Party, New Skills and New House

Now that Miles was done seeing his new stats he started to look around the house he was in. The house was nice and cozy, there was a small kitchen with a counter that you could sit at like a bar and a small table in the middle of the room fit for four people. All in all, it felt like a home, but it was also a bit rundown.

There were small cracks leading up the walls, some of the floorboards creaked as you stepped on them, you could see a broken window letting cold night air into the room and the front door looked aged with rusty hinges and peeling paint. The entire door looked like it needed to be replaced.

'Maybe I should help fix this place up before the girls wake up, but how?' Miles asked himself as he shivered and started rubbing his hands together because of the chilly night air. When he did this action he suddenly stopped as remembered one of the greatest manga/anime ever created.

'Chloe buy me all the books as well as research related to alchemy and alkahestry from Fullmetal alchemist series. Also, buy me the transmutation ability of Edward Elric and an artificial philosopher's stone as well'

{Do you want physical copies of the books or would you like it downloaded directly to your brain?}

'Why would I want to read physical copies if I could have all the information beamed directly into my head?' Miles asked out of curiosity.

{Physical copies of any type of book or research can be shared with people who have a status board like yours}.

'.....Huh?... How can somebody else in this world have a status board? Unless I could invite People into some kind of party...Wait a minute-'. Before Miles could finish his thought, the sound of a bell ringing and Chloe's voice interrupted his train of thought.

{*DING* Congratulations Miles, you have discovered the hidden system function [Party]. The [Party] function allows you to invite people you deem worthy to a party and gives them a status board which shows them their Name, Race, Ratings, Powers/Abilities and Haki. This also allows you to buy them skills from the store. Furthermore, people who are in contact with a book or any written material can download the contents directly into their brains.}

'.....My system is so overpowered.' Miles thought with a grin on his face. He was starting to get numb to all the surprise his system had.

'Alright back on topic, I can't do anything with the [Party] function until I put my crew together so for now, I will ignore it.

'Chloe, download all the alchemy information into my brain and give me the stone.'

{Roger that.} Suddenly a ring with a red gem embedded in it was placed into his inventory and all the information about alchemy and alkahestry was rammed into Miles' head, there was no doubt that if he didn't have [Pain Nullification] ability this would hurt. When the info stopped flowing into Miles' head he felt a little dizzy but other than that he was fine.

'Okay let's get started' Miles thought as he took the ring out of his inventory and put it on. He walked over to the front door, clapped his hand together and then put them on the door. Once he did that red sparks of lightning surrounded his hands and the door as the door and its rusty hinges were transformed to look as good as new, he did the same to anything else that needed repairs in the house as well. The only thing he did not repair was the broken window which he left for later.

When Miles was finished he looked out the window and noticed it was still dark outside so he sat back down on the couch and finally started to plan for the future.

'First thing I'll need is training. I need to master my powers if I want to have any fun here, if I just go around destroying my opponents with one hit, it would be so boring. The next thing I need is a crew, and I already have a few in mind'.

{Who are you going to pick?} Chloe asked curiously.

'Nami as my navigator, Nojiko as my gunner, Zoro and Kuina as our swordsmen and finally, I'll be the chef/Captain.

{The others I understand but why Nojiko as a gunner? She was never shown to use guns or any weapons for that matter}.

'It doesn't matter if she hasn't used guns before, I have 10 years to train her and the others to make them the best.' Miles said as he thought of what to do now that he has candidates for his crew.

'Chloe, is there a portable hyperbolic time chamber and if there is, can it be modified?'

{There is and it can be}.

'Buy it and modify it so will have gravity control and so that anyone who goes in will temporarily have eternal youth for the duration of the time they are inside, also put in combat puppets to spar against. Furthermore put in a house that is stocked with an unlimited supply of food, senzu beans and other daily necessities.'

