After a few minutes of waiting for Miles to wake up, Chloe heard the sound of a twig snapping. She quickly looked to the source of the sound to find out whether it was a threat to Miles or not. When Chloe surveyed the area surrounding Miles she was stunned to see a young girl with a book in her hand who looked a bit fatigued. The girl was leaning on a tree to catch her breath and kept looking behind herself as if to see if anyone was following her.
15 minutes earlier in Cocoyasi Village, a certain orange-haired girl could be seen standing in a bookstore staring at a navigation book. The price tag for the book is too much for her allowance but she really wanted it. The only solution she could think of to get this book was to steal it. The girl looked around the store and saw that the owner was distracted talking to another customer, so she covertly put the book under her light green sundress and attempted to sneak out. When she observed that the owner wasn't looking at her and was still speaking to the other person in the store, she walked out the door and hurriedly got as far away from the shop as she could.
When the girl was about 20 meters away from the shop she thought that she had successfully completed her mission and was very happy with the result. Sadly for her, reality was cruel.
"Hello Nami, what are you doing here?" The voice of a man was heard behind the girl. The girl, now identified as Nami, stopped dead in her tracks and slowly turned her head to see the origin of the voice who spoke. When she did she saw a man in a brown police uniform which had short sleeves and pants and a matching police hat which for some reason had a pinwheel on top of it.
"I-i'm just on my way home Genzo". Nami said quick manner trying not to arouse suspicion from him. Regrettably for her, it didn't work as Genzo had known Nami since she was a baby and could tell when she was trying to hide something. Genzo then noticed the slight bulge under her dress.
"What is that and why are you trying to hide it?" Genzo said as he pointed at the thing under her dress. When she was about to lie about what was hidden under her dress a shout was heard from the bookstore which made Genzo turn around to see who was yelling.
"Thief! That girl stole my book," Screamed the shop owner as he pointed at Nami. The owner knew she was the thief because only she and the customer he was talking to at the time were in the shop when the book went missing. When Genzo turned back to Nami to scold her about stealing and tell her to return the book, she was already halfway down the street in a full sprint to escape.
"NAMI GET BACK HERE!" Genzo shouted as he started to chase after her.
"Sorry, I need this, I will pay you back for it....eventually." She yelled back as she ran away from her pursuer. She ran as fast as her legs could go for about 15 minutes and managed to escape into the wooded area near the village. Genzo couldn't keep up with the agile 8-year-old, so he decided to go to her house and speak to her mother while waiting for Nami to return home later.
Elsewhere, Nami was trying to catch her breath now that she had escaped and was looking for a place in the woods to read her new navigation book. She walked for a few minutes and found a small clearing with good lighting so she could read in peace. When she got closer to the clearing she stumbled on a branch snapping it in the process.
She leaned on a tree to get her bearings and looked around for a suitable spot to relax, that's when she froze. In the middle of the clearing was the body of a young boy, this boy was obviously Miles. At first, she thought he was dead, but when she saw his chest rising up and down indicating he was breathing she quickly rush up to him to see if he was ok.
When Nami arrived at his side to check on him, she was momentarily stunned by his appearance. Nami stared at the boy for a few minutes blushing, until she snapped out of her stunned state and tried to wake Miles up by shaking him, but it didn't work. She then went on to try many other methods as well, needless to say, they didn't work either and she was stumped on how to wake him, so the only thing she could do was wait for him to wake up naturally.
Nami walked towards a nearby tree, sat down and leaned against it. She opened her navigation book and started to read it while waiting for Miles to wake up. After a few hours of reading and waiting, the sky was starting to get dark.
'If I don't go home soon Bell-mere and Nojiko will be worried'. Nami thought as she looked up at the darkening sky, she then looked at the still comatose boy in front of her. Miles hadn't woken up and she didn't want to leave him in the woods alone at night. Nami walked up to Miles, lifted his arm and put it around her shoulder with the intent of carrying him back to her home. When she did this she was astounded to find that he was so light.
'I thought he would be heavier because he's bigger than me'. The reason Miles was so light was because of his transformation into a high human. His bones were harder yet lighter, and his muscles were in a constant state of cellular regeneration, because of the regeneration all of the baby fat a kid his age was meant to have was gone.
Nami put her book in her other hand and started to slowly walk home while making sure Miles didn't fall on his face. After 20 minutes of walking, she had made it back to the village and kept walking until a mid-sized tangerine grove came into her view. In the middle of the grove was a small bungalow with beige walls and a maroon-coloured roof.
Near the house was a relatively slim woman with long fuchsia hair tied in a ponytail, grey eyes, and a rather unique hairstyle similar to a mohawk known as a Chelsea hawk. This woman was was Bell-mere, Nami's adopted mother and the woman who raised her and Nami's adopted sister Nojiko. Bell-mere was currently in the process of picking tangerines off a tree and placing them into a basket she was holding, Bell-mere had her back to Nami and the boy Nami was carrying.
Nami attempted to sneak into the house without Bell-mere noticing but was caught because of the noise she was making while dragging Miles' body.
"Genzo told me what you did earlier today, you're in a lot of trouble young lady". Bell-mere said with her back still to Nami.
Nami stopped moving and didn't say anything.
"If you really wanted the book we-*thud*". Belle-mere didn't get to finish her sentence as she dropped the basket she was holding when she turned around and saw her daughter holding up an unconscious boy.
