
It's been 2 days now. Tomorrow he will be here. I'm happy. I want to spend my time in the library today. I have told everyone to leave without me today. All of them could feel that I'm lost these days. Avika tried to cheer me up in numerous ways. World's worst thing happened to me. I got used to his presence. Now I look forward to his voice in the night. His scoldings, philosophy, that laughter which makes my heart leap, I have come to love his voice. A beautiful song that brings relief to me.

But how long will it last? This phase, where we don't have the right to expect but we still do.

The thoughts would forever follow me. The dreamcatcher is at least doing its work and I did not have any nightmares. The chocolates are already finished. Never have I preserved some chocolates this long.

The night in the college will be bustling again. But during the day it's quiet. The library was empty. The librarian is nowhere. Annoying Sourav is here. And I sit in Vihaan's table. Not even he can stop me now. And a silly smile came up on my face. I remember our first meet was here. I have to write an update for the speech.

I added a few lines on trees

"If trees could talk

They wouldn't beg you

To grant mercy

To spare their life

Because they know

Homo-sapiens are fools.

They would rather

Laugh at your face

As they know

Your inevitable doom

Will come soon."

I was engrossed in writing when my phone beeped.



'Hi!' I replied

'How was the exam?'

'Okay. I guess!'

'Whatcha doing?'

'Writing the speech, in the library.'

'You aren't sitting in my place, are you?'

'Correct! I am.'

'Okay, I gotta go, ttyl'

Huh? Maybe some work. It's 3 now. I should have something too. I took the reference books to issue them.

"Can you issue them to me?" I said to Sourav, the library assistant, who is never nice to me.

"Never thought, Manya Verma would be this shameless in addition to other things!" He sneered.

"Pardon?" I asked, incredulous.

"Yes, you heard right, never knew you would sit there even after you got driven away. That's shameless."

"Vihaan is my friend!"

He snorted. And then issued my books. I was going to go just then he spoke.

"In addition to being shameless, I wonder if the other two things were true?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Many Verma, batch 18-19, a loner turned maniac!"

"Valley High School? Rings a bell?" He continued.

"A girl who, because of jealousy, killed her BFF's boyfriend and is a sl*t? That's you right!"

"Even here your claws are on the most talented young man?  I hate women like you."

I stood rooted in my place. I couldn't say anything. What should I say? It still affected me. There was no one in the library and that was better at least.

"What now you won't speak? Cat got your tongue?" He continued spouting rubbish.

"Manya?" A voice that I have come to love, the voice that stiffened me now. The voice I dreaded the most in this situation.

"Look here comes the prince charming of the story. Are you here to save your damsel in distress? Let me tell you, she isn't the heroine but the villain of the story. This girl is dangerous and this ruthless that she could push a person off the balcony. And she is not pure too. Too many were there before you." Sourav continued.

"Shut up." Vihaan rushed forward to punch him.

"Vihaan...." I shook my head.

I didn't care what people thought about me. I didn't care that the rumours were this bad. But since I didn't commit those acts I don't need to react. But the way he was speaking about me to Vihaan, I couldn't help but feel broken.

I felt hot tears running down my cheeks. Why do I always seem to be in a disadvantageous position in front of him?

He came forward and supported me.

"If I didn't have to take care of Manya right now, I would have punched you. Stop spouting nonsense. Where did you hear those things?" He said angrily.

"Her old school, I was a student once. She is very popular, I must say."

"You better behave, do you know, not everything you hear is true. Especially if they are rumours. Do you know what students tell about you? Should I report them to the director? I very well know what you do and I know you need this job. Nothing will happen to her even if you tell others, because that thing didn't happen."

Sourav's face visibly paled and Vihaan pulled me out. I was still crying incessantly.

"Manya, I'm sorry, I'm late." He said when we sat on the steps outside.

"It's not your fault. It's that stupid accident that happened years ago." I said between sobs.

"Yeah, it's my mistake not to give her the phone call, but how will I know he was going to do these things?"

"It's not your fault, it's okay. That guy is a lunatic. Let him be."

"I don't understand why the people who understand the matters stand quietly and lifelessly and the morons like him shout and are ready to take actions?"

My phone rang, it's an unknown number.   But since I have the compulsion to pick up the call, I do.


"Hello, Manya?" The voice is familiar, too familiar.

"It's Shelly!" It's Shelly. Shelly. That girl in my nightmares, her accusing voice and sobs and slap all comes around. I hang up and I'm deep into the darkness. The things play out themselves, I see myself being bullied, tripped, fallen, water on my head, food stains on my dress. Notebooks in the pond. All the things came back. Tears are dripping.

"Manya?" Vihaan's frantic voice brought me back.

But this time I'm angry, agitated. Panic attacks overwhelmed me. But I calmed down.

'Everything is alright!'

'Everything is alright!'

Deep breaths. More deep breaths.

"What happened?"


"Please, I'm there to hear anything. Are you okay?"

Why has he to be so caring? Why to care for me? He should stay away from me.

"Why do you care? Why do you care so much?" I snapped at him. I didn't mean to but I did.

"Because...." He said.

"Because what Vihaan?"

"Because, I love you."

Oh, My God. Why? Did he have to say that now? No, I can't accept it. Not at this moment where I hate myself.

"I'm not worthy Vihaan," I said between my sobs and ran off.

I stopped only when I reached my room. Shut the door and cried my heart out. I had imagined various ways in which we would express our feelings. But not this. I couldn't handle the stress level today.

I cried myself to sleep then.

I woke up with ominous feeling. Avika was sitting beside me.

"What did you do Manya?"


"He died!"

"Who?" I felt cold sweat on my neck.

"Vihaan Kashyap."

"What? No, no, you are lying, no, you are lying. Stop this Avi. Please, I beg you. I beg you to stop this nonsense."

"I'm not lying Manya. He committed suicide. That Sourav is telling everyone that you were with him the last time."

My world crashed. This couldn't happen. Vihaan can't....no no I won't believe this. He is the one who said "Face your fears, Manya" he can't be a coward.

But then suddenly a body was brought, covered in white sheets in front of me.

"No, no, no, NOOOO!" I shouted and woke up.

I was in my room. My face wet with tears. I'm shaking, shivering.

Vihaan? Vihaan!

I find my phone and call him.

He picks up. Thank God.

"Vihaaann..." I forced myself to speak.

"Manya, are you alright."


"Don't scare me. Where are you?"

I started crying on the phone.

"Room.... Come here." I managed to say.

"Okay, I'm coming. Can you come out?" I could hear him clearly now. It seems to be was running.

"Hmmm...." I said and ran out barefoot.

It's 5 in the evening.

It's quiet in the hostel. All of them went to enjoy the fest.

But all I want is to see him.

He was standing near the entrance. Maybe contemplating to enter or not.

I felt relief as I saw him, he his here, he is real, it was just a dream. And as always my heart thumped fiercely. I leapt towards him. Didn't know whether he would catch me or not. But I took my chance and he caught me.

I held him close. This embrace was a lot more than before. His scent wafted into my nose. I felt happy, protected, relieved all at once.

And I spoke those words which I had never before spoken.

"Vihaan, I love you, so much, don't leave me please."

He kept caressing my back and said.

"I know Manya, I love you a lot."

We stayed like that for a long time. Both of us unwilling to let each other go. No matter what I had thought, he is different. And there is an exception to everything. He is my exception.

"I'm sorry, I behaved like that," I said.

"It's okay, but what happened to you?" He asked.