Chapter 56: Seclusion 3

Within the shower the girls all helped with cleaning Yun'er making the process run smoothly. After which they placed her in the hot spring while they washed up.

After soaking up within the hot springs they lay Yun'er on the bed and went to sleep along with her.

Before sleeping Yan'er tucked Yun'er with her and couldn't help but acknowledge she became a little more refined her skin became more white with a small gleam to it her face no longer had the small freckles that were there before surprisingly her hair became more healthy looking.

They all seemed to be caused by her bad foundation.


Waking up the next day Yun'er could see she was on a bed. She felt constricted and couldn't move. But before she did anything she saw hands wrapped around her and could feel something protruding at her back. Once she turned around she could see Yan'er was the one spooning her and got happy.

Yan'er who was was sleeping was suddenly awoken by movement. Once she opened her eyes she could see Yun'ers face up close. Yun'er blushes as she had woken Yan'er up. She was about to apologize but was kissed before she could say anything.

"Did you sleep well." asked Yan'er with a tinge of worry

Yun'er was surprised as Yan'er usually didn't show these types of emotions.

"Yeah I slept wonderfully." said Yun'er with a beaming smile

"Good to know I didn't expect you to go through so much pain." said Yan'er whilst caressing Yun'ers hair

"It's alright at least now I can start to train on the right path." said Yun'er

"Well you should be prepared for today you'll be feeling pain again. It won't be as much as yesterday but it'll still hurt." said Yan'er

"Right I'm prepared as long as I can stand by your side." said Yun'er pumping her fists

- Later

After taking a shower and changing both girls went downstairs to the Cultivation Room. Once there they could see the others still training.

Yue'er seeing them went up to kiss Yan'er.

"Good Morning did you sleep well. What am I even asking that you haven't slept so long since we got here." said Yue'er whilst staring at Yun'er with knowing eyes

Yun'er blushed at Yue'ers comment but felt happy as she made Yan'er comfortable enough to sleep longer than usual.

"Ehhm right we should continue on with what we left off yesterday with. Yun'er." said Yan'er

"Today you'll be assimilating with the Azure Dragon God Bloodline. Since you already have some of it yourself there won't be so much pain because the bloodline will not reject you. One more thing your physical body will go through some changes so be prepared." said Yan'er

"Right lets start the process" said Yun'er

"For this process take off your clothes as you may dirty them and they might just burn off from the heat that'll be emitted from your body." said Yan'er

"Right" said Yun'er whilst taking off her clothes with a blush on her face.

After Yun'er got undressed Yan'er Summoned a gold blood and shot it straight into Yun'ers heart.

Once the bloodline entered Yun'er she sat down and started meditation. Of course it didn't last long before she started sweating and cringing in pain.

Seeing as Yun'er wasn't screaming Yan'er sighed in relieve.

During the process Yun'er body expeled lots of impurities and her old blood. Her marrow which was red was now gold her bones looked like porcelain and felt much stronger. Once the process finished a dragon roar was emitted from her soul signifying her soul changing into a Dragon Soul.

After finishing she was cleaned by Yan'er skill and got changed into some different clothes which Yue'er gave her.