Zhuan Shan & Fei Peng 2

Fei Peng was still taking a long one to think about such an obvious thing.

Then next to him, thinking on the sofa.

Zhuan Shan was leaning off his chair so that his face was close to his. Awfully close. He was also constantly making the sound that a clock would make.

¨Tic Toc Tic Toc¨ Zhuan Shan went as his friend attempted to ponder wherefrom the Greenheart had come into the Rising Fox Sect.

Xiao Fan waiting there looking at the two fathers was also having a blast from watching their banter.

To him, it seemed that all was fine and that Fei Peng had even come customed to the fact that Zhuan Shan would be doing something like this.

In a normal situation, no one would take something like this, especially in front of their possible son-in-law during their first meeting. However, Fei Peng seemed no to care and did his best to think, which luckily for him didn't take way too long to put two plus two together.

The factors were as followed.

The inventor of Greenheart was named Xiao Fan.


The person in front of them was named Xiao Fan, and he had just given a veil of Greenheart to his good friend.

¨Tic Toc Tic Toc¨ Zhuan Shan continued until Fei Peng showed his hand into the face of this clock to shut it down.

Zhuan Shan aware that his friend tried to him shut up, laughed under that palm.

¨You are getting smarter with age¨ He spoke while Fei Peng was saying his own sentence at the same time.

¨You are Xiao Fan!¨ Fei Peng exclaimed together with his butt almost rising completely off from the sofa he was on.

¨In person¨ Xiao Fan spoke his hands open to the man, who looked as if he had made some great discovery. Then closing one of those hands, he put it into his pocket and took out another veil.

¨Catch¨ Xiao Fan threw him a veil containing Greenheart.

Luckily Fei Peng had high cultivation, for without it he would have definitely missed his catch, as even with it, the veil bounced in his hands a few times before he got it in control.

¨Do you ever listen to your daughter?¨ Zhuan Shan asked him, he had known about Xiao Fan the day the girls had gotten back, so why hadn't Fei Peng heard anything until now?

Fei Peng now back onto lounging on the sofa turned his head to answer ¨The girl sure does talk something, but nothing about him is great¨ He laughed.

'What?' Xiao Fan wanted to speak this out loud but didn't. 'She's badmouthing me behind my back?' Only thinking things to himself.

By the time Xiao Fan got back to listening to their conversation Zhuan Shan had already incited Fei Peng to tell more and in detail.

¨You know she comes home. Clothes and face all ragged. Her spear broken¨ He begins to tell.

¨Yeah, yeah¨ Zhuan Shan incites him to tell more while one of his eyes looks at Xiao Fan.

Fei Peng hearing him wanting to hear it so much, laughed a little, took a look upwards his eyes closed and spoke more.

¨I, of course, see her coming, shes been missing for a day. So I ask where she had been¨ He then takes a break to guffaw a little.

¨She replies to me this: Father I have been following some idiot who uses his sword to dig up sand and everything, leave me alone for a moment!¨ Fei Peng says.

Hearing him telling the story Zhuan Shan cracks into a laugh which to Fei Peng joins.

When Zhuan Shan gets his laughing to calm down a little, he speaks ¨Seems that our daughters have different opinions about this boy. My daughter thinks that this guy breathing towards her general direction is a blessing¨ He tells about how Zhuan An views Xiao Fan.

All the while they crack jokes like this, Xiao Fan is standing there, not so bothered about what Zhuan Shan says, those things he could figure even himself.

On the other hand, he hadn't been aware of how Fei Sun feels about him? To her, he was mediocre at best? All ways doing his best not to succeed?

They have known each other for a week! Why is she so negative about him? He ponders and decides to break their talk.

¨Does she mention anything positive about me, ever?¨ Xiao Fan questions Fei Peng.

The elders hearing this stop their talk.

Then Fei Peng turns his head to look at his face, and from there he continues to his chest, then abdomen, and finally to his crotch area.

Zhuan Shan knowing what his old friend is doing follows Fei Peng's eyes to the place.

¨Well, I have heard good about your...¨

¨Enough, thank you¨ Xiao Fan stops him from talking any further.

He got the idea, but was stunned, for Fei Sun had said that he has a big cock to her own freaking father? Why!

¨Oh, and by the way, this sect is sick¨ He also tells this into the faces of two elders of the very sect he called sick.

However, the two elders don't flinch from him saying so, they only laugh?

¨Sick, sick, so sick... Why is your sect like this!¨ He shouts to the men still laughing at his comment.

Still, his comments only make the roar louder.

¨Cmon keep going, keep going¨ Both of them try to make him say even more.

¨Yeah, no¨ Xiao Fan seeing that they only enjoy their sect being mocked decides not to give them what they want.

¨Ah, good stuff¨ Zhuan Shan speaks to calm down the bigger man who keeps on laughing.

From it, Fei Peng, feeling that they should stop, stops.

¨You don't like our sect?¨ Fei Peng when calm again questions Xiao Fan.

¨Who would like your sect?¨ Only needing a second to think of an answer Xiao Fan responds.

¨Why do you think we like the sect?¨ This time it was Zhuan Shan his emphasis on the word ¨we¨.

¨You are people who are overtly fixated on beauty and loathe the mistakes of the human body¨ His response swift.

To him, there was no other thing that one would like about this sect.

¨And you don't like it?¨ Zhuan Shan speaks.

