Gamers con

Finally, the day has arrived when (Y/N) had to take the stage. Luckily, the dress was put to order, and nothing shameful has happened as she performed her new song. The applause given was a certainity that she had a good chance of winning.

"Good job, (Y/N)," Sky said, clapping (Y/N) on her shoulder backstage. She was second last to perform, followed by a dancer who was on stage now.

"Thanks, all the best, huh?" (Y/N) said, referring to the results.

"Yep, may the best man win," Sky conceded.

All too soon, it was coming, with all 10 contestants standing on stage as a single judge stood up and opened his mouth.

"The winner of the Phantam Talent Show is..."

Lights were turned on, blipping from one constestant to another until it reached...

"Fanstar!" The judge announced. Then, the crowd roared deafeningly. (Y/N) couldn't help but smile at the applause. It was actually one of the pros of being a pop star.

"Congratulations!" Sky patted her arm. (Y/N) couldn't help but smile, and about that time, she was suddenly mobbed by the audience, now fully fledged fans of hers.

"Fanstar!" They squealed.

Then, (Y/N) was dragged away from Sky whose hand was still quivering in the air and completely annoyed.

'One day, I will get rid of the annoyances and have her all to myself...' Sky thought, but that was not happening toady. In fact, today, that was for someone else...

"I love your new song!" One said.

"When are you going to make another?"

"Are you going to perform soon?"

"Do you have any relationships?"

Being mobbed by the audience was one of the cons, and despite two years of this happening from time to time, all (Y/N) could do was stutter and splutter amidst the torrent of questions.

Until a hand reached out to her arm and dragged her away, all the way to the entrance despite the protests of the audience.

(Y/N) looked back to see that it was Dan who brought her to the entrance. He was looking severe and crossing his arms, but he was also looking uncomfortable as well.

"Figured that you would gain so much attention," Dan said.

"Thanks for saving me there, Hitler," (Y/N) said, smiling.

"I didn't do it for you, I'm did it because I needed to talk to you, and when are you going to stop calling me Hitler?" Dan said all that, aggravated, but he was also blushing slightly.

'How classic...' (Y/N) thought. She wasn't an otaku for nothing.

"Oh my, whatever you say, you tsun-Dan-re!" (Y/N) emphasize the last word.

"Tsun-Dan-re?!" Dan asked, shocked at this label, "Where the hell did you get that?!"

"Well, simple. You are a... tsundere! So, I changed it into tsun-Dan-re! Congratulations, you become a verb!" (Y/N) said chuckling.

"What's a tsundere?" Dan asked, his head cocked.

"You have no idea what a tsundere means?" (Y/N) exclaimed, her hands clutching to her heart, "Have you not watched anime?!"

"I only play games," Dan said.

"OK..." (Y/N) said, "A tsundere is someone who acts cold toward people but are actually a warm hearted person instead!"

Dan registered this sentence, and then said, "I am not a tsundere!"

"Says all of them," (Y/N) said, smiling.

"You are impossible," Dan said, shaking.

"And that's tsun," (Y/N) said.

"What?! I don't have time for this. I want to talk to you," Dan said.

"About?" (Y/N) asked.

"Gamers' con right here in Phantam Town. Happens every year featuring games, anime and much more. I thought it would be right up your alley," Dan said.

"Why are you telling me, like you wanted to invite me?" (Y/N) asked, smiling even wider.

This time, there was no real hiding his tomato of a face. He quickly spoke, nearly agitated, "I just want you to come so that we can play all the game competitions and smoke you there, that's all..."

"And here's the Dan-re. I prefer you being Dan-re over tsun," (Y/N) said, pleasured by the way Dan acted when she spoke that one out: flustered and shy.

"St- stop speaking nonsense," Dan stuttered, "The gamers' con is tomorrow and it's in cosplay. You can dress up as any character from a game or anime. Be there 3pm, I'll be waiting."

Then, he stomped off like the little kid he was as (Y/N) waved him goodbye. She really did enjoy teasing him.

Gamers' con, huh? That was not a bad idea at all...

Meanwhile, Dan was walking away from (Y/N), remembering her smile, laugh and her banter. So annoying~

But why... does that make his heart feel lighter?


'Whew, thank God that Lyla allowed me to go to gamers' con...' (Y/N) thought.

She was standing at the entrance texting Dan's number, 'Where are you?'

'Coming now. Where are you?' Dan texted back.

'Right near the entrance. Only one there, so you can see me...' (Y/N) texted back. It was true she was the only one; the rest of the people cosplayed are already inside the building now.

Then, I saw a boy running toward me. He was all black, from the hair down to his boots. Hanging from his belt was a lightsaber. He wasn't wearing any mask, and all but the orange eyes, he fits perfectly to the character.

"Ara ara~" (Y/N) said, "Is this the great Kylo Ren, I wonder?"

"Hmm... Tokisaki Kurumi?" Dan asked right off the bat.

"Eh? How did you know?" (Y/N) asked.

"I have played Date A Live games. I certainly liked Rio Reincarnation," Dan said with a smirk.

(Y/N) was wearing black too, with those uneven pony tails and has put on contacts to match Kurumi's eyes with her dress and the two guns she always carries.

"Ara ara~ That's your only social life, isn't it?" (Y/N) asked slyly.

"I don't have time to be angry at you," Dan said curtly.

"Projecting Kylo Ren and all that?" (Y/N) asked tilting her head with her fingers on her chin.

"And stop looking so cute," Dan said once again curtly.

"But that's my job," (Y/N) said. "Shall we?"

"Yes, we shall. You will suffer as I destroy you..." Dan said.

"Ara, ara~ We will see, won't we?" (Y/N) flashed a smile that spelled trouble.

