Massacring the Knights

"Victor, who are you talking to?" Lillie tilts her head a little while still hugging me.

Ahh… for her it would be like hearing an unknown strange foreign language that comes from nowhere…

"It's nothing, you stay here for a moment. I will be back in a few minutes." I then stroke her white silky hair because of her cuteness.

Since this will become ugly, I try not to implicate Lillie in this problem so as not to cause any further trauma to her. But to my surprise, her answer makes me bewildered.

"Don't wanna." Somehow Lillie was sticky and didn't want to loosen her grip.

"I will give you something sweet later, so just let me go." I try to bribe her, and a positive reaction seems to appear on her face.

"Okay~" She replied with a pure beaming smile.

Uh.. I think she just wants something to eat. I rub my glabella after feeling deceived for some reason.

Afterward, I leave her room and went back to the control room. I then told ATA to show me the live recording of the drones.

As the hologram projection was projected in front of me, I could see a group of knights walking to the ship's direction. They were in a position that leaves no blind spot for any kind of ambush.

Just as I had thought, they will be so vigilant since they just lost five members. Guess, that leaves me no choice but to use that huh.

Subsequently, I control the drones to take a position above their groups and wait for the right time. Seeing that they weren't going to lax in a short time, I decided to start the plan.

Just then, an object was dropped from inside the drone, scattered behind the foliage and trees surrounding the group of knights. A gas spurts out from those objects, enveloping all the knights within. Since the gas was quite transparent, the knights didn't immediately notice. They still walking as if nothing had happened to them.

It's time for a waiting game… Hehe


Commander Johanson was leading the group as he follows the direction directed by a colonial watch shape object in his hand. Trees after trees he passed through, bringing all the knights in tow. The knights were on guard position, looking around for any kind of ambush and enemy that might be lurking.

Not long after, the commander stops as he senses something wasn't right. His nose twitches as he looks around the place.

"What's the matter, commander?" The nearest knight to the commander asked while touching the hilt of his sword.

"We might have fallen into a Magus's trap; I could sense that the air here was contaminated by something." The commander rubs his nose coldly.

"Is it a magic spell?"

"No… I cannot feel any kind of magic power nor spiritual power being used here." The commander shakes his head before continue walking after adding, "Just drive your qi to your nose to block the air from coming inside."

""Yes!!"" All the knight follows their commander's instruction and start driving their qi before following him.

Minute after minute passed, the knights were still following their commander with a straight posture. The commander abruptly halts his footsteps before pointing a clearing in the distance.

"It's near, keep vigilant of the surrounding! We will reach the place shortly."

Right when that statement finish being spoken, one of the knights suddenly falls to the ground. The other knights flinch and halt their body by the sudden fall of their comrade before trying to wake him up.

"Forget about him! we cannot stay in this place further. Follow me!" Commander Johanson starts running to the clearing of the forest without sparing an eye to the fallen knight.

Seeing that, the other knights could only follow suit and abandon one of their comrades in here. But over time, more and more knights fall into the ground as if their soul leaves their body.

In the end, only a handful of stronger knights managed to get into the clearing of the forest. They were all a little bit mentally and physically exhausted after the ordeal.

"What the hell happening just now!?" Knight Erick couldn't help but shout in exasperation.

But despite he shouted quite loudly, the other knights didn't pay any attention to him as if in delusion. This annoys him annoyed and grabs one of the knights at his side, "Hey! Did you hear what I said? Talk to me!"

"Shut up! Couldn't you see what's in front of us?" The knight responds by pushing him before pointing to the front.

Knight Erick closed his eyes before opening it and look to the front. "Fool! What kind of—" His mouth suddenly widens so large that even a watermelon would fit in there if anyone were to put one.


"Damn! What kind of a freak are they? Those sleeping gas would be able to make an elephant collapse in less than half a minute."

I scratch my head in wonder how could a human in this world was able to hold on for such a long time.

I don't know why but I think there's definitely something mystic that could make these people became so strong and able to hold for such a long time.

Generally speaking, even if they had 200 points on their power, they should have collapsed in just a minute or two. But from the looks of it, they just seem to only a bit sluggish.

Finding that I could only continue my plan, I sigh, I didn't really want to do this, but I think it's about time to start phase two.

I activate the weaponry on the ship by navigating the hologram. Unfortunately, since I used most of the missiles before, I didn't have many of them left in the arsenal.

Long story short, I activate the gauss turrets on the ship. The knights seem confused by the sudden activation of the turrets and didn't know how to respond. Realizing that this will be an easy kill if all of them were to stay in place, I begin to ponder my belief and rationality whether to shoot or not.

Well, I don't feel much guilty even if I were to kill all of them. I don't know whether it's because we were two different Human Race or is it something else.

Eventually, I decided to shoot since if I didn't, they will be the ones that kill me. Hesitation will only make someone fall instead of giving any benefit. Without further ado, the turrets start gathering electricity and fired not long after.

Rains of bullets were coming loose from the turret, raining the knights that didn't know that their demise was near. Surprisingly, all of them were quite fast on reaction and manage to dodge much of the bullets.

Heh… no matter how good their reaction speed was, they will still die in a matter of seconds. After all, the sleeping gas should already weakened them by a lot.

And just as what I had suspected, almost all of them died in that rain of bullets. Leaving the commander of the knight standing alone with one of his arms and legs missing. He was using his sword to hold his body.

Still, since they could locate the ship even after erasing all the trail. He as the commander should have something in his sleeve.

Afterward, I continue to activate the gauss turrets and prepare to fire again. Just then, the knight commander takes a light brown colored glass bottle from his pocket before downing the content with one gulp.

As the content of the bottle was digested by him, veins start appearing around his body while his muscle enlarges with his physique became taller and burly than before. A savage and bloodlust look flash on his eyes, it was as if he became a barbarian.

"W-what kind of stimulant did he just drink? That's simply… impossible! Even with gene modification, they would need a long procedure before able to look like that." I stuttered, speechless by the sight that just filled my eyesight.

The gauss turrets then let loose another rain of bullets, aiming all of it to the knight commander. To my surprise, the commander mindlessly charges to the ship and moves many times faster than before. My eyes couldn't keep up with his speed and even the advanced camera was barely able to locate his location.

But alas even after enhancing his speed, the bullets coming out from the gauss turrets were simply too fast and too innumerable. He didn't even manage to touch the ship before becoming a beehive after receiving an uncountable number of bullets. The body of the knight commander then fell to the ground, lifeless.

I'm just wondering, why would he attack the ship instead of running away? He would have more chances to live if he were to run.

Remembering the savage look on the commander's eyes, makes me think that the content of the bottle might be the cause.

Well, there's no use of thinking about it too much. After all, a hypothesis will always remain hypotheses and only by checking it myself would I know what the cause is.

Afterward, I came out from the ship and look at the bloody scenery from within my helmet. Limbs and innards were littered everywhere, giving a feeling of gore and carnage.