Setting Up the Base

Three days had passed in the blink of an eye, I couldn't help but smile upon gazing at the 20 robots in front of me. They were bringing tons of refined metals mined from the ore deposit at the hill.

If the progress were to become even faster, I wonder how many robots I could make?

Just when I was swimming in my wishful thinking, a sudden push shocked me awoke as the sound of a little girl ran fast, "Boo!! Watcha doing Victor?

"Hmm? Nothing much."

"Eh? Victor isn't surprised!?"

"How could I be surprised? I know that you had been peeking from the spaceship for more than a minute." My head turned back and saw a little girl with a hip long sized hair wearing a cream-white sweater that had a big light red ribbon in the middle.

"Hmph! Victor is no fun!" Lillie pouted by looking away.

"What is it, Lillie?" Asked me, a bit troubled by that.

"Lillie had finished what Victor had asked Lillie a few days ago!" She took out a book from inside of her sweater.

Ah… I had tasked her to make the written language of this world three days ago after seeing that she had nothing to do. Luckily, I found some blank paper books from the storage room. I mean, she won't be able to use a hologram anyway.

"Thanks, Lillie." I smiled before taking the book.

"Jiii…...." Somehow, she just stared at me as if expecting something.

"Hmm? Anything else?"

"Where's my reward?" She had her hand opened to me. This little girl…

"I'll give you something interesting later so just go back to the ship for now." I patted her head with a wry smile.

"Is it another cake? Strawberry cake is Lillie's favorite! It's a promise then!" She smiled satisfied before going back to the ship.

Now that the amount of metal is enough, I think it's about time to make an Equipment Hall. There weren't enough weapons and tools on the ship to be used anymore; thereby, making the mining to progress slowly. It also isn't convenient to always use the constructor on the ship.

Subsequently, I took out the Multi-Tool and began constructing another building beside the Assembly Hall. A couple of hours later, a building with the same size and similar design of the Assembly Hall filled my vision. This time though, the robots were helping on making the building so it finished a bit faster.

After connecting the building with the generator on the ship, I went inside. The interior was unlike the Assembly Hall which had a specialist assembly line but filled with a constructor to make tools, devices, and equipment instead.

My hand reached the pedestal in the middle of the hall before a hologram screen was projected from it. There were all kinds of equipment, weaponry, and tools on the list. As my hand was scrolling the list, my eyes locked on one device.

Jackpot! Now I could make unlimited Multi-Tool so the robots could construct buildings in my stead. Although it needs a few materials that I didn't have, it just so happens that there's the MFS.

Then, I continued scrolling the list to find more interesting things before stopping on an equipment that caught my eyes.

"Exo Suit? This thing could make an Exo Suit? Having an Exo Suit was a dream for countless men as it gave superpower but alas even a simple one was expensive." My head shook before a smile formed.

The encounter with the knights before and the mention of Magus had made me more wary of this world. But if I could equip countless robots with Exo Suit, wouldn't that mean an invincible and undying army under my command?

But there's just too many kinds of Exo Suit and many other things that I need to make first, I think I'll ask ATHENA about this.

"ATHENA, suggest to me what kind of Exo Suit is the most suitable for me!"

["Master~, I think the Changeable Exo Suit is the most fit for Master. As it could be attached and easy to wear, the internal structure could also be changed easily, so if Master was ever to find a stronger material, it could be strengthened."] Advised ATHENA cheerfully.

"Yeah, that's would be the most perfect for me. Then, construct a list for me about the thing I should make first!"

["If so, how about this?"]

Suddenly, a hologram list was projected on the helmet. It was filled with all kinds of tools and devices that had been calculated to be the most efficient to make first. I was satisfied with the list before stopping on one tool.

Wait, isn't this an A.I. enhancement? From what I know, the UGE prohibited the existence of this thing and will punish anyone by death if found to use it. Humans had been known to fear the machine uprising as it could be seen in the past movies.

But why would ATHENA suggested this? And how come that there was this kind of forbidden tech in here? Just what kind of mystery hidden in the Technology Cube?

"ATHENA, could you tell me what the benefit is of A.I. enhancement?" Asked me with caution.

["Since more and more robots would be made, more computing power would be needed. An A.I. enhancement would also give personality to an A.I., would that not benefit Master?"] ATHENA replied cheerfully without showing any hidden intention.

In the end, I agreed as I didn't believe that an A.I. like ATHENA which had a close relationship with me would betray me. There also never been a severe case of a machine uprising ever happening in Human history.

Still… Even though there has never been a mention of such a case ever happening, I should be wary and set up some precautions in case of the worst.

After selecting the things that will be made, I had the robots moved the MFS to the Equipment Hall. Afterward, I went back to the ship to take a rest and check the thing that I had asked Brown to do.


Inside a dim looking room in a mansion, a shrewd looking plump middle-aged man was standing with his eyes downcast and his hands holding the desk below him.

Suddenly, the man hit the table hard, again and again, while shouting in madness, "Why? WHY? WHY?? How could those knights perished?" He then cast his murderous gaze and finger to the informant in front of him, "YOU… You must be lying!!! Men, apprehend him and execute him for giving false information!"

""Yes!!"" A guard with a spear and another guard with a red nose immediately replied.

"No! Please give me mercy, mercy!! I'm not trying to deceive you, please... I have an old mother at home to take care of…" The informant miserably pleaded but that was a mistake. Hearing that, the two guards were hesitant.

"Why are you two still standing like an idiot? Apprehend him fast and execute him and his family in the gallows or do you idiots wanted to be executed with him?" Lord Andrei shouted in anger, not pleased by executing the informant alone.

"No, sir! We'll do it!" The spear guard said before apprehending the informant. Seeing his comrade's action, the red-nosed guard could only harden his heart and followed suit.

"No-no-no… Let go of me!!" The informant thrashed around as he was being dragged while pleading to gain his lord's attention, "Lord Andrei…. Please give me another chance…." But alas it was to no avail.

Lord Andrei was satisfied after seeing the informant was executed, he then calmed down. Suddenly, a sound of laughing came from a gloomy middle-aged man sitting on the sofa, "Kihi.. Kihihi…. Now, how could you compensate the Dukedom?

"Hikk… Sir Houston, you don't need to worry. I would definitely compensate for the loss that the Dukedom suffers." Lord Andrei held his two hands together and showed an amicable smile as he spoke.

Sir Houston snorted and continued, "Just remember that if you didn't manage to give a compensation within a few days, my master won't be pleased and would execute you."

"Yes-yes…. I'll prepare the compensation within the time range on the contract."

"Good." Sir Houston then closed his eyes, 'A person capable of destroying a camp? And the massacring of the knights, it should be caused by the same person. I should treat this cautiously as only my master is able to do that.'

'In order to compensate the Dukedom, I would need the people in the city and all the villages to be squeezed dry of all their worth.' Lord Andrei thought without caring before he gazed at the side and called, "Charlie!"

"Yes! Milord!" An elderly aide with a white robe came out from the side and bowed.

"Twice, no… triple the tax on the territory and send the tax collector to collect the tax now!" Lord Andrei ordered as he turned his face to the window.

"But…. Yes, as you commanded!" The aide named Charlie wanted to disagree but upon reminded of the fate of the informant before, he could only agree.

"Good. Now scram!"

"Yes, milord!" The aide swiftly came out from the room as fast as the wind as if scared of something.