Chapter 5

It had been quite some time since Kira's take over. She had permanently dropped out of high school, not seeing why she needed to stay any longer.

Similar to her old world, a 16 year old couldn't open a business account or own the multiple businesses the gang was running. Although she could own property, and now had many buildings in her name.

As for the businesses, she now had contacts with the right people to tweak a few things about her identity. With the help of Falcone she was 18 years old in the eyes of the government, this was child's play for the Mafia boss. Unfortunately this meant her identity was revealed to him, and to others who had the skill to get the information from the states database of registered businesses.

Currently Kira was proud owner of multiple bars, restaurants, warehouses, safe houses, stores, vehicles, Docks, clubs, hidden brothels, casinos and whatever else the gang had in Chinatown. Anything that she didn't own paid protection money to her or they'd have men with guns kicking their doors down. They were more that cooperative as she charged them less than they were charged previously, the owners only benefited.

She personally paid a visit to every business in Chinatown and made her status clear, if the goons didn't scare them, the red eyes did.

The drug trade that she now ran took some time getting used to. Most of her warehouses were used to cook all sorts of things, mostly Heroin and Meth. The people cooking were either doing it willingly, with a salary and everything. Or they were bought through the human trafficking trade and forced into it.

Most drugs were sold to the crackheads of Gotham, with a few being sold to other large distributors that operated outside the city. This was because they could only sell in either Chinatown, places that weren't another gangs territory, or places that were controlled by weaker gangs that couldn't stop them. She had more drugs than these areas could take so outside distributors were a necessity.

Fortunately for Kira, her subordinates were used to doing most of their bosses work since a lot of it was passed down from King snake and Ekin Tzu for others to handle. Following in their footsteps, Kira had people she was moderately sure wouldn't stab her in the back to watch the businesses.

The corrupt police officers and judges that were previously under Ekin and Kings payroll now worked for her, but Kira wasn't sure if the amount of money spent on keeping them was worth it. The cops maybe, but the judges were questionable. With enough cops they would never even meet a judge.

As for the smaller street gangs in Chinatown, Kira had annexed almost all of them. The ones that wouldn't listen to reason all died of heart attacks the next day, much to the shock and distress of those who knew about the situation.

She didn't work for Carmine anymore, but instead worked together with him. Falcone was happy with this as it brought in more money and manpower when he needed it. The previously uncontrollable Chinatown was finally of some worth to him.

The gang was renamed the Angel Triad by the majority after seeing her wings, Kira didn't care and let them name it what they preferred. Then there was her name. They also began to call her Tianshi which meant Angel in Chinese.



Dectective James Gordon was currently in a meeting with his fellow cop and good friend Harvey Bullock, "Any closer to figuring out who took out two major players in Chinatown" A tired looking Harvey asked.

James shook his head, "No Harv, you know how it is over there. Half of them don't speak English, and the half that does act clueless and won't say a word." He smiled bitterly.

Harvey sighed in disappointment, "Have you got anything for me at all James? The mayors already up my ass about those stolen guns, he thinks one of our cops is working for the Joker and stealing from the GCPD."

James went silent for a moment, "I've got something Harv. Whoever took out King Snake and Ekin Tzu has the Lucky Hand Triad and The Ghost dragons under their control. I've been investigating that kid that inherited all their stuff, Kira Chen? She's just some orphan that doesn't seem to have any connections to Triad."

Harvey's eyes widened in astonishment, "So why would two gangsters sign some random orphan into their will? I could maybe-possibly understand Ekin since all these Chinese people seem to know each other, but how would an Ex-British solider be connected to her." He asked in confusion.

They checked her previous records and everything looked clean, graduated from high school a few years ago and had been working at a restaurant in Chinatown ever since. They couldn't ask her old school any questions because it had closed down a year after her departure when it was bombed. Lots of paper files were lost and anything they did have wasn't suspicious at all.

Questioning the restaurant was pointless since the girl now owned it after inheriting It from King snake.


Turning to the door they saw Detective Gerard Stephans walk in, he was one of their more trusted cops. "Chief Bullock, we have some news about the guns that were stolen from our weapons room" he spoke seriously.

Harvey began to read through a file that Gerard handed him. It seems they arrested some perp with a gun this morning, and the weapon was registered with GCPD. Harvey dismissed the detective and leaned further back into his chair, looking even more exhausted.

"You deal with the girl Gordon, whatever happened stopped the gang war in Chinatown and I need to know why. And I need to know yesterday." He said with annoyance laced in his voice.

