What the hell is this?

There was a bright flash in a wooded area on Conami Island when the bright light died down a young boy was revealed lying on the ground unconscious. It was noon and nobody was around to see the light which was good for them as people would have thought he was a freak if they knew where he had come from.

The boy slowly opened his eyes and sat up, as soon as he did he heard a voice in his head. {Installing system please wait...10%...37%...69%...94%...100% system installation complete, hello Miles}. Miles had a puzzled look on his face, not because of the system in his head he obviously knew it was from his wish. The reason why he was confused was because he had heard this voice before.

"Chole is that you"? Miles asked.

{Yes!} Chloe answered in a cheerful voice.

"Why are you here? and in my system no less?

{First off. I'm not there; I'm sitting in my office in heaven. And to answer your second question. I'm not in your system. I am the system...kind of}.

"What does that mean," Miles asked even though he could guess the answer.

{It means I will be the voice of your system and help you throughout your life until the day you die again and are sent to heaven} she said in a once again cheerful voice.

He didn't know why she sounded so happy but it pissed him off, so he asked: "Why are you so happy?"

{It's because after you left I was scolded for a full hour, demoted and was forced to cut off all contact with other angels until such a time that my boss says otherwise}.

"...I'm still not hearing why you would be so happy".

{Well I'm not dead right? Father could have just erased my existence or sent me to hell with my older brother Lucifer, but he didn't}.

"Oh, that's why... wait, father... Brother?"

{Yes. All angels are children of God and are siblings.... actually now that I think about it Lucifer might still be in L.A. I'm not sure if Amenadiel was able to bring him back yet}.

"So I'm stuck with the voice of the person who got me killed; in my head for the rest of my life?"

{Well, when you put it like that you make me sound like the bad guy}.

"YOU ARE THE BAD GUY; YOU GOT ME KILLED!" he screamed at the top of his lungs with his pent-up fury boiling over.

{....sorry} she said in a whisper. Chloe really did feel sorry and guilty for what she did but she could not do much to make amends. Miles calmed himself and laid back down in the grass and apologized as well.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you."

{You have every right to be angry at me}.

"No, I don't, I'm not really angry at you or the fact I died. I'm angry at the fact I won't be able to see my family anymore. I know I could have wished them back to life to be here with me but I also know that this is not a world they would have liked to live in, so I didn't".

Miles started to cry once again over the loss of his parents, he was a very mature person but at the same time, he was still only 17 when he died. Miles grieved for a while but knew he couldn't lay there forever and do nothing, especially with what was to happen in the future. He needed to plan for the future but first, he needs to know where he was, Miles knew he was at Conomi Islands but which one? There are at least twenty different communities in this archipelago.

"Chloe where exactly am I".

{Give me a moment and I will scan the area around you in a 10 Km radius}.

A few moments later she gave him an answer

{You are on Conomi islands, about a 15-minute walk from Cocoyasi Village}.

"I see," He said while rubbing his chin with his right hand. When he did this action he finally noticed how small his hands were and how everything around him was so much bigger than he was used to. When he first got here he was too busy talking to Chloe that he failed to notice but now he felt a little uncomfortable being a kid again. He also now noticed he has been naked the entire time.

"Chloe, why am I naked?" {When you were s-sent here your clothes w-were burnt in the summoning} she said trying not to laugh. Miles heard her trying not to laugh and asked in an annoyed tone through gritted teeth "why didn't you tell me?" She answered in a more serious tone this time. {You were grieving and I did not want to disturb you}.

"*Sigh*". Miles Sighed as the annoyance he just felt faded. "Can I buy clothes from the system store?"

{You can buy whatever you like}.

"Okay, buy me some clothes so I don't need to walk around naked, I'm starting to get cold".

{I can't do that}.

"Why? You just said I could".

{For me to access the system, you must first activate it. It's already been bound to you so all you need to do is say 'activate system'}.

"*Sigh* activate system". As soon as he finished his sentence a blue transparent screen popped up in front of him.

The screen looked like this.

- Status

- Store

- Inventory

- Lottery

Miles tried to click store on the blue screen but his hand just went right through it.

{You need to select what you want by saying or thinking about what category you want to use. To go back just say or think "Back" and to close the system interface just say or think "Close", I can also access the store and your inventory for you if you don't have the time to do it yourself; for example, if you are in battle or are just being lazy}.

Miles tested it out by saying "inventory" aloud. Soon his blue transparent screen changed to a grey solid screen with hundreds of small empty boxes and a scroll wheel on the right side.

(A/N. Minecraft creative inventory)

Miles then tested out the other user option and thought 'store' in his head. Suddenly a massive red transparent list of things appeared in front of his eyes. The list covered everything from small things like cans of Pepsi to massive things like the empire state building. He quickly bought some grey boxers, a purple t-shirt, black shorts and some black and white converse shoes, he also bought a small mirror which was deposited into his inventory.

"From now on Chloe, you're in charge of the store and my inventory".


"I don't feel like sorting through that big ass list every time I want to use the store and my inventory which will probably be very full in the future as well".


