Chapter 10: Purchases, and Humans


Name: Yu Yan

Race: Dragon

Species: Primordial Dragon

Gender: Female

Level: 15

Exp: 6520/8000

Primal Points: 4312

Body: Spirit Refining Stage 5

Essence: Spirit Refining Stage 5

Soul: Spirit Refining Stage 5

[Bloodline: Primordial Dragon: Purity 100%, Primordial Phoenix: Purity 100%, Primordial Fae: Purity 100%, Creator's Bloodline: Purity 100%]





~[Cultivation Manual: Primordial Cultivation Method]~

~[Dragon Slash - Initial]~

~[Dragon's Breath - Initial]~

~[Phoenix Ascension - Initial]~

~[Tail Whip - Initial]~

~[Nature's Control - Initial]~


[Recommended Techniques]

~[Fighting Techniques]~

~[Whirlwind(Create a gust of wind by flapping your wings to create a tronado. Great AOE technique.)]~

Price: 50 Primal Points

~[Dragon Punch(Punch of a dragon lets out a roar as it breaks the sound barrier)]~

Price: 50 Primal Points

[Soul Attack]

~[Dragon's Roar(Piercingly load and domineering Roar that can kill anything that has a soul weaker than the Host)]~


'Yue'er why did I only get 4000 exp from the "Titan Ape" while 16000 exp from the latter.' said Yan'er

[The answer is quite simple, that's because when you killed the "Titan Ape" you already leveled up from the "Golden Tiger" so you got less exp because your strength was closer to to the Ape.]

'Okay that explains that, now on to buy some techniques and the bloodline. Show me the new techniques I unlocked.'









Essence Pill: Gives 10000 experience when consumed. (Price: 800 Primal Points)

Recovery Pill: Restoration 100% of used Strength.(Only works with Spirit Refining Realm or below.)(Price: 300 Primal Points)

Mid Elemental Pill: Strengthens all elements you have and affinity to by 20%. (Price 1500 Primal Points)

[Lvl Up to unlock new Pills]


Summoning Jutsu: Can Summon beast depending on Users strength and will. (Price: 1000 Primal Points)

Unlock All Elemental Jutsu: Can use any Jutsu known other than none Elemental Jutsu Ex. Ocular Jutsu, Sacrificial Jutsu, etc. (Price: 2000 Primal Points)

Sonido: High Speed Movement near teleportation.(Price: 1000 Primal Points)

[Lvl Up to unlock new Techniques]


~Steel Body(Tier 1 Mid class Manual)(Price: 500Primal Points)

~ Elemental Refining(Tier 1 Mid class Manual)(Price: 500 Primal Points)

~ Soul Refining(Tier 1 Mid class Manual)(Price: 1000 Primal Points)

[Lvl Up to unlock new Manuals]


Ancestral Uchiha Bloodline(Grants user dual 9 tomoe Sharingans(Rinne-Sharingan)with varied bloodline techniques.(Price: 1000 Primal Points)

Ancestral Shinigami Bloodline(Grants user varied powers,(Manifestation of the Soul, Soul Weapon or Zanpakto, etc.)(Price: 750 Primal Points)

[Lvl 50 to unlock new Bloodlines]


[Need Lvl 50 to unlock lower class formation can be self learned or taught]


~ God Hands (Arouses Person when touched)(Price: 200 Primal Points)

~ Lust Meter (Indicates Lust percentage of a person)(Price: 150 Primal Points)

~ Phoenix Mark(Explained during Chapter 5)(Price: Free)(Locked untill user Unlocks Human Form)

~ Human Form(Price: Locked untill Lvl 60(Xantian))


'Ohh Summoning and Elemental Jutsu that's good.' said Yan'er, she was thinking what to buy and soon decided on her purchases.

"I've decided I'll get "Shadow Clone Jutsu", "All Elemental Jutsu", and "Ancestral Uchiha Bloodline".' exclaimed Yan'er

[Are you sure you would like to buy "Shadow Clone Jutsu", "All Elemental Jutsu", and "Ancestral Uchiha Bloodline" for 3300 Primal Points]

[Yes] [No]

Yan'er said "Yes" as she felt some pain for the loss of Points even though they were needed.

Almost immediately after she confirmed the purchase she felt pain between her eyebrows and soon learned the techniques as for the bloodline gold blood was piercing her skin.

Meanwhile she felt a lot of pain as the bloodline was combining with the others soon the pain was relieving itself, as she opened her eyes a whirlpool formed in her eyes as circles formed on her eyelids with a pure black pupil in the middle, soon three tomoe formed on the first circle, the second followed shortly after and soon the third, she ended up with 9 tomoe.

After that Yan'er felt as if she could see everything around her with a lot more detail she could see a fly from 10kms away without her divine sense and her comprehension had gone up a lot.

Soon after some notifications popped up

[Ding "Dragon Slash" and "Dragon's Breath" have risen to Mid level Accomplishment]

'Wow that surprising so these eyes allow me to analyze techniques more in depth and my experience is enhanced allowing me to gain new accomplishments. It seems I'll have to train my techniques with my shadow clones to further speed my accomplishments.' mused Yan'er as she planned for the future.

As she was thinking she suddenly heard a scream from 10 kms away. As she scanned there seemed to be 4 humans two guys and girls. 'They seem to be in trouble that's a 5th Stage Spirit Refining "Lightning Boar". I guess I can spare some time.' thought Yan'er.


Meanwhile at the humans location.

"Senior Brother we need to leave or we'll end up dead!" urged one of the girls in the group

"Calm down junior sister I'm at the 3rd stage of Spirit Refining we'll be fine." assured on the of the boys.

As he said that the other boy tried to parry one of the "Lightning Boar's" attack but the boar was faster so it ended up sending him flying 10 meters back.

As the older boy saw this it immediately got terrified as he saw that the boar's attack was at least a stage above his. He soon felt fear and started panicking.

Psh Psh Fffffnn

The boar was preparing to charge at him as it positioned it foot and breathed out.

He felt despair as he got up ready to dash for his life. As he started running the girls yelled at him.

"Senior Brother why are you running take you with us!" cried the girls as they felt despair

Soon the boar was charging at them as they closed their eyes to accept their fate.


As soon as they closed their eyes they heard a earth shattering roar.

As they opened their eyes they were terrified to see a massive dragon flying down on the boar.

Right after it landed the dragon slashed at the boar's side and killed it.

The girls were terrified at the display because that meant that this beast was miles stronger than the boar, they started shivering at the scene.

As they looked at the scene they saw the dragons eyes and felt their souls being sucked out.

As they opened their eyes they saw all white around them and where surprised at the scene. Soon they heard a truly seductive voice which made them get hot and a little wet.

"Humans what are you're names" said the voice

As the girls tried to find the source of the voice that turned around to see a world destroying beauty. The girls were astonished as they checked the women in front of them.

What they saw could only be described as a goddess. She was 2 meters tall, had long white hair that reached her ankles, a blue and a red-orange eye which had a 9 tomoe design locks the color of her eyes, and two white horns that came out a little above her ears (which were pointy like elf ears) and twisted to the front of her head and were in front of her forehead as if forming a crown.

Her body was a perfect hourglass figure with at least size H boobs with a bubble butt and long and seductive legs. Her attire was a rainbow scaled kimono which as explained earlier really accentuates her figure.

The girls stuttered as they answered, "My name is Yang Ling and this is my younger sister Yang Chi pleased to be meet you and you might be." said Yang Ling as she questioned

"My name is Yu Yan." answered Yan'er