Power Ratings and Getting High

"What the hell is this?" Miles asked Chloe in a confused tone.

{I'm going to need you to be a bit more specific for me to answer your question}.

"Why does my name say N/A?"

{It says that because you're in a new world, so God and I thought you might want a new name for your new life}. Miles smiled at the gesture Chloe and "Chuck" made for him but there was only one problem.

"I like the name my parents gave me and I don't want to change it".

{That's fine, we just thought you might want to add a certain letter to your name.} When she finished talking it was like a lightning bolt struck in Miles' head, and he understood what she was hinting at.

"Change my name to Miller D. Miles". Chloe immediately accessed the system interface and made the update confirming his new name. As soon as she finished, a clear aura appeared around Miles.

"What just happened, why do I feel lighter?"

Ever since Miles arrived in this world, his body had felt heavier than usual. At first, he just attributed it to a stronger gravitational pull than his previous world. Which in turn, would explain why humans in this world can grow so much bigger and stronger than on earth; but now he felt about 20 pounds lighter than a few seconds ago. (A/N. The heavier the gravity, the bigger the creature must grow to pump blood through its body)

{The universal laws just confirmed your existence and have acquiesced to you being here}.

"What would have happened if I didn't confirm my existence?"

{The universal laws would have slowly phased your existence into nothingness. And your body and soul would have been ejected out of this plane.}

"TELL ME THAT SOONER". He yelled at the voice second in his head.

{You had 14 days to do it, and I would have reminded you if you forgot}. She said in a nonchalant tone of voice. Miles picked up on that tone and asked in a slightly angry and annoyed voice.

"When exactly were you going to tell me?"

{T-the 13th day?} She answered, trying her hardest not to laugh at the prank she was going to pull on him.

"Is it too late to get a different guardian angel?" He asked in an apathetic tone to no one in particular as he knew Chloe would not answer this obviously rhetorical question.

{How about I explain the power ratings so you can get a better grasp of where you currently stand in the world?}

'As expected. She completely glossed over it'. "*Sigh*...Fine". He said as he waited for her to explain the ins and outs of his power level.

{The ratings go from F- to SSS+. F- being the lowest and SSS+ being the highest. The average child of 8 years old would have an overall rating of E-. You, on the other hand, have higher stats because even though your body is that of a child; your mind is that of an adult. An average pirate has an overall rating of D-, while the average pirate captain would have a rating of C-.}

"So you're saying I could beat the average pirate captain with ease". He said with a confident smile on his face. Unfortunately, Chloe shot down that confidence with her next words.

{No. The overall rating just gives a general idea of strength, if you only focus only on that you will get your ass beat by every enemy you fight. You should be more focused on individual stats, let me give you an example. If you're fighting an opponent with [strength], [stamina], and [agility] at C; while those same three stats are all at D for you, then you would lose that fight unless you could outthink them with your higher intelligence}.

"Oh". Miles was a little disappointed with how weak he was but it didn't last for long as he knew that with his system, it was only a matter of time until he stood at the pinnacle of this world.

"Can you specify what my stats mean then?"

{Sure! First up, [strength]. Strength is for physical attack, physique and armament haki, The higher your strength stat is the better your power and physical ability will be. You also must have the strength of C+ to access armament haki, if you don't then you can't use it.}

Next is [Stamina]. Stamina is pretty self-explanatory, It's the duration your body and mind can withstand physical and mental activities. It also affects your haki, the higher the better.

[Agility] is your speed and flexibility.

[Intelligence] is your thinking speed, IQ and perception. It will also speed up Jutsu/magic chants if, in the future, you have any.

[Willpower] is exclusively for your haki. Since you have S+ willpower it will be easier for you to manifest armament and observation haki, and you'll easily be able to use conqueror's haki.

[Luck] is for your lottery. The higher it is the better the chances to get a good summons and more good things are likely to happen in your life.

[Charm] Is how attractive you are. It will eventually max out at SSS+ by the time you are 18, thanks to what Father did to you.

[Power points] are the currency used for the store and lottery.

[Berries] are the currency used by this world, and before you ask; no they cannot be bought from the system as that would topple the exchange rate of the world.

