Chapter 3: Introduction to Cultivation World

"Please daughter don't do that again as I nearly died from a heart attack." said the Creator with a haggard expression

Yui was struck with a realization 'it seems that my old man is weak against cute talk maybe I can 'convince' him later with my wishes jijijiji ' thought Yui with a cheeky smile

"Okay now I'll introduce you to Cultivation first things first cultivation is divided into three paths which are Body, Soul, and Essence, these paths can be practiced freely meaning that you can practice all of them or only 1 which is the norm in the Mortal Realm your going to and that one is Essence." explained the Creator

"First let reintroduce myself my true name is "Yu Zhang" from now on your surname is "Yu" as for your name I chose "Yan" since you have a beautiful smile." said Yu Zhang with a smile

Yui was surprised at first but once again smiled beautifully showing she loved the name. She truly did love it because since she was going to be reborn it was like a father naming her daughter at birth which gave a sense of fatherly love which she had never felt. She ended up hugging her father with a joyful smile on her face.

Yu Zhang was surprised at first but ended up rubbing her hair to dote on her. Then he got serious again and said "Yan'er during our training I'll be teaching you all 3 paths because you will need them to advance with minimal barriers during cultivation. I'll explain imagine a cultivater who only cultivates 1 path doesn't matter which one when that cultivater reaches a barrier of a Major realm breakthrough it will become effectively harder the bigger the gap between the paths. So you should always keep the paths close to each other when you wish to breakthrough that way you don't have to worry about barriers.

Yan'er was amazed at this information so she got serious and memorized everything. Yan'er was the genius type which could memorize everything by hearing due to her past life impairment.

Yu Zhang kept explaining about the Realms from Body Refining through Martial God he also explained the pill,alchemy,and formation system and last but not least forging and weapon/treasure quality.

Yan'er was happy about the lesson as she got to learn a lot of information of the world apparently the World she going to is known as Azure Continent which is mainly a human world.

"Okay now I'm going to teach the Elements of the world your going to including the higher Realms first the basic elements the 4 cardinal elements Fire,Wind,Water,and Earth which are the rare elements within the mortal realm." explained Yu Zhang

"Why did you call them rare when you said they're the basic elements." questioned Yan'er

"That's because not everyone is born with an affinity so they are considered rare because 1-1000 children who are born have one of them. So you see their not so common obviously the stronger the bloodline of the humans the higher the chance they'll get one.

These elements are pretty self explanatory so I go straight to Saint elements which have a 1-10 million chance of being born with, they are Lightning and Wood(Nature) these again are pretty easy to understand lightning means you can use lightning and nature means you can control all living vegetation obviously depending on your own strength." continued Yu Zhang

"Then there's Divine elements or Yin(Dark) and Yang(Light) again pretty easy they have a 1 person for every 100 mortal Realms birth chance. Then Godly elements which are Time and Space that have a 1 person for every 100 divine Realms. Lastly the Primordial elements or ancient elements that can't be born with them only I have them and soon you will as well they are Creation and Destruction. Creation means you can create anything in your imagination from thin air such as a smartphone. Destruction means you can destroy anything till there's no trace of it to the last particle." said Yu Zhang as he finished the lesson