Chapter 57: Changes

Once the bloodline entered Yun'er she sat down and started meditation. Of course it didn't last long before she started sweating and cringing in pain.

Seeing as Yun'er wasn't screaming Yan'er sighed in relieve.

During the process Yun'er body expeled lots of impurities and her old blood. Her marrow which was red was now gold her bones looked like porcelain and felt much stronger. Once the process finished a dragon roar was emitted from her soul signifying her soul changing into a Dragon Soul.

After finishing she was cleaned by Yan'er skill and got changed into some different clothes which Yue'er gave her.


The clothes she gave her were Azure in color with white and black trims that made the Azure pop out more.

Once she put them on she looked stunning and thanks to her changes she looked even more beautiful.

Seeing as Yun'er was done changing Yan'er spoke out, "How do you feel."

"I feel fatigued from the process but I can feel an unimaginable amount of energy bubbling up in my bones and muscles." said Yun'er

"Good then that means that the process is done." said Yan'er

"Speaking of which you haven't seen your new body would you like to see it." asked Yan'er

"Ohh sure I guess." said Yun'er

After saying that Yue'er conjured up a mirror made of ice so that Yun'er could get a look at her new body.

Once she saw her body she couldn't recognize herself what she saw was a beautiful women she no longer looked like a adult teen.

Her hair which was black was now strikingly Azure in color. Her old blue eyes also turned Azure and her pupils were alternating from slits to regular pupils. Her previous meager size B cups were now a cup size DD they seemed to defy gravity as they perked upward. Her over all figure was more womanly. She had a perky butt and a beautiful hourglass figure. Her skin which was white with no imperfections from the rebirth pill was further enhanced and now looked as though it was a new born baby's skin.

Overall her aura which was immature before was now more mature as her facial features were more mature removing her old childish face.

"I-Is That really me how could I possibly be so different and how come my eyes keep fluctuating." said Yun'er as she covered her mouth in surprise

Even her voice was more charming which she surprisingly didn't notice before.

"That simple your overall changes are related to your bloodline. As you've no doubt heard before it is said that dragon females especially those of higher strength blood are usually the most beautiful women who exist along with their Phoenix counterparts. As for your pupils that due to your body still adapting to the changes once you gain a certain amount of control you'll be able to control every part of your body. You'll even be able to become a full fledged Azure Dragon if you can master your whole body." said Yan'er

"Ahh speaking on topic here is your new Cultivation Manual it's name is the Azure Dragon Art it is a Peak Dao Realm Cultivation Manual. This means you'll be able to reach Peak of Dao Realm within the God Realm with this Manual." said Yan'er as she handed Yun'er a jade slip

"This jade slip is for you to learn the Art. I've already memorized it so that if you need help later on. Now get ready we should stay out of the Tower until we ascend so as to not arouse any attention." said Yan'er

"But before that we should get cleaned up and get to sleep." said Yan'er

"Right" said Yun'er