To Orange Town

When Koby first saw the time chamber door, he assumed it would only lead to a small training room, but when the door was opened and he walked in, he was amazed at what he saw, it was an entirely different place altogether. There was a large grassy field and a massive mansion in the middle of it. Behind the mansion was a training ground that had many types of equipment to train the body, or train in combat.

"Okay Koby, for the next year, this will be your home and training ground," Miles said as he shut the door behind them.

"Year!? But you said that we would be arriving at Orange Town in two days?"

"Calm down. Let me explain what this place is..." Miles went on to tell him what the chamber did, and how it would make training a lot faster.

"This is amazing! So, what do you want me to do first captain?" Koby asked, after seeing the astounding sight before him,

"Well first, just accept the invite, then we can get started," Miles said.

"What do you mean, invi-" Before Koby could finish his sentence, a grey box of text appeared in front of his eyes.

Seeing this box made Koby understand what Miles meant. He pressed accept, then the grey faded and a new box that shows his status replaced it.

Name: Koby

Race: Human

Age: 16

Strength: E

Stamina: E

Agility: E

Intelligence: C+

Willpower: B-

Luck: F+

Charm: E

Overall Rating: D+

Abilities/Powers: N/A


Observation Haki (Locked)

Armament Haki (Locked)

"Well, that's pretty much what I expected. Okay, Koby, the next thing that's going to happen is gonna suck, so.... try to stay awake... good luck!" Miles said quickly, as he bought Koby [Extreme Pain Resistance] from the store.

"Wait, good luck with whaAAAAH!" Koby didn't even get to finish speaking before he felt an almost unbearable pain coursing through his body.

"Wow. Seeing this happen to someone else makes me remember the pain of when it happened to me." Nojiko shivered when she recalled the agony she went through when she became a high human.

"Alright, while his race change is happening, let's go inside and talk about the reward I promised you," Miles said to Nojiko. Once she heard that, her eyes shined like stars and she pulled him into the house.


(18+ Start)

Nijiko dragged Miles into the master bedroom of the mansion, and as soon as the bedroom door closed, she immediately wrapped her arms around his neck and started kissing him. Miles went along with her and put his hands on her waist, then continued to move them down until he grasped her firm ass. They carried on their make-out session while at the same time removing each other's clothes, only stopping for the briefest of moments when they had to pull their shirts over their heads.

Once they were down to only their underwear, Miles lifted Nojiko up as she wrapped her legs around his waist, he then put her on the bed and unhooked her black bra, exposing her bountiful bosom. Finally, they stopped kissing and just stared into each other's eyes. Miles then leaned down and gave her a small kiss on the lips, he then moved down to her neck, then to her chest where he meets the sight of two perfectly shaped breasts with light pink nipples.

Miles started to lick her right nipple while fondling her other boob with his right hand, while this was happening Miles slid his left hand down her body into the front of her black thong.

"Ahhh" She moaned, as Miles' fingers made contact with her pussy. The foreplay continued until she was wet enough for the main event. Miles pulled off boxers and positioned himself between Nojiko's tanned and toned legs.

"Are you ready?" Miles asked as he placed the head of his dick at the entrance of her pussy.

"I've been ready for a long time." She replied with a smile as she wrapped her hands around his neck once again. Miles smiled back at her then he slowly pushed himself all the way into her.

"mmh" Nojiko let out a small moan pleasure from being penetrated for the first time. Miles held onto her hips and started moving his own like a piston, in and out, in and out. They went at it for almost 15 minutes before they felt their climax approaching.

"I'm gonna cum!" Miles said as he started moving a bit faster.

"Me too! Do it inside!" Nojiko told him as she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him closer. With one final thrust, Miles released his seed inside Nojiko filling her to the brim with his warm white semen. They then just stayed in each other embrace for a few minutes before Nojiko pulled Miles' head closer to hers.

"I want more." She whispered to him in a very seductive voice.

"Well, if you want more, then you'll need to work for it," Miles replied as he flipped her over and put her in a cowgirl position. Nojiko smiled and then she started to ride him until they both came again.

Their sexcapade went on for about 6 hours, the reason they could last this long was because of their insanely high stamina. After they were finished, they just lay in bed cuddling. Nojiko was resting her head on his chest and Miles had his arm wrapped around her shoulder.

"I love you Miles." She said as she stared into Miles' eyes.

"I love you too Nojiko" He responded as caressed her cheek and he gave her a gentle kiss. They then continued to cuddle until they fell asleep.

They had completely forgotten about Koby who had, by this time, completed his race change and was now lying unconscious in the middle of the training grounds.

(18+ End)


Garp was laying down on a bed in the recovery room of the 153rd Branch. He had a cast on his left arm and was speaking to commander Ripper, the man who was currently in charge of this base and also the same man who spoke to Miles' crew in the food foo's bar. Ripper had just finished telling Garp about what Morgan was doing in Shells Town, and how the Black Heart Pirates saved the town from him.

"Hmm. So when you shot at them, the bullets passed right through them?" Garp asked.

"Yes sir," Ripper replied.

"I see. Go get that Saga guy, I would like to speak to him." Garp told Ripper. Ripper gave a salute then left then room to find Saga.

'Logia fruits and haki. What the hell are people like that, doing in the east blue?' Garp thought to himself as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He then reached into his coat, pulled out a den den mushi and quickly dialled a number.

*purupuru purupuru kacha* was heard from the den den mushi before its face instantly grew a moustache and a braided goatee.

"Garp, you better be calling to tell me, your on your way back to marineford." A voice said through the den den mushi in a slightly annoyed tone.

"...Sengoku, we have a problem," Garp said in a solemn tone. When Sengoku heard Garp's tone, he immediately became serious.

"What happened?" Sengoku asked.

