Chapter 7: First Lvl Up and Status

Just as Yan'er heard the seductive laugh at the end she started drooling with a perverted smile on her face.


'Alright I'd like to see the System how do I use it.' asked Yan'er

[Master that is simple just call out Status and it'll show you stats and other options such as the store and techniques]

'Okay then let's look at my stats "Status".' called out Yan'er


Name: Yu Yan

Race: Dragon

Species: Primordial Dragon

Gender: Female

Level: 1

Exp: 20/500

Primal Points: 2

Body: Body Refining Stage 1

Essence: Body Refining Stage 1

Soul: Body Refining Stage 1

[Bloodline: Primordial Dragon: Purity 100%, Primordial Phoenix: Purity 100%, Primordial Fae: Purity 100%, Creator's Bloodline: Purity 100%]





~[Cultivation Manual: Primordial Cultivation Method]~

~[Dragon's Slash - Initial]~

~[Dragon's Breath - Initial]~


[Recommended Techniques]

~[Movement Technique: Phoenix Ascension(Description: Movement speed increased by 20% when used, allows host to run while leaving a trail of Fire.)]~

Price : 10 Primal Points

~[Fighting Technique: Tail Whip(Description: Use you tail to hit your opponent at a distance.)]~

Price : 5 Primal Points

~[Auxiliary Technique: Nature's Control(Description: Control the nature around you to suit you needs.)]~

Price: 15 Primal Points


'Ohh so I'm a dragon, that's cool and what's up with all the bloodlines.' questioned Yan'er

[Master the bloodlines indicate your ancestry as in Primordial Dragon allows you to use the elements Time, Space and Yin and Yang.

Primordial Phoenix allows you to use all 4 cardinal elements. Primordial Fae allows you full control of nature. Your father's bloodline allows you to use Creation and Destruction. Lastly Lightning you don't need because every primordial bloodline has innate lightning in their bloodline called(Creation Lightning) which keeps the body free of impurities and is the rainbow colored lightning that brought you here. People off all Realms call it Heavenly Tribulation which people go through during certain breakthroughs. You will also be going through these tribulations but instead of hurting you they'll instead increase the strength of the Lightning running through your body thus expelling impurities you've accumulated through the out your journey.]

'Ohh okay thanks for the explanation, now I think it's time to lvl up my power and earn points.' said Yan'er as she walked through the forest to find prey.

She soon found a rabbit hole which see found 10 rabbits in she used [Dragon's Breath] and killed them all.

[Ding: 100 experience and 10 Primal Points earned from killing "10 Earth Rabbits"]

[Ding: 100 experience and 10 Primal Points earned due to Creator's Blessing]

Yan'er was quite satisfied at the results as she continued, during her search she killed 7 Gray Wolfs and 8 more rabbits earning her 300 more exp and 30 more points.]

[Ding: Host has leveled up]