Chapter 2: Adoption

"Great I've been thinking of choosing a successor for a while now and to be honest I'm getting to old for this." said the Creator with an exasperated tone

"Well why choose me." asked Yui

"Well to be honest I like your personality and the innocence to everything around you due to your previous impairment." confessed the Creator

"Ohh okay." said Yui absentmindedly, as if to just acknowledge the answer without to much thought.

Meanwhile the Creator was observing Yui with a beautiful smile on his face as if pondering something, which was caught on by Yui as she faced him.

Yui was really curious what the Creator was thinking about so she walked up to him and looked up at him with a gleeful smile as she asked, "What are you pondering that's got you so preoccupied."

The Creator looked a Yui once more but this time he had a caring smile on his face as he caresses the cheek and rubbed her head as if looking a relative.

Yui was shocked that the Creator would do that to her but she felt an indescribable warmth creep throughout her soul which she had never felt her whole life what got her more astonished is that she was feeling warmth from a man which she had an incredible hate for.

But nothing was enough to prepare her for the question that the Creator put out for her to ponder, "Hey child would you take me as your father."

This had totally blown her mind she didn't know what to think as she was there dumbstruck, but soon she started crying like a child who just found her parents after a whole life of never seeing them.

The Creator looked at her as her approached her with a heartwarming hug to which Yui reciprocated as she said while sobbing, "Umm are sure ~mmh~ that you want me as a daughter ~mmh~."

"Ohh of course my child how could I not as I've always wanted a daughter to dote on while she calls upon me for everything." answered the Creator resolutely

Yui was happy and on cloud 9 as she heard him say that. She ended up crying even more for about 5 minutes until she calmed down a bit to absolutely blow the Creator mind as she said with a cute and blushing face, "Thanks Daddy."

The Creator was blown away as he nearly collapsed due to not being ready for that attack from her new adopted daughter.