"The Force will guide the way," Dan said.

"And I will destroy you anyway. How fun," (Y/N) said.

They continued this witty banter until they reached inside and (Y/N) couldn't help but gasped at the gaming convention in front of her.

Countless of people cosplaying ranged from games to anime chatted with one another, hanging out with different voice actors, playing game competitions, checking out once in a lifetime souvenirs. (Y/N) simply couldn't help but be in awe.

"Your first gaming convention?" Dan asked with a smirk.

"It's not like I had much free time going to them," (Y/N) said.

"Not a true gamer after all," Dan said, smiling.

"You'll see," (Y/N) said.

"Hmph," Dan said, but truthfully he enjoyed doing this with (Y/N). This was simply how it was supposed to be. "So, let's test our gaming skills. How about... that game over there?" Dan said, picking at random to see a kart game ongoing.

"Ara, ara~ You are going to be left behind the dust," (Y/N) said.

"Don't be so overconfident," Dan said, with a smile worthy of Kylo Ren.

"But that's what I do best," (Y/N) said with a smile worthy of Tokisaki Kurumi.

And the day was filled with fun gaming competitions, meeting a few voice actors and checking out souvenirs.

Being anime based as well, there were souvenirs worth checking out. In the end, (Y/N) bought a Kaitou Kid chain for her phone. It was so cute and cool.

There was something that was bugging (Y/N) about the day however...

Gaming was fine, and every time (Y/N) wins, it was nice to boast here and there, but when she loses, she tries to be a good sport unlike Dan who sulks from time to time.

Then again, his sulking there especially doesn't compare whenever we meet voice actors of some of my favourite anime, that Dan gives off a look and drags her off to another game.

'He's such a child,' (Y/N) thought when she was dragged away for the fifth time. She decided not to mind so to have a good time but the final straw was when...

"Oh my God!" A girl dressed in a warrior garb of a game shouted out as (Y/N) looked at the same direction of the girl.

(Y/N) top closed her mouth as she saw smoke and confetti around some stage to appear...

"Kaitou Kid!" (Y/N) nearly screamed-gasped that Dan was giving her the strangest look ever on his face. Not that (Y/N) noticed, because out of all cosplayers, this one looks dead on to her favourite phantom thief and she wanted to see the tricks up his sleeve.

The cosplayer smiled to all of them, earning a few blushing faces of the girls watching. "Ladies and gentleman! For my next trick..."

Then, he was floating... and walking midair, such as that episode, above their heads.

Then, he disappeared in a poof of doves, which bamboozled them to the point of looking around until a girl screamed.

Then, a girl dressed in a maid costume screamed when the cosplayer was right in front of her. He bend low and kissed her hand.

"As a thief, may I have the pleasure of stealing your heart tonight?" The cosplayer asked, winking slightly.

The girl instantly blushed and (Y/N) couldn't help but thought that his acting as Kaitou Kid was spot on.

A rose immediately appeared in his hand to give to the awestruck girl. With a swish of his cape, he turned the maid costume into a princess costume.

"For the lovely girl like you, a princess costume is only fit..." the cosplayer said.

Everyone clapped as the cosplayer gave a boisterous laugh. (Y/N) was entranced by the cosplayer, enjoying his magic tricks and his delivery.

"And for a princess, I will be..." the cosplayer said, and in another swish of a cape, the Kaitou Kid turned into a prince.

Gasps came out from the crowd, enjoying the spectacle. Then, he moved through the crowd like a flowing river turning back immediately to a phantom thief.

Cards appeared out of his hand, and when he threw it up, they floated around him as he was walking and then back to his hand as he went to search for someone.

He was honing on (Y/N) but before he could make it, Dan, very irked by then, had dragged (Y/N) away once again.

This time, she couldn't conceal her annoyance because she wanted to partake in the magic show and irritatedly asked, "What's your deal?"

"Nothing," Dan said, "I just wanted to play that game over there before a crowd forms there again."

"But I want to watch that magic show, and it was unfair to drag me away from it," (Y/N) said.

"Unfair? You are supposed to hang out with me anyway," Dan said.

"Yeah, but I couldn't enjoy myself anyway?" (Y/N) retorted.

"I wasn't enjoying myself..." Dan mumbled.

"What? That magic show was awesome. How could you not enjoy yourself?" (Y/N) was extremely puzzled.

"Because I wanted you to hang out with me, me," Dan emphasized the last part.

"What?" (Y/N) asked before she realized something, "Are you saying that you are jealous?"

That would make sense, Dan was that childish anyway to have that kind of feeling.

"I'm not jealous!" Dan exclaimed. In return, (Y/N) simply smiled.

"Listen, Hitler, hanging out with other people here doesn't mean I'm not spending time with you, alright? Because in the end, I will always come back to you, alright?" (Y/N) said.

"It's- it's nothing like that!" Dan protested, but (Y/N) simply shook her head.

But he realized it was that. He didn't want (Y/N) to hang out with other people... but why? She was rude, snarky and always teasing him.

But she was also playful, nice and always giving a damn about him, more so than his 'friends'. Then, he felt a hand ruffling his hair. It was (Y/N) with a huge smile.

"Let's enjoy our day together, but no matter who I talk to, I still come back to you, because in the end, ... you are my friend," (Y/N) said.

"We are?" Dan asked, shocked as his heart was blossoming at the words.

"Only a good friend could give me a wonderful time at my very first gamers con!" (Y/N) proclaimed.

Then, Dan smiled, and they spent the rest of the day having a boatload of fun, especially whn DAn remembered the words, 'I still come back to you.'

'Because you are mine,' Dan thought.