Flickering lights shot sparks into the air like fireworks on the 4th of July. Broken shards of glass and joyful pictures laid on the floor like a crime scene. When I stopped and picked up a picture, everyone continued to walk. As I looked at the picture, I saw the smiles of students with red and black stripes of paint on their faces. The more I stared at the picture, I started to remember the smiles on everyone's faces, the good times this school had. I looked at more pictures, every one that I looked at brought a tragic pain to my heart. "Look!", someone screamed, I took every picture I could and put them in my backpack. I rushed over to the door, pushing through the crowd filled with students and teachers. When I got to the red doors, I pushed them wide open. What I saw brought me to my knees and took my breath away.
A massive crack that stretched all the way to the lunch tables, was splitting the school in half. The massive crack ruined the perfect flowers that once stood beautifully in front of the buildings, and almost taking the sidewalk in front of the building as well. Everyone screamed in fear. The massive crack in the ground looked to be miles deep into the Earth. I could drop a coin down into crack and I'd never see it again. Nor would I ever hear it drop to the very surface the crack was sitting on. "What are we gonna do?", "How are we gonna get home?" Questions were thrown at me without hesitation. "How am I gonna protect these people? How am I gonna lead these people to safety? How?" I thought to myself in a worried tone. Their questions and mine brought more stress and pressure onto me. Everyone was looking at me, with more fear in their eyes than before. I stood up on my feet and I took a deep breath in through my nose and out through my mouth. It calmed me, now I was hoping I was gonna be able to calm them.
"Everyone, calm down." I said with a calming but stressed voice. Everyone turned and faced each other, asking question after question. Crying could be heard from confused people in distraught. "Quiet!'" I screamed at the top of my lungs while slowly levitating higher and higher in the air, wind following the echoing of my voice towards the ocean of students and teachers. "Look, I know your scared." I paused, "But we can just follow the side of crack we're on, until it stops at the lunch tables and go into the football field until we find somewhere else to go. Look, It's not safe here and we need to leave as soon as possible. But before we do that, we need to get everyone into the football field where it's safe and work out a plan." I looked down into everyone's eyes, I saw how the fear left their souls and, bravery came into them proudly. Everyone started to stand up straight without a drop of fear left in them and cheer for one another. Smiles brighten the room once again, and loud cheers could be heard echoing through the town of Yellow Stones. "Okay, now I need everyone to just stay as close as you possibly can to the building and on the sidewalks, okay? I'm not sure the sidewalk is very stable to walk on normally and I'm not going to risk that chance either. About 2 people every 5 seconds, exactly. I need the smallest people first." I floated back down to the ground like a bee landing on a sunflower. As my right foot touched the ground, a big smile spread across my face while dimples appeared on the sides. I turned around and faced the outdoors, I took the first step out to the new chapter in my life, in our lives.
As I stood on the sidewalk, my silver hair and checkered-buttoned shirt blew in the wind, like feathers on a bird flying in the sky. I looked down and saw I accidentally ripped my favorite pair of jeans. "I just got these." I sigh in defeat and closed my eyes, $25 wasted. I turned and faced everyone, I began to lead them to the lunch tables and open space near the field. "Two by two, every 5 seconds" I quietly whispered to myself. I followed that exact order until I saw that some students were starting to get impatient and cut in front of people in line in secret. Trying to avoid being noticed by me. I rolled my eyes in the back of my head and pin-pointed the students that were disturbing my order. I quickly put up an invisible barrier to keep everyone in and safe before the students ran to the open space and out the doors towards me. As they started to run towards the open doors, I said, "I wouldn't do that If I were you." They ignored my warning, of course, and slammed their faces right on the barrier and fell onto the floor. The girls complained about their faces and makeup ruined, while the boys just sat and grunted, touching their faces for fractured bones.
