A Piece of Bad News

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Sounds of gunfire were coming loose from my and the five robot's pulse rifle. Dozens of crabs' carcasses were scattered surrounding me, dying and bleeding upon my carnage. Suddenly I stopped and surveyed the surroundings. Realizing that a third of them which amounted to a hundred were littered on the ground.

They aren't as aggressive as I had previously thought. Despite the Universal Measurement Device measured them to be above 100, they still paled compared to the invisible beetle.

Little did I know, the assisting and covering of the five robots was the reason why it was so easy. The crab's obsession toward the green blob was also another reason. After thinking that it was enough, I decided to cease as killing more might make them extinct. They might be counted as a dangerous pest, but if used correctly it could become a source of food later.

"It seemed that they aren't going to attack the ship. Let's get back! Huh—"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Accidentally, when I lowered my guard, four crabs appeared and charged at me from behind but they had been swiftly killed by the robots. As expected of a robot, despite only a Plain Robot type, it could react so swiftly.

"Thanks for saving me, ATHENA," I said in gratitude as she was the A.I. that controlled them.

["No matter, Master~!"] Replied her in a cheerful voice.

Afterward, I ordered ATHENA to take some of the crabs to the ship and be examined. Of course, I also took some with me on my dimensional storage. As I entered the ship, Lillie and Brown seemed to have been waiting near the entrance.

Finding that there was a strange mixture of expression on their faces, I asked, "Finished with the preparation?"

Strangely enough, they didn't answer me and made me wary of them. But the silence was broken by Lillie's sudden hugging, "Victor, you're stupid!"


"Young Lord! I know that milord is powerful but risking oneself to fight an army of magical beast was reckless." Brown advised as he moved toward me.

Ah… They must have seen me fighting the hundreds of crabs from the window near the entrance.

Uknown to them, the spaceship had many windows but all of them were closed and only I knew how to open them. Therefore, they must have found a window when searching for me.

"You don't need to worry. Even if they were to charge at me simultaneously, I would be able to escape unscathed and besides, there were these." Just then, the five robots that were behind me entered the ship.

After all, why would I risk myself if I didn't have something hidden on my sleeve? The personal shield alone should be enough to block their attack and they weren't that fast anyway, making me able to escape with the booster.

"I-is that… a golem?" Brown stuttered as his eyes and mouth widen. Golem? Some kind of living rock? I remember seeing one in a Fantasy book before.

"Y-yeah, more or less the same."

"Milord! Is that the magical beast? Could I take a look?" I nodded and ordered the robots to place the giant crab in front of him.

Wait, magical beast? Previously Brown explained that beast which had power comparable or stronger than a 1st Rank Warrior was called so.

Shortly after Brown inspected the giant crab, his head nodded with certainty. "No mistaken, this is Clearwater Giant Crab, a magical beast equal to a 1st Rank Warrior or Acolyte. It was popular for its tender and nutritious meat; plus, it would definitely fetch at least 10 gold coins if these were sold."

Acolyte? He never explains that… Is it a stage of a Magus? Hmm… there were five crabs here so that means 2 gold coins each? Sweet.

"Milord, there's one thing that I wanted to ask."

"Tell me."

"The habitat of the Clearwater Giant Crab should be located downstream of the Bright River. And from the surrounding geography that I observed, we should be near the intersection of the river. Am I correct, milord?" Inquired Brown with a confident smile.

Huh? Despite not using any tool, he knows where this place is. Well, as expected of a butler of the territory. Wait, now that I think about it…

"Brown, does this land belong to any noble or Kingdom?"

"If the location of my conjecture is correct, it shouldn't be owned by any noble but it was administered under the Razel Dukedom, which is a Dukedom under the Raivia Union of Nations," Brown explained but it seemed that he didn't know anything beyond that.

Razel Dukedom? Raivia Union of Nations? Heck, I should think about this further when I had more information… No, I should go to the town near here soon.