"I met some pirates...." Garp told Sengoku about the Black Heart Pirates and the fight he had with their captain, Miller D. Miles.

"He was able to injure you, and he can use royal haki, with that alone the world government would want him gone. Then there's the fact that their entire crew has logia types and if their captain can use haki, they most likely can as well. Send me their photos so I can get some wanted posters made, and get back here as soon as possible. There are rookies like this popping up all over the 4 seas and the grand line. *Sigh* I'm getting too old for this shit." *Kacha* Sengoku said then hung up.

*Knock knock* As Garp put his den den mushi away, he heard a knock at the door.

"Come in." He said. Then Saga walked in dressed as a new marine recruit. He saluted then stood at attention. Garp looked him up and down then, with his trademark goofy grin, Garp asked: "How would you like to be a real marine?" Saga raised his eyebrow indicating that he didn't understand, but unfortunately for him, Garp did not clarify what he meant.


"Are you ready?" A beautiful woman with long light blue hair, tanned skin and a long sleeve tattoo, asked a slim, pink-haired teenage boy, as she aimed a rifle at him.

"Ready!" He replied as he got into a fighting stance. This was obviously Nojiko and Koby, they were about to spar so they could see how far Koby's training come in the past year.

"Go!" Miles yelled from the side to indicate the start of their match.

*Bang* *Bang* Nojiko immediately started shooting at Koby when the match began, he ran at her and dodged the bullets flying towards him using his observation haki. Once Koby was close enough he coated his hands in armament haki then grabbed the barrel of the rifle, bending it and making it unusable. Nojiko quickly dropped the rifle and kicked at Koby with her legs covered in armament haki, this caused Koby to make an 'X' block with his arms and be pushed back a few feet.

Their fight went on for a few more minutes and Koby was able to get in a few good shots before Nojiko was able to put Koby in a cloverleaf submission(look it up) forcing him to give up the fight before she really hurt him. Throughout the short spar, Nojiko had not been using her devil fruit, this was for two reasons. The first was that she needed to hold back or she might accidentally kill Koby, and the second was because Miles had not given Koby a devil fruit yet. This spar was a test for Koby, if he did well enough then Miles would give him one, if not then he would only use haki to fight.

"Okay, you pass," Miles said with a smile as he helped Koby up.

"Really!?" Koby asked, excited. He would finally get his devil fruit and he was pumped.

"Yes, I will give you the Sand-Sand fruit. It should perfectly complement your haki if you can master it." Miles said as he pulled out a brown pear-shaped fruit and gave it to Koby.

"Thank you, captain! Bleh," Koby said as he took the fruit and ate it eagerly, the taste almost making him puke.

"Hehehe. We probably should have warned him about the taste." Nojiko chuckled at Koby's misfortune.

Miles just smiled, used [All Curse Breaker] on Koby, then started walking towards the chamber door.

"Now that you have you have completed your basic training and education it's about time we leave," Miles said as he opened the chamber door.

"Basic? But you put me through the wringer for the past year." Koby said, not understanding what his captain meant by 'Basic'.

"Yeah, basic. The rest of the crew spent many years in this chamber training and honing our craft to be the best. You didn't think that with only 1 year of training you would be able to take on the world, did you?" Nojiko was the one to speak this time, asking him a rhetorical question with a sly smile, following her future husband out the door.

'What have I gotten myself into?' Koby thought in despair as left the room last.


Zoro was bored, he really wanted to fight someone since he didn't get to do much back in Shells Town. It would be a little while before they made it to Orange Town and he hoped there was someone there that could give him a decent fight, unfortunately for him, he was bound to be disappointed. As he sat waiting patiently for the Death Rider to arrive at Orange Town, he heard the sound of the time chamber door opening.

"Hey captain, you're back. ...Who's that?" Zoro said as he pointed at the pink-haired teen beside his captain. Zoro knew that Miles had only taken Nojiko and Koby into the chamber, so who was this guy?

"Ahahaha, come on Zoro, It's me, Koby." He said with an awkward laugh.

"....WHAT!" Zoro shouted after a second of staring at Koby.

"What happened?" "Oh my god." "Wow" Were the reactions of Erza, Kuina and Nami who had arrived after hearing Zoro's shout.

"If you are all done freaking out, I would like to know when we will be arriving at Orange town?" Miles said while looking at Nami.

"Well you have great timing, we will actually be there in a few minutes," Nami replied with a smile.

"Good, then let's get ready to disembark. Koby this will be a good opportunity for you to get used to your new devil fruit. You will be doing most of the fighting." Miles told his newest recruit.

"R-Right!" Koby responded nervously. He had only ever sparred with Nojiko before, and he knew she was holding back a lot.

"Wait, why is he the only one who gets to fight, why can't I?" Zoro asked.

"Because Koby needs real combat experience. Besides, it would be pointless if you fought with Buggy's crew, you would wipe the floor with them in seconds." Miles answered.

"*Sigh* Okay." Zoro sighed then spoke apathetically"

"Don't worry, soon you and Kuina will both get to face... him," Miles said mysteriously, but they both knew who he was talking about, which made the two swordmasters smile.


"Captain Buggy, a pirate ship has docked at the port!" A random pirate reported to Buggy.

"Who?" Buggy asked the pirate.

"I don't recognize them or their jolly roger, but their ship looks expensive. If we take it, you might be able to use it in your future fleet!" The pirate said.

"Do it. Kill everyone on that ship and get it for me. hahahahah" Buggy said as he started laughing.

"Yes sir!"

"""HAHAHA""" Buggy crew also started laughing along with their captain.

"HEY BIG NOSE, YOU HAVE 1 MINUTE TO GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE AND HAND OVER THE MAP!" A loud voice was heard from in front of the bar that the buggy pirates were on top of.


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