
Miles Miller is a mixed-race, high school student with a high IQ and little to no ambitions, much to the dismay of his parents. His father Jerome works for the government and his mother Alice works as a real estate agent so his parents are well off enough to send him to a good college. Unfortunately, all he does most of his time is play video games, read manga or watch anime, as he doesn't know what to do with his life, but there is a reason for this.

When Miles was younger he was smarter than the rest of the kids in his class and easily aced all his tests and schoolwork so his parents took him to test his IQ, when they did they found that his IQ was higher than 300 which shocked them. The person with the highest IQ ever recorded is William James Sidis with a score between 250 and 300, The list continues as follows with the highest possible IQ: Terence Tao with an IQ score between 225 and 230, and Marilyn Vos Savant with an IQ score of 228, and now Miles surpassed them all.

His parents were ecstatic and happy for their son as they knew he would become someone very important for the world depending on what field of study he would pursue in the future whether it be medical or scientific. At first, Miles was very happy as well but as soon as the media got word of his IQ score they inflated the news to a ludicrous level. The media started calling him the next Newton, Einstein, Hawking and many more such names.

Multiple people of different well-known schools contacted Jerome and Alice about their son and offered full rides to their own respective schools, and many research facilities reached out offered the boy a job after he graduated college; if he was in their field of research of course. The pressure of these things quickly weighed on the family of three, so they changed their last name to Marson and moved away.

Eventually, the world forgot about the potential "boy genius" and moved on to the next big story. Unfortunately, the academics of the world did not forget so easily so they searched and searched in an attempt to find them but couldn't. The reason that they couldn't find them is that Jerome with the connections he made in the government, was helping hide his family until the people forgot about them.

As this was happening the boy in question was in his own world of what if's. 'What if my IQ wasn't so high', 'what if I didn't pass all my school work with perfect marks', 'What if I just kept it hidden' and keep it hidden he did. At the time he was 9 years old so for the next 8 years he made himself inconspicuous to the rest of the world, at first, it was hard because he was a handsome kid growing up, so to hide this fact he hid his face with thick glasses and long hair; and only got above average in his studies until he graduated high school.

The morning after his high school graduation he was lying down on his bed relaxing, he was reading the latest chapter of one piece in Japanese. He didn't want to wait for a translator to translate the different Asian media he consumed, so he just learned the Japanese, Chinese and Korean for the different things he watched/read, it was extremely easy with his intelligence.

As he was reading his mother knocked on his bedroom door and said "Miles can you come downstairs your father and I would like to speak to you".

Miles replied, "Sure mom, just let me finish this chapter first".

"Alright," she said as she walked back downstairs.

Miles quickly finished the chapter and got up from relaxation and proceeded to walk towards his door, open it and walk downstairs to the living room which his parents were sitting in. As he walked towards them, he wondered what they wanted to talk to him about. He didn't need to wait long to know because as soon as he sat down in front of them his father asked: "Miles what do you want to do with your life?"

As soon as Jerome said that Miles was ready to go back to the room but his mother held him back down and said: "Miles you are one the smartest people in the world and you can do a lot to help this world or you can be a grade school teacher for all we care but remember it doesn't matter what it is do as long as it makes you happy then we will fully support you". she said with a gentle smile on her face.

"But I don't want people to look at me like I'm some real-life Tony Stark," Miles said. Ironically though he could easily build an iron man suit and A.I. like J.A.R.V.I.S if he wanted to, as he already mastered computer science and engineering for it when he was 13.

"Maybe some fresh air would help you clear your head," his father said as he and his wife stood up.

"We haven't been to the cabin up north in a few years so why don't we all take a nice vacation for a month or two there". This time it was Miles' mother who spoke with excitement in her voice. Miles, on the other hand, had terror written on his face as he stuttered in a scared voice "bu-but there i-is no Wi-Fi in the cabin h-how am I supposed to watch anime or read new chapters of manga?"

