Miles watched the lottery wheel spin and spin, going through thousands of characters a minute. Eventually, the wheel started to slow down. When the wheel stopped he was pissed off at who he got.
'What the hell is this!? I thought my luck was above average so why did I get him? He is not even the good version.' He thought annoyed.
Miles was mad because the summon he got was Chucky from the Child's play franchise, specifically, he got the 2019 remake version.
{Your luck may be above the average person, but to get a really good summon you will need the luck of at least A-}
'Is there anything in the store that can raise my luck?'
{There are two ways. The first way is to buy a coin necklace, they have been worn throughout history to bring luck and good fortune to the wearer. The system version will increase your luck over a long period of time eventually maxing it out SSS+ but that will take years, it's also customizable in appearance. The second way is to buy a slice of lucky bread. Lucky bread will temporarily increase your luck by 2 ranks for five minutes but the drawback is that once the time runs out your luck will go down a full 1 rank.}
'So if I use the lucky bread my luck will drop to C-, but if I use the coin necklace my luck will go up but it will take years to do so.' Miles was in a dilemma. He didn't want his luck to go down but he also didn't want to wait years for his luck to go up just so he could get a good to summon. Then he got an idea.
'Will the coin necklace work in the time chamber?' he asked with hope in his voice.
{I'm not sure, but you can try.}
'Alright, buy me the coin necklace and the lucky bread, and customize the necklace to look like the assassin's creed logo.'
{Okay, I put them in your inventory.}
Miles put the necklace on then ate the Luckey bread. After eating the bread he checked his stats to see if it worked and it did. His luck stat now said S- with a five-minute countdown beside it.
'Okay, let's try this again.' Miles said to himself as he reopened his lottery and clicked spin. The wheel started to slow down and when it finally stopped he was elated to see who he got.
'YES! I got Whis, he will be great for training me and the others in combat. It sucks that he is only temporary though'. Miles was happy but at the same time sad, he wanted a strong permanent summon but this was fine too since Whis' summon time was 2 years.
'I still have a few minutes left on my luck timer, I will spin again.' Miles spun the wheel again and got another 2-year grey summon, this time it was Floyd Lawton A.K.A Deadshot from dc comics.
'Not bad, Deadshot will be perfect for training Nojiko in marksmanship. I still have 2 minutes left, it's enough for at least two spins'. Miles quickly spun the wheel and waited for it to stop. He was hoping for something good and as he watched the wheel slowly come to a stop he was shocked to see what it was. It was his third 2-year grey card in a row but that wasn't what shocked him, what shocked him was who he got.
'Gol D. Roger!?'
{Wow. It's extremely rare to summon someone from the same world you are in, but I guess since he is already dead here, your chances went up.}
'Cool, he will be the best for training us in haki but I will need to hide his face so nobody knows who he is. I can't have the most famous man in the world who is supposed to be dead, just walking around town.' While Miles was thinking about this, Chloe's voice echoed in his head.
{You better spin the lottery again before the lucky bread timer runs out.}
When Miles was reminded of this he quickly spun the wheel for the last time and prayed for someone good. As the wheel inched to a halt, he was dazed by who he got and the fact that it was a black summon meaning it was permanent.
'YES! I GOT ERZA!! NEW WAIFU OBTAINED!!!.' Needless to say, he was overjoyed by his final summon of the day. The summon he got this time was Erza Scarlet just after she escaped from the tower of heaven. This was perfect because she would be around the same age as Miles, she would have already unlocked her magic and he would be able to train her to be much stronger than she was in the original fairy tail cannon. Furthermore, with his system, he could buy legendary and mythical weapons and armour for her. Now that Miles was finished with his lottery he checked his stats and confirmed that his luck had dropped to C-.
Sigh* "Well that sucks." He unintentionally said aloud.
"What does?" Nojiko asked as Miles turned around and saw her and Nami walking towards him.
"Just thinking about how I need to wait for years to become a pirate."
"Why do you want to become a pirate!?" Nami asked in a surprised voice. Even if the Arlong pirates incident had yet to happen to her, and she didn't hate pirates yet. Pirates still had a bad reputation, hence her surprise.
"For two reasons, adventure and to find the One Piece. Just imagine it sailing the grand line, exploring and mapping uncharted routes and island going on a grand adventure and it all culminates with finding the One Piece and becoming King of the Pirates."
