Koby Against The Clown

Silence. All of the Buggy pirates slowly turned to look at their captain. Buggy stood there, with a shadow covering his face, seething with rage.

"Who. Said. That?" Buggy asked his crew, but no one said anything.

"WHO THE FUCK SAID THAT!?" He screamed at the top of his lungs when nobody answered him.

"Down here, moron." The voice spoke again. Buggy and his crew turned their heads and looked down to the street in front of the bar that they were standing on top of.

Standing in front of the bar were the Black Heart Pirates. They all had calm smiles on their faces, except for Koby, who looked very nervous. He knew this would be his first real fight and he didn't want to mess it up.

"C-Captain Buggy, those people are the pirates I told you about." Said the pirate that was reporting to Buggy earlier.

"GET THE BUGGY BALL AND KILL THEM!" Buggy screamed at his crew. Buggy Balls are highly explosive cannonballs that have a red tint and Buggy's jolly roger painted on it, they're strong enough to destroy multiple buildings with a single shot. After hearing their captain's order, the Buggy pirates scrambled to load a buggy ball into a cannon and fire it at the Black Hearts.

*Boom* The cannon fired, but what happened next shocked Buggy and his crew. Nojiko stepped forward while pulling out one of her pistols, and casually shot the buggy ball, blowing it up prematurely.

"Times up. Erza, do it." Miles said to his redheaded companion.

"Requip!" She said as her armour changed to that of one with a javelin. She encased the javelin in space power, then threw it at the bar Buggy and his crew were on top of. *Kaboom* Once the javelin made contact with the wall of the bar, it folded the space around the bar into itself.

The bar collapsed burying most of Buggy's crew in the rubble, killing them. The only survivors were Buggy and two others.

"*Sigh*.....That was overkill." Miles sighed while facepalming.


"Okay Koby, you have 60 seconds to defeat Buggy and his crew, good luck," Miles said just before pushing Koby forward then teleporting away with the rest of the crew.

"Huh?..." Koby looked around, but the crew was nowhere to be seen.

Unknown to Koby, the crew was actually standing on the roof of the building next to him. After Miles teleported the crew, he immediately bent the space around them, creating the illusion of them not being there.

"Well, well, well, it looks like your crew abandoned you." Buggy said, obviously not hearing what Miles said before he teleported away. If he did, Buggy would probably be even angrier than he already was.

"I wanted to kill that one in the coat to satiate my anger, but I guess killing you will do just fine, even if you are a weakling." Buggy said in an attempt to provoke Koby.

"60 Seconds" Koby muttered, completely ignoring Buggy's taunt. Koby turned his hands into loose blades of sand, then shoved them into the ground while shouting "Desert Spada!" Two sand blades ripped through the dirt underneath the cobblestone road and shot across the ground towards Buggy's two remaining subordinates, Mohji, and Cabaji. Unable to react in time, Cabji, Mohji, and even Mohji's pet lion Richie were hit by Koby's attack. Koby didn't kill them but his attack did severely injure them, taking them out of the fight.

"Wow, it's barely been 10 seconds since the fight started and he's already made it a one on one fight," Kuina said as she leaned on the rooftop railing.

'Oh shit, he has a devil fruit.' Buggy thought as he took half a step back.

"Desert Spada!" Koby once again used desert spada, this time aiming for Buggy. He intended to end the fight now as he didn't know what his captain would do if the fight wasn't over before the full 60 seconds has passed.

"That won't work on me kid!" Buggy said as he split his body in two at the waist, dodging Koby's attack.

"I ate the Chop-Chop fruit, nothing can cut me, not even the power of your devil fruit." Buggy said with a smug smile as his upper body quickly floated towards Koby. Buggy with his sword in hand stabbed straight through Koby's heart.

"You shouldn't have pissed me off kid, now you're dead." Buggy said as the lower half of his body reconnected with his torso and he started to pull his sword out of Koby's chest, but for some reason, the sword didn't move.

"Well if I can't cut you, then I will just have to use blunt force," Koby said just before he coated his fist in haki then punched buggy in his big red nose. *Wham*

"Ahhh!" Buggy shouted in pain as he recoiled back. Koby then turned his whole body into the sand than faded into the ground.

'Shit, he's a logia-type, I thought he was a paramecia-type. I can't beat that, I need to get put out of here now!' Buggy thought as he saw Koby disappear into the ground. Buggy frantically looked around to see where Koby, but after a few seconds of waiting in silence with nothing happening, Buggy made a mad dash for his ship. Unfortunately, Buggy didn't even make it five feet before a fist of sand coated in haki gave him a swift uppercut making him stumble and fall.