His mother looked at him, smiled and said "you watch and read too much anime and manga, so consider this a suspension from them for a while. Miles quickly calmed down and said in the most serious voice he could "You know what you two should go without me; you haven't had any time alone since I was born; why don't you go enjoy yourselves while I will watch the house while you're gone" he finished with a handsome smile on his face that could melt any woman's heart including his mothers, he knew he how handsome he was and used it to his advantage here. Unfortunately, this does not work on his father. His father said in a firm tone "you're coming with us, end of discussion, now go pack your stuff we are leaving at 3; we should be able to get there around 7 with the traffic".

Miles just dropped his shoulders and walked back to his room to pack his stuff as he knew he would not be able to win this argument, even if he got into a real fight with his father, he was sure he couldn't beat him. His father had been teaching him how to fight since he was 5 years old and even now at 17, he still couldn't beat the old man. When Miles finished packing and went back downstairs his parents were already outside loading the SUV with all the stuff, they will need including the old canoe that was in the garage.

Miles walked outside locked the door behind him and put his bags in the trunk then helped his father fasten the canoe to the roof of the SUV, once they were finished, they both got in the car with Alice and started their commute to the cabin up north. Alice looked back at her son in the back seat smiled and said: "Don't worry Miles you will have fun there and it will help you think about what you want to do with your life". Miles smiled at his mother as well then laid back in his seat, put some headphones on and picked a rock playlist on his phone and slowly fell asleep to the sounds of Breaking Benjamin not knowing what was about to happen to him.


"Wake him up," said the annoyed voice of a man to a beautiful woman who was standing next to him while he sat in his chair.

"Yes sir, right away sir!" she said in a voice indicating she was scared of the man beside her. She quickly went towards the teenager who was sleeping on a couch in front of them and shook the teen awake.

As Miles woke up from a pleasant dream about him getting it on with a hot anime girl, he was surprised to find out that it was not one of his parents waking him, but an extremely beautiful woman with a scared look on her face. Miles quickly got up and looked at his surroundings with a puzzled look on his face. He was in a modern-looking office without windows and only one white door, a white desk, a few white chairs and a white couch. Behind the desk was a man who looked to be in his late forties or early fifties.

The woman who woke Miles up was now standing behind the man just to the man's left. Miles had read enough Fan-fics to know what was happening but he was scared to confirm it with the other two people in the room. He steeled his nerves and asked in a slow voice "Am I de-" before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by the man behind the desk who raised his hand in front of Miles gesturing for him to stop.

The man then said in a very calming voice "I know you have a lot of questions and I know you're scared but first take a seat and try to relax and I will explain everything that is going on and what will happen afterwards". Miles sat down in front of him and somehow relaxed.

"I am God, the woman standing behind me is an angel, and unfortunately as you have already guessed you died. Miles tried to process the information that was given to him but the only thing he could think was 'why does he look Chuck Sherley from Supernatural', "The reason I look like Chuck Shurley is that you most associate that character with me so I took this form to make you feel more comfortable. Feel free to call me Chuck if you prefer and before you ask, yes I can read your mind I am God after all". Miles was going to ask how he knew what he was thinking but after hearing that he shut his mouth and waited for an explanation from "Chuck". "Chuck" smiled and started to explain what happened.

"You and your parents were in a car accident, a drunk driver ran a red light and t-boned your vehicle. You and your father were killed on impact and your mother was rushed to a nearby hospital but the doctors could not resuscitate her. This is where the problem lies. You were not meant to die. In fact, you were supposed to be the one rushed to the hospital, where you would have been treated for minor fractures and a few broken bones.

This is also where you would have met and fallen in love with your future wife who just started working there as a new nurse. Afterwards, you were meant to honour your parent's memory by making the world a better and safer place by ushering in a new age of science and technology, curing a few diseases along the way".

With every world, "Chuck" spoke Miles' eyes dimmed as he felt his existence become a failure, but he still wanted to know why he died. "If I was meant to survive then why am I here?". "Chuck" did not answer Miles but instead glared at the angel behind himself and said in an angry voice "tell him". Hearing the tone and facing a glare from the most powerful being in existence would make anyone crumble. She quickly bowed her head to the teenager in front of her and apologized profusely and reintroduced herself.