James could understand his friends irritation. Ever since Chinatowns shifts in power there had been more drugs in that district than ever before. Cops struggled to even patrol the area without being shot or having stones thrown at their cars.

James narrowed his eyes as he realised something had to change, or it'd only get worse. "So much we don't understand. It's as if our authority ends at Gate Street" he muttered.

Harvey nodded in agreement, "There are already enough districts that we struggle with, we don't need to add Chinatown to that list."


Kira was currently resting in her mansion that was located in the centre of her territory, when her maid walked with a nervous countenance. "Miss Chen? There's a Detective James Gordon at the door to see you. He's says he has some questions." She spoke in Chinese.

Kira's eyebrows twitched in shock, she didn't think she'd be meeting such an important character so early on, "Bring him to my study...Oh and prepare some tea." She responded.

Kira rushed to her study and started clear papers up. Walking towards her desk she opened up the drawer and pulled out a small black box. Inside were two specially made contact lenses, so she would be prepared to take of her glasses if need be.

Putting them on, with her new round designer glasses on top, she sat down and waited.

Less then an minute later Kira saw her maid enter and trailing behind her was a tall man with a moustache in a grey suit. He looked to be in his early to mid thirties.

Kira put on a falsely inviting smile, "Welcome Detective, it's lovely to meet you. Mai Li tells me you have some questions?" She said gesturing to her maid to get the tea.

James nods his in affirmation, "Yes Miss Chen. Hopefully it won't take too long....I'd like you to explain how you know Edmund Dorrance. If you will." He spoke calmly, getting straight to the point. She could the calculating look in his eyes.

Kira tilted her head slightly, as if thinking of the how to answer, "Well you see Detective, Edmund was a close friend of mine, almost family really."

Gordon raise an eyebrow in disbelief. How could this small girl be friends with someone who had been under investigation for all sorts of crimes. "Uh-Huh, If you were so close why didn't Mr Dorance adopt you?" He asked accusingly.

"Well that's simple Detective. We had met after I left the orphanage. Fortunately he was willing to give me a job at his restaurant, where I was certainly overpaid." She laughed sadly, as if reminiscing of old times.

James pulled out a small notebook and begun to take notes. His eyes betrayed nothing of what he was thinking, "How did you two meet Miss Chen". He leaned forward, obviously curious.

"I met him when I tried to skip on a bill at a bar he owned in north Chinatown. He caught me and threatened to call the cops, I begged him not to and he was kind enough to let me go with a warning and some cash. After that I began to visit him whenever I could, wanting to repay his kindness." Kira's voice cracked, it sounded like she would break down and cry at any moment.

James Gordon was awkwardly shuffling in his seat and was about to say something, when the maid walked in carrying tray with some tea and refreshments.

Kira and James both thanked Mai Li and begun to eat. Well, Kira did. The paranoid detective politely refused anything she offered him.

"I noticed on my way here Miss Chen...that you had quite a few guards stationed both inside and outside the premises. Why is that?" He asked causally.

Slowly putting her tea cup down and facing the Detective, Kira replied, "All those men used to be under the employ of Edmund and Ekin. Without them they were jobless and would soon go broke. I offered them to stay on and work for me, out of sympathy. They need to feed their families after all." She responded with an air of righteousness.

He continued to ask her more questions that she answered in a seemingly perfect manner. After finishing his questions about King Snake he went onto Ekin Tzu and repeated all the same questions. Kira answered them all without coming across suspicious, at least she thought so.

Kira denied having any knowledge of their death or the fact they had both put her in their will. She told him they both lacked family, and she was probably the closest thing they had, when in reality she hadn't had a single conversation with either of them.

After the questions Kira had her butler, Cao Fang, escort Detective Gordon back to his car and watch him drive away.


"I'm telling you Harvey, she's lying. I don't know how, but I just know she is. It's too perfect, can you name a single orphan in Gotham has a record as clean as hers? But she's the one that inherits the mini empire two gang leaders built..."

Harvey Bullock could practically see the cogs turning in his best friends head as he paced back and forth in his office.

The chief sighed in understanding, "Even if you're right James, unless we can prove it...There's nothing we can do abo-"

Harvey was cut of by his subordinate, "We can't, but we know someone who can." James smirked, as if he'd already caught the criminal.

Harvey sat their with a confused look before it clicked. "No no no no no no! No James, I'm sick and tired of you running to that freak in a bat costume every time you can't figure something out!" He shouted loudly in annoyance.

The noise did nothing to deter the smiling to detective, as he swiftly left the GCPD.