{Done. The door to the chamber has been put into your inventory and can be placed anywhere and moved at any time. Anything else?}

'Buy me all martial arts and ever created, from all worlds. Can my skills be levelled with my power points?'

{If the skill is labelled (upgradable) or the skill is a fused skill then no, the only way to level/upgrade these skills is through repeated use, anything else can be levelled with points}.

'Good, then max out all my martial arts and then fuse all my combat-related skills'.

{Done}. Now that Miles had enough ordinary combat abilities and a place to train them, it was time for something extraordinary, but first, he needed something.

'Chloe is there a skill that will allow me to break the curse of devil fruits?'

{There are many, but the best is probably the [All Curse Breaker] ability. It's a passive/active skill, passive on yourself and active if you use it on others}.

'Buy it then show me a list of devil fruits' Miles said with an excited grin on his face.

{Which category?}

'Logia'. Soon a massive list of logia devil fruits appeared in front of him, some of them he knew like the flame-flame fruit, some he didn't like the wood-wood fruit.

'Chloe buys me the Flame-Flame fruit, Magma-Magma fruit, Ice-Ice fruit, Wind-Wind fruit, Sand-Sand fruit, Rumble-Rumble fruit, Wood-Wood fruit, Metal-Metal fruit, Space-Space fruit, Dark-Dark fruit, and Glint-Glint fruit, then fuse them all'.

{Okay but, all of these fruits are extremely powerful, so it will take a bit of time to fuse them all}.

'How long?' Miles asked hoping it wouldn't take too long

{5 hours and 30 minutes}.

'That's it? With the way you were talking, I thought it would take way longer than that.'

{I can slow it down if you want} Chloe said a bit sarcastically about how long the fusion would take.

'No no, no 5 hours is great.'

Miles sighed as he looked outside and took notice of the first rays of morning sunlight.

'Alright, start the fusion. Also, buy me the cooking skills of Joichiro Yukihira along with all of his recipes and some ingredients for breakfast.' Miles said. He was going to make breakfast as a thank you for letting him rest in their house.

{Okay, the fusion has started and the ingredients have been placed into your inventory}.

'Thanks, Chloe' Miles said as he got up and walked to the kitchen.

{No Problem}. She said in a lively tone. Once Miles was standing in the kitchen he took out the ingredients from his inventory and placed them on the counter, he was planning on making bacon, eggs and pancakes.


Bell-mere, Nojiko and Nami all woke up at the same time to the smell of something heavenly. The three of them walked out their respective bedroom doors and immediately went wide-eyed when they saw the state of their home. Everything from the creaky floors to the cracked walls were fixed, their old house looked as good as new.

When they were still wondering what happened to their house, the girls heard the sound of humming and turned their attention to the scene of a boy who was about the same age as Nami, wearing headphones humming a song while putting a few plates of food on the table. (A/N. AFI - Beautiful Thieves)

"""You're awake!""" said the three girls at the same time.

"I am, and I know you have a lot of questions, and I do as well but before that, we should eat. We don't want the food to get cold do we?" Miles said with a charming smile that made Nami and Nojiko blush.

Bell-mere, on the other hand, was didn't notice his smile because she was too busy staring at the food on the table. She had been eating nothing but tangerines for almost a year now in an effort to save money so that she could buy Nami new clothes instead of giving her Nojiko's hand-me-downs. All four of them sat down at the table and began to eat their breakfast.

"This is so good!" Nami said with a delighted face

"This is the best food I've ever had!" Nojiko said with tears in her eyes.

"Ahhh" Bell-mere let out a quiet moan after tasting the food which Nojiko and Nami did not hear, but it didn't escape Miles' ears. Miles had a satisfied smile on his face while eating his own food, he had honestly underestimated the flavour of food made with the skill level of Joichiro Yukihira. When they finished their food Bell-mere washed the dishes and sat back down at the table with Nami and Nojiko to start asking the boy questions.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Bell-mere and these are my daughters Nojiko and Nami," She said while pointing at a blue-haired girl and then an orange-haired girl respectively. Bell-mere then went on to explain how Nami had found him in the woods and brought him back here. Even though Miles already knew all of this he didn't tell them as it would be odd if he knew what happened to him while he was unconscious, so he just sat there and listened quietly until Bell-mere was finished.