Miles said all that while trying to sound as grandiose as possible. He was attempting to intrigue Nami and Nojiko so that they would have a more open mind to join him to become pirates. What he did not expect was that it would be so easy.
"Let me come with you!" "Me too." The two girls said quickly.
Miles was a bit taken aback by Nami and Nojiko's sudden request. He could easily guess Nami's reason for wanting to come with him, but for Nojiko it was unclear, so he asked both of them.
"Why do you want two join me?"
"I have always dreamed of making a map of the entire world, and if I go with you I can do it," Nami said very excitedly.
"I just think it will be fun," Nojiko said with a calm smile.
That wasn't the real reason why she wanted to go, the real reason was that the moment Nojiko saw Miles she had fallen for him, the moment she laid her eyes on him she knew he was the one. She wanted to be around him and always with him and now that she knew he was going to leave when he was older, she wanted to go with him. Miles didn't know this and only thought her personality was a bit different than the original timeline but he was fine with it.
"Fine I will let you both join me in my future endeavours but I have a condition, you both must train with me every day until I say you're strong enough. The grand line is not for the weak, if you can accept then we have a deal." Miles said with a smile
"Deal!" The two looked at each other and said in a determined tone.
"Great, then we will start our training tomorrow with our instructors."
"What instructors?" The girls said in sync again.
"You will see tomorrow," Miles said with a mysterious smile.
"Now let me explain what positions you will have in the crew. Nami you will be our navigator, I will get you all the books you will need to study navigation. You will also need to know how to defend yourself so you will be trained in close-quarters combat and spearmanship. Nojiko, you'll be our gunner and one of the main fighters of the crew. You will be trained in using any and all types of firearms as well as learning Gun Fu."
"What it Gun Fu?" She asked, never having heard of Gun-Fu.
"Gun Fu is a style of close-quarters gun fighting that combines firearms with martial arts and traditional weapons. Finally, I will be giving you both devil fruits but that can wait until tomorrow."
"Sound like fun". Nojiko said with a smile.
Now that Miles was done explaining the roles they would have, they had one more thing to do, and that was to tell Bell-mere about their future plan. The problem was, he didn't know how she would take the news of her daughters becoming pirates. Bell-mere used to be a marine so he was a bit scared of what she would do.
"Okay, now comes the hard part, we need to tell Bell-mere". Miles said in a solemn tone. When Nami and Nojiko heard this they shuttered thinking about it.
"It's fine you can do whatever you want with your lives." Miles, Nami and Nojiko were shocked to hear Bell-mere's voice from behind them, but none more so than Miles.
'Why I didn't realize she was here with my observation haki or my enhanced senses'.
{Even though you've unlocked observation haki, you haven't trained it, the same can be said about your enhanced senses.}
'*Sigh* I really need to start my training soon.'
"You're not mad that we are going to be pirates?" Nojiko asked.
"No. To me, it sounds like you are just going on an adventure and might be labelled as pirates in the process. I'm fine with that but I have two conditions if I'm going to let you do this." She said in a stern tone.
"First, you need to wait until you are all at least 18. Second, you can't ever hurt innocent people. Deal?"
"""Deal.""" The three kids answered her at the same time.
After that, they all talked more about how the three kids were going to be trained and he also said he had a friend who would be joining them tomorrow when he goes to get their instructors. When they asked who this friend was all Miles said was they would meet them tomorrow. Soon the day came to an end, and after eating dinner which Miles made, everyone went to bed to get a good rest for tomorrow.
The next day Miles woke up early and made breakfast for everyone. After they were finished eating, Miles left to "pick up" their instructors and his friend. Miles went back to the forest he arrived in and opened his inventory pulling out 3 grey cards and 1 black card. He first held out the black card and stared at it for a few seconds, the entire card was pitch black with the only exception being the picture of a young girl with shoulder-length red hair, a simple pale blue dress and a white eyepatch covering her right eye. This was Erza Scarlet at 8 Years old when she was about to join fairy tail.
"Chloe buy me the most powerful healing ability from the store". He was planning to heal any of her injuries as soon as he summoned her. The same goes for Roger's disease.
{[Perfect Heal] has been added to your powers. It can heal anything from a papercut to a severed limb or an incurable disease.}
"Thanks, Chloe."