[Powers/Abilities] are a list of your skills; be it normal like driving, or abnormal like superspeed.

[Haki] In simple terms, is an ability to sense and predict spiritual energy (Observation), use life force as physical reinforcement (Armament), and, for the rare "chosen ones", overpower enemies' willpower with your own (Conqueror's).}

{The system has a few hidden functions as well but I am only allowed to tell you one of them. The rest you will need to find yourself}.

"Which one?"

{[Fusion]. This function can fuse together any similar powers or abilities. A good example of this would be if you fused together your martial arts skills to make a new skill}. She said with a smile on her face. This function is likely has the most overpowered out of all the others.

"HOLY SHIT". Miles was astonished by what she just told him. The reason why was because of the potential this function it showed.

"What would happen if I fused devil fruits?"

{Unfortunately, if they're not of the same category the fusion would fail}.

"Which means I can't fuse a Logia-type with a Paramecia-type," Miles said, a bit disappointed. He was already imagining different combinations of fruits when she shot down the idea.

{On the bright side you can fuse multiple fruits in their own categories together to form superfruits}. she said in a gentle voice like a big sister trying to cheer up her little brother. Miles picked up on this, but he didn't mind. Maybe it was he didn't have any siblings growing up, or maybe it was because Chloe sounded exactly Rebecca from Watchmojo; who's the voice he always found soothing to hear.

"Thanks," He said feeling little better.

{That's what I'm here for}. She replied in a light tone as she patted her bountiful chest. Miles heard the audible thumps of her hand hitting her chest and couldn't help but imagine the massive mounds jiggle as they were touched. He had a slightly perverted smile on his face that he didn't notice but Chloe did.

{What's with that face?} She asked when she saw the face he was making on her monitor as she unconsciously shivered.

"It's nothing. Let's talk about what to do next." Miles replied as he quickly wiped the lewd expression off his face and attempted to steer the conversation in a different direction.

{Okay?} She didn't really care to pursue the issue so she let it go and moved on with their talk.

'Alright. Now that I know what my system can do and how powerful I am, I need to plan for the future. I was sent here 10 years before Luffy sets sail, which means its 2 years before Arlong shows up here on Conomi islands to fuck things up. If I tried to fight Arlong now, he and his crew would slaughter me. I need to get stronger then a Fishman by the time he arrives or I will be shark bait'. Miles thought as he contemplated what to do next.

"Chloe whats the fastest way to upgrade my stats to be on par or stronger a Fishman?"

{The fastest way would be to buy a status upgrade coin but I wouldn't recommend it}.

"What is it and why don't you recommend it?"

{A status upgrade coin is an item which when used will upgrade all your stats by 1 rank. The reason I don't recommend it because the coin forcefully ranks up your stats by breaking the universal laws in and around your body to forcefully raise your stats. Not only is it extremely painful but if the user of the coin is not strong enough the universal laws could eject you from this universe.}

"....Is there any other options?" Miles asked in a cautious tone. He had just been revived less than an hour ago, he didn't want to die again so soon.

{I suggest spending 10 billion Power Points to change your race to a high human. That way you will get a power-up, and also some other benefits as well}.

"What are these "other benefits" I get from changing my race to a high human?" Miles was curious about what else he would get from doing this.

{Well, the two biggest benefits would be an almost immortal lifespan and Bloodline absorption-cleansing}.

"The Immortal life span I can understand but what is bloodline absorption-cleansing?} Miles felt like he was asking a lot of questions today. In his previous life, it was him people used to come to him for all the answers.

{Bloodline absorption-cleansing is when the secondary or "weaker" bloodline of a person is absorbed, cleansed and integrated into the primary or "stronger" bloodline of said person. For example Cell from Dragon ball had multiple different bloodlines. If he had the bloodline absorption-cleansing ability all of his bloodlines would have been absorbed, cleansed and integrated into his strongest bloodline, that being the Saiyan bloodline. He would've kept all his other bloodline powers but would have also become a pure-blooded Saiyan as well}.

"Couldn't I just buy the Bloodline absorption-cleansing ability from the store?"