¨You don't like playing around with Meng Chin?¨ Fei Peng speaks.

¨?¨ Xiao Fan shows visible confusion.

¨We know, you don't need to hide it¨ Both of them state and then chuckled.

'Hey wait a second...' Xiao Fan slowly realised what they were hinting to him.

The two of them were hinting that he was having sex with Meng Chin!

... 'Wait, I'm having sex with Meng Chin. Goddamit'

¨That's different!¨ Were his first words to this question.



Both of them said almost in unison, their faces grinning.

¨Okay, okay. Let's not talk about that...¨Zhuan Shan seemed to finally end this conversation ¨ Except is she good?¨ He then added in, making clear that it wasn't stopping.

¨Please continue, and neither of you gets anymore Greenheart¨ Xiao Fan decided to push these two to stop bullying him.

With the only thing, he could end it with.

Hearing this the two grown-up men took a look at each other ¨Bully¨ Zhuan Shan spoke.

¨A party pooper of the highest decree¨ Fei Peng also notes.

¨What ever, you, yourself go and bully someone else. I'm here actually to talk with you, not as someone you can ridicule with baseless accusations. I would never lay my hands on my master¨ He said to Fei Peng, who called him a party pooper.



Both of them replied to him not having anything more than a healthy master and a disciple relationship with Meng Chin.

Xiao Fan, taking a look at their faces which were trying to hold the laughter in continued.

¨Zhuan Shan does the sect have a place where they keep their wounded and such?¨

¨Sure¨ He replied the same words, though this time they were honest.

¨I was wondering if I could study some medicine under you, especially surgery¨ Xiao Fan was straightforward with his wants.

¨Sure¨ Zhuan Shan agreed ¨But what is there in for me?¨

¨What do you want? Money? Herbs? I can give you most things¨ Xiao Fan had known that Zhuan Shan wouldn't be doing this for free, and most likely not for money either.

¨Hmm¨ Zhuan Shan began to ponder what he could use from Xiao Fan. He hadn't thought about anything he could get from him yet, so now that he could get something he needed to think.

Fei Peng could only look from the side, murmuring how he should have also taken up surgery like his friend did back then.

Maybe lucky for everyone else though Zhuan Shan had argued that he would make a lousy doctor.

¨The recipe for Greenheart?¨ Was the obvious thing Zhuan Shan came up with his thinking.

However, to that ¨Nope¨ Xiao Fan said instantly.

¨Thought so¨ As he then went back to thinking.

¨You are an inventor correct?¨ Zhuan Shan inquired to which he got a nod from Xiao Fan.

¨So you know alchemy?¨ He, getting an affirmative continued.

Another nod.

¨Teach me that?¨

Another nod.

¨Then that is settled¨

¨Why would you take up alchemy? You are already so old!¨ Fei Peng noted from the side.

¨Not anyone is dull as you. I'm still under forty-five anyways, I'll learn¨ He defended himself against the scepticism of Fei Peng.

¨One should stay doing the thing one is good with¨ Fei Peng didn't note anything more.

¨Someone is simple¨ Xiao Fan, wanting to get back at Fei Peng spoke.

¨Oi, boy. You still want my daughter?¨ Fei Peng argued back quite angrily, but not due to Xiao Fan, but because Zhuan Shan had made an agreeing nod to Xiao Fan's statement.

¨She doesn't seem to like me¨ He also motioned with his hands that he didn't know ¨Might be better to leave it¨

¨He's getting it¨ Zhuan Shan noted verbally, while with his eyes were noting that the hole the sofa had from Fei Peng sitting on it got up a little.

¨Just go and do your magic stuff boy. Leave the weights for the rest of us, capable, real men, which the women like¨ Fei Peng didn't say more before he left the room.

When he had left the room, Zhuan Shan spoke to himself whilst looking at the sofa ¨Another broken sofa¨

Indeed the sofa had been broken by Fei Peng. The arms of the sofa had been broken when he left in anger while the wooden blanks under the seat must also be broken.

Seeing that it was truly broken Xiao Fan noted ¨Just make the sofa out of something that will carry him...¨ To the person, who wasn't really waiting for a response.

Zhuan Shan still seemed to appreciate it, as while he was looking at the damages, he turned his head towards Xiao Fan ¨Oh that would be a good idea, now I have something else to during my free time¨

¨That's later free time right¨ Xiao Fan wanted to remind what they had agreed to, Zhuan Shan could do anything that he wanted, but not now.

¨Sure. Let's get you some stuff before we leave for the place¨ He spoke, getting up from his chair and leaving the room Xiao Fan behind him.

Walking towards someplace Xiao Fan didn't know he was being bombarded by questions.

¨Do you feel sick when seeing blood?¨

¨In most cases no¨

¨Have you ever performed a surgery on a human?¨

¨If slicing people with a sword doesn't count, no¨

¨Why do you want to practice surgery?¨

¨It will help me in the long run when dealing with creating new formulas¨

And the more they walked, the harder the questions were becoming.

¨What organ is below the spleen?¨


¨What is the oath?¨

¨Upon having conferred on me the high calling of physician and entering medical practice, I do solemnly swear: To dedicate all my knowledge and strength to the preservation and improvement of the health of mankind and to the treatment and prevention of disease, and to work in good conscience wherever it is required by society...¨

Zhuan Shan seemed to be pretty serious about this whole thing based on these question. But surgery wasn't child's play either.