"I tried to stop you. If you were willing to ignore my orders, then I knew you were willing to put these peoples' lives in danger." As they looked up to me, they were frightened by the sight of my eyes no longer there, nothing but white space replaced my eyes. White and blue lightning suddenly started to appear over my head and shoulders and into my eyes. "I can sense you are scared of me, no. Frightened of me. Why? You were not this scared when you wanted to disturb my plan to lead these people to safety." I said furiously, you could hear the disturbed peace go out of my mouth. My disturbed peace turned in fear and went into the students. Nothing but silent filled the air. I sighed, realizing I should worry about getting everyone to safety first. "I will deal with all of you later, now I need to get everyone over into the football field." My eyes returned to their original places and the lightning started to disappear. "I just ask one thing from you guys, all of you. Think before you act, because you just may cost someone else their life." I removed the barrier and let the students cross, only two at a time.
Everything went smoothly almost perfectly in order again. I had two groups of 4 left until I heard the screams again. I quickly turned around and saw a very big group of people standing on the outskirts of the building, next to the 500 building that's connected to the cafeteria. I turned around and looked down, "You two go now! And you two, count to 10 and then go or you will suffer consequences. " I ordered. I turned around and flew towards the building. I screamed at the top of my lungs, "Stop. I need everyone of you to go through the cafeteria and out through the side door, leading to the lunch tables. Now!" They all followed my orders exactly. "AHHHHHhhhhh." A girl screamed. I turned around and saw a girl hang for her life. I flew quickly towards her and as I got closer, I sniffed in her sent. I could tell she was going to fall, so I flew faster. As I got near her, she lost her grip and fell into the massive dark crack but I wasn't going to give up. I flew down deeper and deeper as her screams got louder. "Almost...." I said, as I got closer to her. As I got deeper into the massive dark crack, my body started to glow, white light hit every inch of the hole. Every second felt longer and longer and then.
I caught her, I actually caught her and just in time. A second later and she would never be seen again. I held her by her hand and reached for her other hand as well. "Come on. Get on my back" She gasped for air as she looked up at me and saw the sparkling white lights come from me and lit the dark hole with beautiful lights. Her tears left her hazel eyes and fell to her ears and landed into her black hair, away from her chin."Thank you." She said, as she climbed on my back. "Ready?" "Yea." She said in a calmed tone, as she wrapped her legs around my waist tighter than before. I shoot right back up and into the dark blue light that came from the gloomy clouds. As we went further up, we heard nothing but silence. When we came back up from the crack, I landed hard on my feet and knees by the open space by the lunch tables. Everyone cheered as she climbed off my back. I stood up and turned as the girl tapped my shoulder. "Who are you?" She asked with a smile on her face. "Jordan." I replied greeting her with the same smile. She quickly hugged me and said, "Thank you for saving my life." Everyone came over and circled us while cheering loudly for my bravery. She backed away with the smile still on her face and said, "I'm Jasmine."
I smiled and started to levitate. With my clothes now ruined completely, I decided to change into one of my favorite outfits. Blue sparkly lights that assembled pretty little snowflakes, started to light up and glow all around me. I rose my arms and closed my eyes. Slowly my shirt and pants started to fade away into thin air, and a beautiful light-blue dress connected to light-blue pants started to appear. Makeup appeared on my face, as my sparkling light-blue clothes started to glide with the wind, same as my silver hair. My black and white shoes disappeared, as white platform pumps slipped onto my feet easily like in Cinderella. Crystals covered my shoes and dress completely, almost like I was a princess no, more like a queen. A green emerald necklace laid perfectly onto my chest, my family crest, completing my outfit fully. I floated back down into the circle they created from me, feeling reassured, hopeful. I turned around and said, "Let's go to the football field. And work out a plan."
As I walked toward the empty space behind the lunch tables alone, I turned around and reassured everyone in a calming voice, "We're gonna be fine." I smiled as the sun gently kissed my face. My silver hair blowing in the wind and beautiful smile, gave everyone the strength to continue on. To keep fighting. To keep surviving.