{You could, but it's an innate ability of high humans so it would be much less effective, you would only be able to use 1/4 of its true power}.

"Why is that?"

{Think of it like the Sharingan of the Uchiha. Many people in the naruto verse have used it but it's most effective when an Uchiha is using it}.

"Oh," he said understanding what she meant.

Miles only had a few more questions to ask about the procedure.

"Will it hurt?"

{Yes, but it won't kill you}.

"How much pain will I be in if I do this?"

{Imagine a needle being jammed under your fingernails, but it's over your entire body and you must be awake for the entire process}.

Miles cringed at the thought of suffering he would need to endure for this while weighing the pros and cons. So far, the pros outweigh the cons as he could have an immortal life and buy an infinite amount of bloodlines without looking like a monster in the end. The only thing he needs to do was bear the pain.

"Alright. I'll do it" Miles said in an unwavering tone.

{Okay, then you should take off everything except your underwear}.

"Why?" He asked, confused as to why she had a sudden hobby of voyeurism.

{If you want those clothes to be ruined then keep them on}.

"Why would my clothes be ruined?" He was genuinely curious as to why he needed to be half-naked again. Miles may have been standing in a heavily wooded area, but he was still only a 15-minute walk away Cocoyasi Village. He didn't want someone to see him the nude.

{A race change breaks down the body on a molecular level and rebuilds it from the ground up. In the process of doing this, the body will excrete all the impurities it has built up over the years. Your body is 8 years old now, but it was de-aged from 17 so all the impurities your body has collected for the past 17 years will come rushing out and ruin anything on your body}.

"Oh, I see. I will do it now".

While Miles was removing his clothes and putting them in his inventory, Chloe bought him three new abilities.

[Wash], [Requip] and [Extreme Pain Resistance (upgradable)].

[Wash] was an ability that cleaned the body of the user, a selected person or a selected area. It was very useful for quick and convenient cleaning or if you're just too lazy to get up and clean manually.

[Requip] is for instantly summoning various types of equipment from his inventory like clothes, weapons and armour.

[Extreme Pain Resistance (upgradable)] was just what it sounded like. This skill would nullify the pain to the level Chloe explained earlier so the pain of the race change didn't break Miles' mind in the process. There was a better version of the pain resistance skill, but it couldn't be bought. It could only be procured through having the [Extreme Pain Resistance (upgradable)] skill and being put thoro extreme amounts of torment to acquire it.

Miles laid down on the ground and got ready for what was about to come.

{Are you ready?}

"Hold on". Miles said as he checked his stats before he switched his race. He wanted to memorize them so he could compare the change afterwards, but when he saw the three new skills under the [Powers/Abilities] section he was a bit confused because he knew he didn't buy them.

"Chloe, why did you buy these?"

{They will help you with your race change and just generally in your life}. Miles read the skill descriptions and they would indeed help him in the short term and the long run. Especially extreme pain resistance. If only he knew how wrong he was.

"Okay, I'm ready"

{Alright. Now, remember you need to stay awake for this, if you fall unconscious the change will fail and your body will be crippled for a long time. Are you sure you're ready?} Chloe asked, just to be 100% positive.

"Yes, I'm ready". he spoke in an unshakable voice.

{Okay. In 3...2...1...0}. As soon as her countdown reached zero the excruciating pain hit Miles like a truck would hit a Japanese teenager. (A/N. Truck-Kun is that you?)

"AHHHHHHHH". Miles screamed in agony as the atoms in his bones rearranged themselves to make his bones stronger than vibranium, while his red and white muscles were ripped to shreds and remodelled into pink muscles. As this was happening black goo was oozing out of his skin and dying the ground underneath him black.

While this was going on, Chloe set up a sound isolation barrier around Miles so that nobody would hear him screaming. His painful transformation went on for an hour until his suffering finally ended, and when it did he immediately fell unconscious not even getting a peek at his new status. Once he was asleep Chloe activated [Wash] on Miles and the area in his immediate surroundings, getting rid of any evidence of what just happened to him. She then activated his [Requip] and his clothes reappeared on him, she also removed the sound barrier. Now all she needed to do was wait for him to wake up.


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