"Help," Nami said in an exhausted voice. Even though Miles wasn't too heavy, Nami was still fatigued from carrying him through the woods, village and all the way to the middle of the grove. Belle-mere quickly rushed over and lifted the boy herself. Belle-mere didn't even notice his lightweight as she used to be a marine, her strength was above the average woman.
"Who is this kid, what did you do to him and why is he unconscious?" She asked rapidly.
"I didn't do anything to him. I found him in the woods and I tried to wake him up but nothing worked". Nami said as to clear the suspension that she had somehow hurt him.
"Okay, help me put him on the couch inside". Bell-mere said as she carried the boy in her arms. As Bell-mere and Nami walked inside the house, Nojiko came out of her room to see what the commotion was about.
When Nojiko saw her mother and sister walk in with a kid she was confused as to who he was.
"Who is that?" Nojiko asked as she walked towards them.
"We don't know yet. Nojiko, go get Dr. Nako and tell him there's a patient here". Bell-mere said in a rare serious tone.
"Okay," Nojiko said as she went to the town to get the doctor, 10 minutes later she had returned with Dr. Nako. The doctor then looked over Miles under the gazes of the three ladies, to see if he was hurt in any way but didn't find much.
"Is he okay Dr. Nako?" Nami asked in an anxious voice, she didn't know why but ever since she found Miles she felt something pulling herself towards him. Bell-mere was also worried about the kid Nami found. You could call it a maternal instinct to protect him.
"Other than being a little dehydrated, he'll be fine. He should wake up by tomorrow morning at the latest." He said whilst getting up and preparing to leave.
*Sigh* The three girls sighed in relief that the boy wasn't hurt.
"Thanks for coming out here this late Doc." Bell-mere thanked Dr. Nako as she walked him out.
"It's fine I owed you one as payment for all the free tangerines I get." He said with a grin as he left.
Now that the situation with Miles is over Nami remembered what Bell-mere said when she arrived home. Nami then tried to slip away unnoticed but Bell-mere's immediately caught the strap of her dress.
"Where do you think you're going little miss thief?"
"Uhhh to my room?" Bell-mere then went on to lecture Nami about how stealing was wrong and that she shouldn't do it. Unfortunately for Bell-mere, it was like talking to a brick wall, so she just sighed gave up. Bell-mere then made dinner for the girls which was very tangerine heavy and after they ate their food they all went to bed.
A few hours later in the middle of the night Miles started to stir and open his eyes. Immediately upon seeing the unfamiliar surroundings he froze for a second, then went on high alert.
'Chloe, where am I and what happened after I fell unconscious?' Miles asked in his head.
{You can relax. If you were in any danger I would have handled it while you were unconscious}. Miles calmed down a bit but was still on alert.
'Okay, but you still haven't told me where I am or what happened.' Miles said in his head while slowly sitting up.
{A few minutes after you fell unconscious out, an orange-haired girl found you and tried to wake you up. When it didn't work she brought you back here}. She said with a smile, waiting for Miles' reaction.
'Orange hair? ...Wait Nami found me?' Miles asked in shock.
{Hehehe yep, your future waifu was very concerned about your well-being}. Chloe said while chuckling. Chloe had known that Miles wanted a harem so he asked God to be placed in Cocoyasi just for the fact that Nami and Nojiko were here.
'Well on the bright side it will be easier to get close to the sisters now that I have made a connection to them'. Miles thought with a smile on his face.
{So are you going to look at your new stats or keep purposely procrastinating?} Chloe asked in an impatient tone.
'Okay, okay I'll check it now.'
'[Status]'. He said in his head. When his new stats popped up and he was shocked at what he saw.
Name: Miller D. Miles
Race: High Human
Age: 8
Strength: B-
Stamina: B-
Agility: B-
Intelligence: S+
Willpower: SS+
Luck: B-
Charm: A+ (Will go up as he grows)
Overall rating: A+
Power Points: ∞
Berries: 0
Wing Chun Lv50(MAX)
Vale Tudo Lv50(MAX)
Taekwondo Lv50(MAX)
Karate Lv50(MAX)
Jujitsu Lv50 (MAX)
Computer Science Lv50 (MAX)
Engineering Lv50 (MAX)
Pain Nullification (New)
Bloodline Absorption-Cleansing (New)
Observation Haki
Armament Haki
Conqueror's Haki
All his stats had jumped up to B- other than the ones that were already above that.
'Hmm. I thought my stats would be a bit higher. Miles thought as he looked at his new stats.
{High humans are not the most powerful race in existence but they do have the potential to become the most powerful, so don't be ungrateful.} Chloe said in an annoyed voice.
'It's not like I'm complaining I just thought they would be a bit higher than all, but it doesn't matter as long as I have the [Blood Absorption-Cleansing].' Miles then looked at the rest of his board and found that all his haki was now available to use and he had 2 new abilities. The first ability was the aforementioned [Blood Absorption-Cleansing], and the other was [Pain Nullification].
When Miles saw [Pain Nullification] he got angry remembering that his [Extreme Pain Resistance] didn't work during his race change.
'Chloe why didn't my [Extreme Pain Resistance] work while my race was changing?' He asked in an angry tone.
{It did work. The only reason it didn't completely get rid of the pain was that it wasn't a strong enough skill yet, but now that it has upgraded because you went through so much pain, it will now completely nullify any and all pain you inflicted on your body. Unless you deactivate it}.
'...So you're telling me the agony I just went through was with the least amount of pain?'
{Yep, If you didn't have [Extreme Pain Resistance] it would have felt 100x worse}. Miles shivered at the thought of what could feel worse than what he felt.
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