeat. I turned and faced the door and counted, "One, two three!" We all slammed onto the door, pushing with all our might to be freed from the door that kept us in like lions in a cage. Scratching the door to be freed.
Every time we pushed, the door creaked open little by little. I grew tired and used my powers to help a little bit more. As I did, my hair started to glow and float in the air, as though someone is playing in my hair above me. My hair change again rapidly, changing from silver to a pure gold color. Everyone behind me started to move backwards as they heard the grunting from my teeth. A pure white beaning light started to form around my hands as I pushed harder and harder. "One.Last.Push." I said as I pushed tried my hardest to crack open the door. Then the door made a loud pop sound, as dirt and dust fall onto of me along with the first 3 ceiling tops. I quickly catch them and laid them down easy onto the floor. I looked behind me, "Let's go." I said to my class, as they looked at me with an unbelievable feeling they had in every part of their body. I sensed I left them with cold shivers traveling through out their spines, It almost made me smile but I stopped myself. Not wanting to break the cold atmosphere I left in my tracks.
As I turned my head, I saw the girl laying on the floor by the nearest classroom door. Tears fell from her brown baby-like eyes, as she clinched onto her legs, wishing that she'd be okay. I ran over to her, "Are you okay? Your not hurt anywhere are you?" I asked as I was kneeling over by her side, ready help her escape the 600 building. "I'm fine I'm not hurt. Just a few scratches is all." I sigh in relief. "Why is your hair that color? I thought it was brown." She asked in confusion. "Long story." I said, not wanting to explain myself any longer. I help her stand up and asked my class to wait next to our classroom door but not to go back into the room. I head into the nearest classroom to free the students, and teachers. When I opened the door, I saw a class in the corner. The teacher was protecting his students by shielding them with his body. As I walked into the dark classroom with flickering lights, my eyes and my hair started to light up the room. As I walked, shades of blue and silver lit up the room like flashlights. You could see the colors, from my eyes and hair, coming from miles in the dark. When I reached the students and their teacher, I looked down upon them. The teacher stood up and asked me, "Are we safe yet?". I turned my back and lead the class to the hallway without answering him. I visited every classroom and one by one and I lead more and more people to the safe area. When we all got into the safe area, I turned around and faced everyone in my sight and I finally said, "Trust me on this. This Is not over yet. It's just the beginning."
~Hey guys. So this is my first novel I've ever written and published, and it would be helpful if I got some feedback from you guys. Do you think it's a good start, bad start? Should I continue this story? Or you could tell me if you found it interesting. If you did, could you tell me which part is your favorite?