Chapter 9: Jackpot, Major Breakthrough


Name: Yu Yan

Race: Dragon

Species: Primordial Dragon

Gender: Female

Level: 5

Exp: 20/1500

Primal Points: 312

Body: Body Refining Stage 5

Essence: Body Refining Stage 5

Soul: Body Refining Stage 5

[Bloodline: Primordial Dragon: Purity 100%, Primordial Phoenix: Purity 100%, Primordial Fae: Purity 100%, Creator's Bloodline: Purity 100%]





~[Cultivation Manual: Primordial Cultivation Method]~

~[Dragon Slash - Initial]~

~[Dragon's Breath - Initial]~

~[Phoenix Ascension - Initial]~

~[Tail Whip - Initial]~

~[Nature's Control - Initial]~


[Recommended Techniques]

[New ones at lvl 10]



It's been 3 days since Yan'er rebirth and today she had woke up in a great mood, 'Hah today's a new day I have to get strong fast otherwise I won't see my old man anytime soon.' thought Yan'er

Meanwhile somewhere out in the plane of all Creation someone sneezed, ' ACHOO, ahy some one must be cursing me.'

Back on Azure, Yan'er suddenly thought, 'I totally forgot how much points I have. But before that, My Darling Yue'er how was your sleep, did you dream of me.' said Yan'er in a lustful tone

[Good Morning, I certainly dream't of you as I left all my scent on your bed fufufu it was a great night.]

Yan'er suddenly felt hot by her words as she shivered in delight. She soon calmed down and once more as she walked out to hunt as she now had another reason to get strong.

Yan'er was walking through the forest but couldn't help but feel depressed at the lack of animals to hunt. She was wondering why this was the case but soon she got her answer.

She saw two 5 meter animals fighting about 25 meters from her location she quickly hid behind a bush and asked Yue'er how strong they were and what species they were.

[Dear they are Both at 1st stage of Spirit Refining and the one on the right is a "Golden Tiger" while on the left is a "Titan Ape" they seem to be fighting for territory. Dear you should stay to see the outcome as you may get some lucky encounter.]

Yan'er quickly agreed and waited for an hour until they were both severely wounded the tiger was really haggard with less than 5% strength while the ape was in no better shape.

[Dear you should kill them both to get a great boost in strength act quickly before they flee, You don't have to worry about the strength to kill them you can use your soul to attack them after all the beast are weak against soul attacks.]

Yan'er reacted quickly as she ran to them and attacked their souls, since she had no soul attacks due to her low lvl she had to use immense pressure but soon their eyes turned black meaning their lives were gone.

Just as she stopped a golden screen popped up and announced her rewards to which Yan'er nearly spat blood from. As she was astonished.(Authors Note: I nearly spat blood to.)

[Ding congratulations for killing a Lvl 11 "Golden Tiger" 16000 experience and 1600 Primal Points earned]

[Ding congratulations for killing a Lvl 11 "Titan Ape" 4000 experience and 400 Primal Points earned]

[Ding congratulations you gained an extra 20000 experience and 2000 Primal Points due to Creator's Blessing]

[Ding you've leveled up, you are now level 15]

Yan'er was astounded but soon the excitement turned to pain. She felt as if she was in lava all throughout her body.

That's because at the same moment she leveled up her body was going through some major changes. What used to be her height of 1.5 meters went up to 5 meters,her old length of 5 meters was now 15 meters which is triple her past size. She also grew some distinctive horns which grew a bit higher than her ears and they curved in a horizontal way to the front of her forehead, it looked distinctly like a crown and they were white with a pure black tips.

This also caused her to smell bad as her Primordial Bloodlines did their job in wiping all impurities from her body. She finally felt relieved of pain and Yan'er was astounded at her height difference but before that she was disgusted with her smell, 'What is this smell, God what died while I was growing.' thought Yan'er

[Darling those are the impurities you've accumulated when you absorbed all the energy of the ones you've killed.]

'Ohh okay I guess I'll go find a lake to rid myself of this stench.' said Yan'er, then she continued her stroll to find a lake and was surprised to find no beasts around. Soon she found a lake but before that she was astounded at her bodies changes.

She truly had never seen her body before and this was her first time. Her face was long but not robust, her new horns accentuated the beauty of her face, her scales were beautiful as the sun reflected on them they were black with a sort of rainbow polarization which added to their beauty, her wings were long about a 30 meter wingspan they were the same color as her scales, at least the scales on top of them, when they were extended the membrane below was white closer to front of her wings and turned from white to black closer to the back of her wings.

She also noticed she had one more pair of wings behind her other wings they looked the same but were about 3 meters in wingspan, they seemed to be newborn wings. Her tail was long about one third of her length and was slim.

What caught her attention the most was her eyes and the locks that were her eyebrows, her eyes were different colors the one on the left was red-orange and the right one was a vibrant blue closer to turquoise, her eyebrows were the same color respectively they were beautiful. 'Yue'er when I buy the "Ancestral Uchiha Bloodline" will they change colors.' thought Yan'er.

[Dear you don't have to worry they'll stay the same color just with the Rinne-Sharingan design on top. Those colored eyes are part of the Primordial Phoenix Bloodline as they represent a Fire Phoenix and a Water/Ice Phoenix respectively so as you can see they aren't just there for no reason.]

'Okay just wanted to make sure.' said Yan'er with a relieved tone as it would be a pity to lose such beautiful eyes.

'Alright now to check my "Status".'


Name: Yu Yan

Race: Dragon

Species: Primordial Dragon

Gender: Female

Level: 15

Exp: 6520/8000

Primal Points: 4312

Body: Spirit Refining Stage 5

Essence: Spirit Refining Stage 5

Soul: Spirit Refining Stage 5

[Bloodline: Primordial Dragon: Purity 100%, Primordial Phoenix: Purity 100%, Primordial Fae: Purity 100%, Creator's Bloodline: Purity 100%]





~[Cultivation Manual: Primordial Cultivation Method]~

~[Dragon Slash - Initial]~

~[Dragon's Breath - Initial]~

~[Phoenix Ascension - Initial]~

~[Tail Whip - Initial]~

~[Nature's Control - Initial]~


[Recommended Techniques]

~[Fighting Techniques]~

~[Whirlwind(Create a gust of wind by flapping your wings to create a tronado. Great AOE technique.)]~

Price: 50 Primal Points

~[Dragon Punch(Punch of a dragon lets out a roar as it breaks the sound barrier)]~

Price: 50 Primal Points

[Soul Attack]

~[Dragon's Roar(Piercingly load and domineering Roar that can kill anything that has a soul weaker than the Host)]~