Once she was done Miles thanked Nami for helping him, but she didn't answer him as she was too mesmerized by his looks to say anything.

"So, what is your name and why were you unconscious in the woods?" Bell-mere asked in a gentle tone.

"My name is Miller D. Miles and I was in the woods because I was testing the limits of my devil fruit powers, I went a bit overboard and fell unconscious." Miles couldn't tell them why he was really there so he would just make something up it would also help him explain how he fixed their house.

"Devil fruit? I thought devil fruits were just a myth!" Nojiko said in surprise.

"I can assure you they are very real, here I will show you. Miles said while standing up and walking to the still broken window. The girls followed him to see what he would do and were stunned to see what happened next. Just like earlier he clapped his hands together and held them over the broken window, once he did red sparks covered his hands and the window was fixed at a rapid rate. When he was finished he turned around and chucked at their shocked expressions, after a few minutes of processing what they had just witnessed, they calmed down and started talking again.

"Thank you for repairing our home, and for making us breakfast Miles. Please tell me if there is anything we can do to repay you" Bell-mere said.

"Do you mind letting me stay here for a while? I don't have anywhere else to go." Miles asked.

"What about your parents, they would be worried by now if you don't go home soon?" Bell-mere asked with a look of concern.

"I'm an orphan, my parents died a few days ago in a shipping accident. He said with a sad look on his face. That look made three girls want to hug him and not let go, which is exactly what they did.

"You can stay here as long as you need," Bell-mere said and both Nojiko and Nami nodded their heads in agreement. Once they let go of Miles after about 10 minutes both Nami and Nojiko had a blush on their faces, while Bell-mere didn't. It would be weird if she was attracted to a kid, but she did notice how good-looking he was and knew he would definitely be a lady killer in the future.

"Anyway Miles, if you are going to stay here you will need to sleep on the sofa. We don't have another room here so if you're okay with that then everything will be settled." Bell-mere said.

"That's fine, but if you would like I can use my devil fruit to remodel the entire house to make it bigger and better," Miles said.

"You can do that?!" Nami and Nojiko asked at the same time with sparkles in their eyes. The two girls had always shared a room and even though they were fine with it they always wanted their own. Now that they had the opportunity to get their own they were ecstatic.

"If you can do it then by all means," Bell-mere said as happy as her daughters.

"Great! Then will you all follow me outside and I will get started. 'Chloe buy me the materials I need to make this house a fortress.'"

{You got it.} Chloe bought the materials that would make the new house so strong that not even one of the four Emperors would be able to destroy it. Once they were all outside Miles took the materials out of his inventory and started to rebuild the house using his alchemy. In a matter of minutes, an entirely new house stood where the old one did. It looked completely different from the only thing that stayed the same was the colour scheme.

They all walked back inside and Miles started explaining what was new.

"The house has 5 bedrooms one for each of us plus a guest, all with their own walk-in closets and their own bathrooms. The downstairs has a kitchen a dining room, a living room and a bathroom and finally, there is a basement for storage. So, what do you think?" Miles said as he looked at the girls. All three of them rushed to hug him.

"""We love it""" They all said together. When they let go of Miles they all went to claim their rooms and Miles went to the basement. Once he was in the basement he walked to one of the walls and pulled out his portable hyperbolic time chamber and placed the door against the wall letting the door sink into the wall.

After Miles was done setting up the chamber he went back upstairs to the living room and sat down on the couch. He didn't want to start training until his devil fruits finished fusing so instead he was going to try his lottery. He opened the lottery and clicked spin hoping to get someone useful.


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