The Content of The Technology Cube

Knowing that the shadow was their commander, the knights flinch and instantly get into formation before reporting, "Co-Commander, we didn't manage to discover the signs of the kid. Should we continue the search?"

Hearing what the knights were reporting, Commander Johanson's eyes suddenly become very chilly while an aura of bloodlust pervades the area.

"No need… I just found the corpse of Knight Robert's group."

""WHATT?"" A shock and disbelief look couldn't be hidden from the knights' facial expression as that statement reach their ears.

'Impossible! they were all a 2nd Rank Warrior and was trained as a Knight Apprentice, also Robert himself was at the peak of the Rank.' They could feel cold sweats starts dripping down on their backs.

"Just follow me." Commander Johanson turns his back before going somewhere in the depth of the forest. The other knights could only follow him subserviently in the back.

Not long after, they reach a place that couldn't be forgotten in their life. Their comrades which they had shared quite a deep bond with, died in a horrible way.

"What kind of monster has done this?" One of the knights couldn't help but blurt out in confusion.

Seeing that the other knights were also confused and bewildered, Commander Johanson replied unperturbed by the sight of this.

"It wasn't caused by a monster, somebody had done this, possibly a Magus as the way they got killed wasn't caused by a sharp weapon."

Just then, someone pointed at two corpses of knights that were split in two.

"Commander, how come those two were cut so clean? It's impossible to cut them like that unless the doer is very strong or using a Magic Tool."

"Those two were an exception, even I myself ain't capable to cut a knight clean like that." A flash of cold light was emitted from the Commander's eyes.

'An official knight like Commander Johanson cannot do that? What kind of being we are dealing with?' Every one of the knights start having goosebumps upon thinking this.

"WHOSE BASTARD HAS DONE THIS?" Knight Erick's eyes went bloodshot as he gazes at his close comrade's one-armed dead body.

"I will KILL him!!!" He then punches a tree at the side and making it topple.

"Calm your emotion, Knight Erick!" Commander Johanson glared at him before finding that he calmed down and continued, "No matter what, that child would have died anyway if she were to encounter a Magus."

'She could only blame her unique constitution for being too rare, as there aren't many Magus that able to hold themselves upon seeing it.'

One of the reasons why the Commander believe it was caused by a Magus because there wasn't any trace that could be found on the ground, making the assumption convincible.

Commander Johanson then walks to the front before ordering, "Forget the girl, although we didn't manage to bring her back with us, there is still one more objective we are here!"

""it's... to find the falling star.""

As that statement escapes from all the knight's mouth, all of them trembled and a sound of gulping could be heard here and there.

"Commander, is it true that a precious magical resource could be found from a falling star?"

The Commander nodded before explaining slowly, "Not only a magical resource, if we were lucky, we might even find a Magic Equipment."

'Magic Equipment!' Every knight here couldn't believe what their commander just said, cold sweat start emerging on their hand before a greedy look begins to form on their eyes.

"Let's go."

Subsequently, Commander Johanson takes out some kind of a colonial watch from his pocket before walking into a random direction as if he knew where the falling star was located.

The knights all follow him subserviently in a formation that was leaving no blind spot.


My eyes were gazing at the projection of the landscape from the hologram. I had erased the footsteps that had been caused by me and Lillie which leads to the ship.

I also already set up some precautions in case they still somehow manage to find the remaining trace. Unfortunately, I couldn't do anything to the corpses of the knights since the drones weren't equipped to deal with it.

"Now that it's done, I think it's about time to continue the project that I left behind." As I muttered to myself, I left the control room and went to the storage room.

Inside, the two devices that I left enter my eyesight. The MFS was still running and still producing iron, although the amount produced only amounted to a peanut-sized.

I move toward the Super Charger at the side before taking out the Technology Cube and the Golden Star Dust from the dimensional storage.

I think the Golden Star Dust should be put in here and the Technology Cube on top of the pedestal.

After putting the Technology Cube, I waited for half a minute, but nothing seems to happen. The tapping sound of my shoe keeps appearing as frowns emerge on my forehead.

"Nothing? Did I just got deceived? Fuck this device!"

Just then as if to respond to my swearing, a sudden rhyming sound pervades the room. The Technology Cube was shaking around as the energy from the Golden Star Dust was being extracted to it.

A while later, a light begins to come out from the line gap of the cube before a line carving emerges from it. As the cube expanded, something akin to a red crystal ball could be seen at the core of the cube.

Figured, that's how to do it. So, this is what activating a Technology Cube looks like, huh…

But when I had my hope up, the Technology Cube stops shaking and stay silent in place.

Is that it? The Technology Cube is empty? Did I just have endangered myself from the pirate for this empty cube? All of this amounted to nothing! Disappointment and regret were what I felt at that moment.

Suddenly from the red crystal ball, a projection of a hologram came out. My eyes and mouth couldn't help but flinch in complication upon seeing the content of the hologram.

"This roller coaster of emotion does makes me pissed off… but this wasn't just a normal Technology Cube, this is… something even greater."

What was on the hologram wasn't one kind of cutting-edge technology that I had been predicted, but an entire collection of the Human Race's technology. Military, medical, daily life technology, and many others exist in this cube.

Even the Stone Age technology to make a fire and stone axe was present there. Multiple times, I tried to close my eyes for a moment before opening it again, but each time, it never changes.

Finally, I accepted the fact that the sight was true and began to ponder deeply, what kind of fool would place the entirety of Human technology on this cube? If it just about a simple technology from the Stone Age to pre-Singularity Age which happens before the 2050s, everybody had those. Guess, that's fine since it still benefits me.

Afterward, I rummage the content of the cube and realize that the technology in there didn't include any cutting edge that just recently been developed. Still, it includes a technology that has already been widely used and still quite new.

Well, there is no such thing as a free meal in this world. How could such a good fortune just fall into me? But even this much would be a golden goose if used wisely. After all, knowledge is power.

When I was still astonished by the content of the cube, ATA suddenly cut my reverie as she frostily reported, ["Host, Lillie seems to have difficulty with using the room's equipment."]

"Hmm? I will come there then."

Simultaneously, I store the already powered Technology Cube back into my dimensional storage before going out to Lillie's room.

As I reached her room, I could see the wall creaking by the sound of ruckus inside. I scratch my cheek as a wry smile form on my mouth.

This… I should have explained it to her earlier.

Without further ado, I get into the room and sees Lillie trembling in the corner of the room. Knowing it was me that get into the room, Lillie gazes at me with her pitiful look while stuttering, "V-Victor, help me…."

Confused by Lillie's sudden request for help, a pack of dire wolves suddenly appear. It then stands above a cliff before howling as the bright crescent moon illuminates them.

Ahh… it's a hologram movie, no wonder she was so scared.

Although my spaceship was old, hologram movies had been invented centuries ago, so it was normal to be installed in a personal room like this.

Afterward, I approach a small device near a hologram stand and turn off the device. The scene of the night full of direwolves vanishes in an instant as if it had been a hallucination.

"Done, I have taken care of those creatures." I approach the still trembling Lillie at the side.

"Really?" Lillie raises her head a little and try to peek around, realizing that it was back to normal, a smile formed on her face before she clings to me, "Thank you for saving me again."

Wha… This girl always surprises me for some reason.

I had my arms raised to the air, uncertain of what I should do. The sound of frosty ATA abruptly butts in and destroy my train of thought, ["Reporting! A group of 16 knights were approaching the direction of the ship!"]

"What! How?"