Chapter 6: New Life and Primordial System

"It seems I'll have to add something extra to her wishes." said Yu Zhang as his lips curved up



Meanwhile in the one of the continents of Azure world known as the Holy Continent named after the strongest sect in said continent the Holy Sect a Tier 8 sect which has a Martial King as the Sect leader. Within the Holy continent there is a forest known and the Spirt forest a dangerous forest in which many beasts that range all the way up to Tier 8 live, to some a forbidden place but to others a paradise.

Somewhere in the outskirts of the Spirit forest the clouds gathered as the sky turned dark a rainbow colored lightning struck as if signifying a treasure was born. Just after Yan'er stepped through the portal she suddenly woke up to and looked around. She found herself in a dense forest as she got up and looked around curiously. She stood up and suddenly felt different as her line of sight was a lot lower than usual. Confused by this she checked her body and to her surprise she was a beast of some sort she had claws, scaled skin and the scales had a rainbow colored tinges.

'Hmm I'm obviously not human and from what I can see I'm some type of reptile. The most annoying part is I can't talk it, but that's for another time because I'm starving.' thought Yan'er as her stomach growled


Suddenly Yan'er heard a growl as she turned to see a wolf looking at her. The wolf started running towards her at full speed as he bit down at where Yan'er was, but just as his mouth bit down Yan'er dodged and slashed her claws at the wolf.


The wolf whimpered as he got slashed on the neck. The wolf shivered in fear about to turn around and run. 'I don't think so.' mocked Yan'er as she bit the wolf's head off.

[Ding Congratulations on killing a "Gray Wolf" 10 experience points gained and 1 Primal Point]

[Ding earned 10 experience and 1 Primal Point due to Creator's Blessing]

[Welcome Host to "The Primordial System" as you have killed for the first time you have unlocked the System]

Suddenly a gold screen appeared in from of her as she heard a seductive voice of a woman as she was narrating the text boxes. Yan'er was surprised at first but then remembered her first wish. ' Hello is anyone there I could talk to for the moment.'

thought Yan'er

[Host if you wish to speak just contact me through your mind or just call my name but to call me out through name you have to name me first]

'Alright I'll name you Meng Yu and why does your voice sound so real.' asked Yan'er puzzled

[Master I appreciate the name it's fantastic. To answer your question I'm a real person created by your father as your first wife. This was his last present to you for your kiss at the end of your meeting with him.]

'Ohh that's splendid, I was worried about being alone on this trip but it seems that is unnecessary. So how do I see you or do I have to create a body for you?' asked Yan'er

[The answer to that question is simple you don't have to create a body for me because I already have one and it inside the 12th floor of your Soul treasure but to access your treasure you need to reach Xantian cultivation first. So do you work hard my wife I can't wait for long fufufu]

Just as Yan'er heard the seductive laugh at the end she was started drooling with a perverted smile on her face.