"Hey, I'm the one who going to be doing all the heavy lifting here and you get to sit in your office watch all the fun. All I ask is that you buy me stuff from the system store and help sort my inventory. It's easy, right? Miss guardian angel who got me killed".

{...You're going to hold that over me forever aren't you?}

"Of course I am." He said with a smile.

{*Sigh* Fine}. She said in a defeated tone.

"Okay, give me that mirror I bought". After he said that a small mirror appeared in his right hand. It was about as big as an iPad and had no frame. He looked at his reflection and was surprised at what he saw. He was still very short as this new body of his was only 8 years old but the appearance of his face is what shocked him.

He looked like a young handsome version of archer from fate/stay night, the only difference being his hair was black instead of white and his skin was a bit darker, also that it was smoother than a newborn baby's.

"Wow, he really went all out in making me good looking not that complaining of course". Miles said while admiring his new appearance in the mirror. As he was wondering how dashing he would look once his body hits puberty, Chloe interrupted his thoughts.

{'Wait till you see your charm stat in the future'}. Chloe thought to herself.

Miles was on cloud nine thinking about all the women in one piece he will get with his new face when he suddenly remembered a certain type of people in this world that made him shiver. He asked Chloe in a shaky voice "I-is there a way to hide my features from people who changed their sex to become a woman?" Chloe immediately knew who he was talking about a chucked at the thought of him meeting them. {Hehe... I'm sure there is some sort of power in the shop that can help you, but if there isn't then... good luck.} Miles felt very apprehensive about the okama. He didn't mind being around okama's but he sure as hell wasn't becoming one. He didn't swing that way nor did he have a hobby of cross-dressing.

{If you're done freaking out over minor issues then you should check out the rest of the system's functions.} she said in a joking tone.

"Fine, fine. Don't rush me, women!" He also said in a joking manner. Miles was becoming fast friends with the second voice in his head, but he didn't mind as he never really had a chance to make real friends in his previous world because of his "situation".

Miles then said out loud "lottery" and a large multi-coloured wheel appeared in front of him. Above the wheel was a white arrow that was pointing to a space on the wheel and just below the wheel was a button that said "spin 10,000PP". (A/N. Wheel of fortune)

Miles was tempted to spin the wheel but before he did he noticed something odd. The only thing written on the panels in the wheel were the names of fictional characters. Some names he recognized like Alucard or Goku, but some names like Richard Rider he did not.

"Chloe, why are there only character names on the lottery wheel? I thought that I would be able to get some sort of rare power or unknown devil fruit from it."

{For someone with such a high IQ, you sure are dense sometimes.}


Before Miles could complain about his guardian angel's rude remark she continued her sentence annoying him in the process.

{Your first wish was a power system that would let you buy anyTHING from the store. So why would there be anyTHING that you could buy in the store on the lottery wheel?} She purposely emphasized "thing" twice to get the point across.

"So you're saying that I can't buy the living from the store but I can get them from the lottery right?"

{Correct but-.} Before she could finish her sentence she was interrupted by Miles.

"Wait a second. When I was looking through the store for clothes I saw many different medicinal herbs that were still alive, why is that?"

{That's because plants are not sentient so they count as "things" and can be bought.}

"Oh". He said understanding what she meant.

{Now let me explain how the lottery works. If you spin the wheel you will be rewarded with two different types of summon cards, a grey summons card or a black summon card. The grey summon is temporary and will only last until the timer on the back of the card runs out. A black summons card, on the other hand, is permanent and will last until the summon dies or the summoner folds the card and says "unsummon". Both types of summons will be completely loyal and will follow any and all orders given.}

Miles liked the idea of being able to summon different characters from fiction but something was still bugging him about it. "If I summoned, for example, Superman, would he be taken from his universe just to be placed here and work for me against his will?"

{No. All of the summonses are copies of their originals. They are basically like clones with the same personalities as the originals, the only difference is that they will be completely loyal to you.} "Awesome". Miles said with a giddy smile on his face, he was now very tempted to immediately use the lottery right now but he calmed himself down and refrained from doing so for now as he still had one more system function to check out.

Miles was most excited for what was to come next. He purposefully left it for last because he believed in the saying "save the best for last". Miles stood up straight and said in a loud and giddy voice "Status". Unfortunately what he saw in his status, was not what he expected. His status read like this.

Name: N/A

Race: Human

Age: 8

Strength: D

Stamina: D

Agility: D

Intelligence: S+

Willpower: SS+

Luck: B-

Charm: A+ (Will go up as he grows)

Overall rating: A

Power Points: ∞

Berries: 0


Wing Chun Lv50(MAX)

Vale Tudo Lv50(MAX)

Taekwondo Lv50(MAX)

Karate Lv50(MAX)

Jujitsu Lv50 (MAX)

Computer Science Lv50 (MAX)

Engineering Lv50 (MAX)


Observation Haki (Locked)

Armament Haki (Locked)

Conqueror's Haki (Locked)

"What the hell is this?"


Join my p@treon it's only $2