"Anyway, I'll have some matter to take care of, so…"

"Yes, I understand! Please excuse me, milord." Brown bowed slightly while his face twitched as he eyed Lillie.

"Lillie, stop clinging to me! Wait… are you sleeping?" My hand tugged the dozing Lillie but received no response, so I told Brown to take her to her room.

Guess, it should still be fine to construct a base here as long as I act low-key.

Afterward, I commanded one of the robots to scan the Clearwater Giant Crabs. And just as what Brown had said, the crab was safe to eat and very nutritious as long as it was handled correctly.

Since more metals were needed to build more buildings, therefore the robots will need tools to find and mined ore deposits. Luckily, there were simple tools like that in the storage room.

"ATA, had the drone finished surveying the surrounding hills?"

["Affirmative! There were some small iron, copper, and silicon deposits scattered around the hill."] ATA answered with a cold female voice.

"Good! ATHENA, could you control the robots to the location that ATA pinpointed?"

["It should be no problem, Master~! As long as the ship's connection was active and it's within 100 kilometers range."]

"If so, I leave this job for you!"

["As you wish!"]

Now that I didn't have many things to do, I should do some exercise so that my body's more ready to do combat later.


Somewhere quite far away, there was a small city with a gloomy atmosphere. Amid of that was a mansion located at the center of the city, completely out from the murky air that the city emitted.

In one of the bigger rooms of the mansion. A shrewd looking plump middle-aged man was smiling as he gazed at the scenery outside from the big window. He had his hand folded on his back as a grin on his mouth showed his golden teeth out.

Suddenly he laughed, "Kuku… khuakakhakhahahahaha!!"

'So, this is what it feels to be a lord of a territory. What a great feeling it is.'

"Don't be happy too fast, Andrei! We still haven't caught the heterochronic girl! You didn't want to anger my master, would you?" A gloomy middle-aged man dressed in a gray robe sitting on a sofa said as he hit the ground with a skull staff.

"Geh! Sir Houston, no need to worry! With the knights that the Dukedom lent me, how could a mere girl able to escape?"

"Well, we'll see!" The gloomy man named Houston harrumphed before closing his eyes.

Unexpectedly, sounds of footsteps and the voice of a man rang out from outside, "Bad news! Bad news! Hey, let me see the lord! Don't block my path!"

Annoyed by that, Lord Andrei threatened with an angry tone, "Who the fuck causing that commotion? Do you want to be executed?"

"S-sir! A messenger saying that he was from the camp wanted to report." A guard entered and told with fear.

"Huh? What are you idiot waiting for? Bring him in!"


Then, an informant with a brown hoodie came in. He bowed in one knee and started reporting, "Milord, I had a piece of bad news!

"Yes-yes, what is it? Hurry up and said it!" Lord Andrei rebuked as he was impatient by the delay.

The informant gritted his teeth before opening his mouth, "Milord, the camp stationed at the south had been burned by an unknown force!"


"There's been a spotting of a man with a mysterious attire wearing a strange mask when the incident was happening. There's also a little girl around 10-11 years old following him."

"A girl? Is it the target?" He frowned.

"I-I don't know milord; the fire was burning everywhere so I didn't manage to see in deta—"

"IDIOT!! You want to report incomplete information?"

"F-forgive me milord but I have one good information." The informant took a deep inhaled before continuing, "Almost all the soldiers on the camp able to escape unscathed with only a few casualties."

Lord Andrei pointed his finger to him as he said, "Y-you…. You call that good information?? Men! Execute him!"

"N-no… please spare me, milord! I'll do anything!" The informant begged with bowing his head to the floor.

"Hmph! Since I was in a good mood, I'll give you one more chance! Send a scout team to the forest and bring me the girl!" Lord Andrei turned around and went back to gazing at the scenery.

'I don't believe she'll be able to escape far! Knight Johanson should already catch the girl by now. But just in case, I'll send a scouting party.'

"Yes-yes, I promise that I'll satisfy milord!" The informant quickly stepped outside with his tail between his legs.