As the disoriented Buggy tried to stand up, sand encased him from head to toe, suffocating him and leaving only his eyes exposed, he tried to escape but the sand trapping him made him unable to move. Buggy looked over to his only two remaining crew in hopes of getting help, but they were still unconscious from the first attack from Koby. Panicked, Buggy's eyes darted from left to right in an attempt to find someone to help him, but soon he realized nobody was coming. Slowly, Buggy began to feel dizzy and soon he blacked out from lack of oxygen.

As soon as Buggy fell unconscious, the sand covering him fell from his body and rematerialized in the shape of Koby.

"Congrats on winning your first real fight Koby, how does it feel?" Nojiko asked after she and the other appeared behind Koby.

"AHH!" Koby screamed as he turned around and delivered a haki covered fist to Nojiko, to which she easily caught than spun Koby's arm into a standing kimura lock. (A/N Its a very painful armlock)

"OW OW OW!" Koby yelled in pain.

"It seems you weren't using your observation haki after you beat Buggy. If you were, then you would have noticed when we appeared behind you. What was the first thing I taught you about observation haki?" Nojiko asked with an intimidating voice.

"Always keep it active when I'm not on the ship to avoid an ambush from enemies!" Koby said quickly as he tried to free himself from Nojiko's iron grip.

"Correct" Nojiko replied as she released his arm.

"All that aside, good work beating Buggy and his crew in the allotted time. It only took you 39 seconds to take them down." This time it was Miles who spoke, making Koby very happy to hear his captain praising him, unfortunately for him though, that happiness didn't last longer than a few seconds before Miles spoke again.

"That being said, 39 seconds to defeat those three was too long. My original plan was to have you fight Buggy entire crew within that minute, but thanks to SOMEONE not being able to hold back, that didn't happen." Miles emphasized the word 'someone' as he and everyone else glanced over at Erza, who in turn, was trying to look as innocent as possible.

"Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that you will need a lot more training before we reach the grandline, but don't be disheartened, you have plenty of time," Miles said to Koby with a warm reassuring smile.

"Okay." Koby nodded his head and said, getting some of his confidence back.

"Now then. What do we do with them?" Miles asked to no one in particular.

"Why don't we just turn them in for their bounties?" Nami suggested with berry signs in her eyes. She may be rich already, but Nami never had enough money.

"We could turn them in, but he would probably just break out. Buggy may not be the strongest, but he is crafty and resourceful. Then theirs the fact that the closest marine base from here is at shells town, so that's a no-go. And finally, we are pirates, we can't turn in other pirates for their bounties, and before you ask, no we are not using the Winter Soldiers for a measly 15 million berries, sorry babe." Miles replied.

"Aww," Nami said disappointed.

"Any other suggestions?" Miles asked his crew.

"Why don't we just get rid of them?" Zoro asked as he put his hand on one of his swords.

"Can't, if we did that, then we would stir up unnecessary trouble," Miles said.

"What do you mean?" Kuina asked. She was very interested in what kind of 'trouble' would happen if Buggy were to die.

"Red Hair Shanks is the unnecessary trouble, he and Buggy used to be crewmen on Gol D. Roger's ship. Shanks considers Buggy a friend, and if Buggy were to die then Shanks would come at us full force. Silvers Rayleigh may also come after us as well, but that isn't certain. That being said, with our strength we could indeed beat them, but I would like to avoid needless conflict if possible." Miles said to them.

"Wow," Kuina said unconsciously. Needless to say, that she, Zoro and especially Koby were shocked by this news. The only ones unperturbed by this were Erza, Nami and Nojiko, as they had already heard about all this from clone Roger years ago.

"Anybody else?" Miles asked to which shook their heads.

"Hmm... Well, we may not be able to kill them or turn them in, but we can humiliate them." Miles said with an evil grin.


20 minutes later, Buggy and his two crewmates were roused from their sleep by a splash of water.

"Where am I?" Buggy asked drowsily.

"Good morning morons, did you have a good rest?" Miles asked condescendingly. As soon as the three pirates heard his voice, they immediately snapped out of their sluggish state and glared at the Blackhearts, that's when they noticed that they had been stripped down to their underwear and were each tied to a crucifix.

"YOUR DEAD!" Buggy yelled as he tried to detach his body parts to escape his bindings, but for some reason, it wasn't working.

"Why isn't it working!?" Buggy asked himself, but it was obviously loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Don't worry Buggy, your not alone, 1 out of 5 men your age have performance problems, it's normal," Miles said causing his crew to snicker.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!" Buggy screamed at Miles in anger.

Miles was done playing around so he simply smiled and answered him.

"I helped you, Buggy, many years ago you accidentally ate a devil fruit and today, I removed it from you. Your welcome." He said as he held up the Chop-Chop fruit in his hand.

"Y-y-you..." Buggy couldn't even form a coherent sentence to respond to what he had just heard and what he could see in Miles' left hand.

"Well this has been fun but we got what we need from here so it's time we leave. Goodbye Buggy." Miles said before he teleported himself and his crew away.


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