"My name is Chloe and I am your guardian angel it was my fault you died," the now-named Chloe said in an apologetic tone. "The reason you died is that I got distracted for a moment by another angel that came into my office at the time, so I wasn't able to act quick enough to protect you from the crash. Originally your father's car was meant to swerve and only affect the people in the front seats not kill you in the back.

Miles glared at the angel with fury in his eyes but calmed down after a few seconds after realizing getting angry would do nothing to help him in this situation. "So, what happens now," he said in a monotone voice. "Chuck" smiled ad t the boy's maturity and said, "you have a few choices".

"1. You could go to heaven with your parents.

2. You could be reincarnated into a random world or world of your choosing and timeline.

3. You could be transmigrated to a random world or world of your choosing and timeline. Also, if you pick option 2 or 3 you will get a few wishes to help you in your new world".

Miles thought about his parents and about what they would want him to do if they knew he had the chance to live again they would probably want him to live on and do something great with himself so he made his decision but to pick either 2 or 3 but he still had a few questions. "If I pick the second or third option will I keep my memories and what is the difference between transmigration and reincarnation?"

"The difference is that if you reincarnate you will be reborn as a baby with new parents and a random appearance with no memories. If you choose to transmigrate you will be transported to a random or chosen place and you will be able to create or keep your appearance but unfortunately, you still won't keep your memories"

After "Chuck" finished speaking; Miles didn't like the fact that if he chooses to be reborn he wouldn't keep his memories and would have new parents, even though he knew that these new parents would love him he would still not be able to call them mom and dad as his real parents were already gone.

So, he went with option 3, specifically, he wanted to go to a world he knew like the back of his hand. The reason for this is because if he picked a random world in some random place he could possibly be sent to some sort of cultivation, fantasy, or technology advanced world where he could be killed at any moment if he did not have the strength to survive.

The problem with this though is that he still wouldn't keep his memories, but there may be a loophole he can exploit.

"I pick option 3, I want to be transmigrated in One Piece on Conomi Islands 10 Years before Luffy sets sail". Miles said with a smile on his face. "Alright then pick your wishes, you get three and they can be anything you want," said "Chuck".

"Anything I want?" Miles asked with a look of suspicion on his face. "Anything you want" "Chuck," said as to reaffirm the teen. Miles then went into deep thought, as he only had three wishes he had to make them count. He sat there for a good 30 minutes thinking of what to wish for, once he was finished thinking he stated his wishes.

"1. I want a power system that will let me do and buy anything from any piece of fiction or nonfiction on earth". "Okay" "Chuck," said.

"2. I want an infinite amount of system currency." "Smart with that you can buy anything you want at any time, I like it. Granted". "Chuck" once again said with an amicable smile on his face.

"3. Finally, I wish to keep all my memories from my previous life."

"Hmmm. Are you sure you want to use your final wish on that?" "Chuck," asked.

"Yeah, I am, with the system along with unlimited points I could get all the power I need to survive in that world. Besides if I didn't choose to keep my memories, I would have been thrust upon a world I knew nothing about, and I hate not being in the know.

"Alright, now that your wishes have been granted let's talk about what you will look like in your new life". 'Chuck' said.

"Just make me look like my old self but a bit more handsome, also I would like to be 8 years old when I arrive there". Miles said with a gleeful smile on his face.

"Alright, then this is goodbye and not to sound like a dick, but I hope I don't see you again for a long time". 'Chuck,' said as he snapped his fingers then Miles started to fade away in a white flash. When Miles disappeared the atmosphere in the white office became tense as 'Chuck' began to fade back into his true form, that of a humanoid being of pure Golden light.

"Take a seat Chloe," God said in an angry voice.

Chloe quickly sat in the chair adjacent to God with fear in her eyes. This was not the first time she messed up. The first time she accidentally let Jesus die and quickly God had to step in to resurrect him, luckily at the time the world was not as advanced as it is now and people thought it was a miracle from God; which it technically was.

The second time she messed up, Hitler was allowed to be born and we all know what happened after that. This time she let someone who was supposed to affect the world in a positive way for generations to come die. The only thing going through her mind was 'I hope he doesn't erase my existence' as she trembled, scared of what was going to happen to her.


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