{You're welcome.} She said in her usual cheerful voice.
Miles held out the black card and said: "summon!" As soon as he did the picture on the card turned into a bright light and the girl on the card appeared before him. The card now had a timer on it that showed a ∞ symbol. Erza looked around and saw Miles, then she smiled and did a formal bow.
"Hello, master". She said in a serious tone.
'Oh right, after escaping the tower of heaven she began to close herself off from everyone so as to not get hurt again. It wasn't until later in the series did she begin to open up. I will need to rectify that soon.' "Okay first, please don't call me master, just call me Miles. Think of me as your friend not someone you serve, even though I know that will be hard, just try."
"Alright M-Miles". She nodded her head and said in an uncertain tone. This was technically an order from her master so she would not disobey it even if she wanted to.
"Good, now let's heal you and get you a few new sets of clothes."
Miles then proceeded to use [Perfect Heal] on her, which regenerated her lost eye and then bought her the same clothes she wore in the anime. Erza changed into her new clothes which consisted of custom-made armour by Heart Kreuz smiths, a blue skirt, black boots, and diamond-shaped silver earrings. Miles also bought her a sword made of vibranium-adamantium alloy which could cut through anything except its own sheath which was made of the same material.
"You look very pretty." He said with an amicable smile on his face which made Erza blush.
"T-Thank you". She stuttered trying to hide her embarrassment from the complement.
Miles then held up his three grey cards and said: "summon". Like his last summon, the pictures on the cards turned into bright lights and three people appeared in front of him, and the timers on the cards show a countdown for 2 years each.
The first person was Whis. Whis is a tall, thin humanoid with pale blue skin, white hair, violet eyes, and rather effeminate features. He was holding a long sceptre with a gem that floats above it in his right hand. Around his neck is a large light blue ring, and his attire consists of a maroon robe, a black cuirass with white and orange diamond decorations and a blue sash. He also wears black high-heeled shoes with white spats.
The next person was Floyd Lawton also known as Deadshot. He dons a bulletproof red-and-black vest and bodysuit, with many holsters, containing various firearms. This suit is durable enough to help him withstand slashes from mystic daggers and high-calibre bullets, as well as superhuman strikes with minimal injury. He was also wearing a white ballistic face mask that covers his entire head and neck as well as a high-tech eye patch that he wears over his face mask, on his left eye. This eye patch augments his already amazing marksman skills, and when combined with his sniper rifle's scope, makes it almost impossible for him to miss his target. It also provides him with mission data and target data. Since he was wearing the DCEU costume from the suicide squad movie, Miles assumed he would look like Will Smith under his mask which was confirmed as soon as Deadshot took his mask off.
The final person was the king of pirates himself Gol D. Roger. Roger is a tall man, his most prominent physical features were his curved black moustache, a fierce grin he almost always wore, and his intense eyes. He also had thick black hair and a short, thick neck. Like many other high-ranking pirates, he wore a long red captain's coat. Beneath his coat, he wore a blue shirt and had a yellow sash around his waist, he also wore a white cravat around his neck, dark blue pants, and what appeared to be black sea boots. On his hat, he had his Jolly Roger on it over a yellow-spotted bandana.
Miles used [Perfect Heal] on Roger then went on to explain to them what they will be doing for the foreseeable future and they all happily agreed, especially Erza who was happy she would stay with him permanently. Miles then bought a mask from the system which would change the appearance of anyone who wore it and could be worn for long periods of time without being uncomfortable. He gave the mask to Roger who put it in and changed his appearance to look like an average person, the only thing that was the same was his moustache.
Miles led the four people to the house to meet Bell-mere Nojiko and Nami. When they got there Miles introduced Whis, Floyd and Roger as combat, marksmen and Haki instructors respectively, and introduced Erza as his friend he told the girls about yesterday. They all went downstairs to the time chamber and Miles explained what it was for and how it worked. Everyone was amazed by the device, except for Whis who already knew what it was. They all walked into the chamber with Miles being the last to enter because he wanted to test something.
He pulled out the grey cards for Whis, Deadshot and Roger than put them on a small table next to the door when he walked into the chamber as the door closed behind him. Miles wanted to know if the summon timer would go down by one year if the summoned was in the chamber and the card was outside it. He would find out when he exited the chamber tomorrow.
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