Capturing the Cavalry

The Cavalry Commander's Perspective

Countless thumping rhythmic sounds were running rampant across the green grass field as dozens of horses were galloping in a formation. 50 or so horsemen were making a V formation with one man leading the formation at the center.

A glistening reflection of the sun was reflected in the sword of the cavalry commander. He raised his sword high and shouted, "Charge! The running peasants were within sight!"


As they were coming closer and closer to the running refugees. Extreme despair and anxiety formed on every refugee while they were frantically running with all their might. But no matter how fast they ran, the cavalry finally encircled the group and cut their way out.

"No need to struggle and resist anymore. As long as you surrender, you'll be able to keep your dog's life and only be made a slave. If you resist, then don't blame me for not giving any mercy." Shouted the cavalry commander as he approached them with his muscled black horse.

Finding that they could keep their life, the refugees started showing uncertain looks despite being unwilling to be made slaves. Suddenly, a middle-aged man gathered his courage and uttered, "We're fine to be made slave, but please… let our child be freed—"

In the second of that word finished being uttered, the head of the middle-aged man detached and came flying from his neck. His lifeless body then slumped down before blood spurted out from it.

"Shut up! This wasn't a negotiation! A nonentity like you should just drop dead." The cavalry commander brandished his bloody sword to the side, threatening, "This is my final warning! In 3 second—"

""Father!!"" Shouted a 13- and 12-years old boy and girl as they approached the headless corpse of a man.

"What are you doing? Someone stop them!" Yelled a man with a broad chin at the side.

"Oh no… We are gonna be killed." Another middle-aged woman with a baby shrieked in despair.

A ruckus then began to form as the refugees tried to hold the boy and the girl from approaching the corpse of their father.

"Silence!" A cold look pervaded the commander's face and made the refugees froze up as if they became statues.

The cavalry commander then approached the two teenagers before he stared at the girl in surprise. Heh… a good quality one. Would worth a lot if sold to slavery.

Finding that the cavalry commander was scanning up his sister, the boy stood in front of her and shouted, "Leave us alone! Does killing our father not enough?"

"Naïve." With that, the cavalry commander raised his sword high and ready to slash.

Just when the boy closed his eyes and awaiting the pain that will come. Screeching sounds of electricity was what instead appeared and permeated the area. Initially, the boy ignored it but as he opened his eyes, he saw a hundred strange-looking golems was attacking the cavalry.

They were equipped with a strange long tube in their hands. The tube discharged blue streak which made the horseman that was hit by it, convulsed and dropped to the ground, unconscious. The cavalry commander's eyes widen in horror as he seemed frozen in thought.

In response, the boy took out a dagger from his pocket and stabbed the horse of the commander, catching the commander off guard. The stab made the horse shrieked and thrashed around, thus making him fell to the ground and broke some of his bones.

"You!" The commander immediately got up and ignored his pain, trying to pick up his sword. It was obvious that he was a Warrior that practiced qi.

The commander kicked the boy hard and made him tumbled meters away before bellowing, "Don't panic! And don't attack them! Follow me!"

""Yes!"" The remaining 10 or so horsemen agreed and began escaping with their horses. Unfortunately, they were swiftly hunted down by the golems before they managed to get far away.

Although the decision of the commander not to engage was smart, it was useless as the golems were too many and had encircled the cavalry from all directions. The cavalry had truly become a sitting duck that was on its last leg.

Just then, a couple of golems blocked the commander that had found a man-less horse. They brandished the strange-looking tube to the commander and ready to fire.

"Out of my way!" The commander rushed to them at a speed that was almost impossible to be seen and swung his blade. Despite the blade didn't manage to damage the robots much, it pushed them away significantly.

After hopping onto the horse, the commander whipped the horse and made it galloped hard into the distance. But not even 5 seconds had passed, a bullet went through his chest and his body fell to the ground, lifeless.


While descending the troop transport helicopter and surveying the surroundings, I couldn't help but chuckle, "Heh… Sadly for them, I had prepared all kinds of equipment and devices in the past week. But it does sure made the refugees cower in fear."

At the side, the refugees were cowering up as the robot encircled and guarded the area. And as for the horsemen, they were being roped on the other side, all of them unconscious.

Hmm… the refugees had a trace of yellow eyes and skinny skin, giving signs of a lack of nutrition. The reason they escaped must be either failed harvest or excessive tax… No, it must be the latter since there's the cavalry chasing.

["Master~! There's a total of 457 people from the group of refugees and 50 horsemen from the cavalry had been captured. As for the casualties on the robots, only 2 received light-damage and still able to function normally."]

Great, it's not much number but it should be fine for now. Now then, since I had already made my identity as a Magus widespread, I might as well play along and made it into my benefit.

Thereafter, I approached the shivering crowd of refugees before a giant hologram projection of my face appeared in the sky. I had my mouth opened and the amplified voice of mine traveled far, "As you may have suspected, I'm a Magus. You had been trespassing my territory without permission."

Hearing what I said, the refugees couldn't help but increase their shivering and extreme fear cropped upon each of their faces. Amused by their reaction, a subconscious smirk formed upon my mouth. Heh... this bluff is working perfectly.

"I don't care what reason you had for escaping your previous abode. But rest assured, as long as you're willing to be my subject. I'll protect and treated you fairly unlike the lord you served previously."

When that was said, confusion aroused on every refugee's face. None of them replied, however, as if scared of the consequence of uttering a word.

Subconsciously, I sighed by the sight of these people and thus approached them then ordered, "Who's your leader? Let him talk to me!"

In response to my order, an elderly man with a long white beard, an amicable face, and a stick in his hand came before bowing deeply. "Your esteemed, Sir Magus. Sir have my deepest gratitude for saving us. I'm the head of the refugees, the former village head of Penrith village."

"No need for formality, I'll get to the point." I swiftly raised my hand and proclaimed, "I'm intending to rule this part of the land and thus need a subject to be ruled. If you were to make all the refugees swore allegiance to me, I promise to give a fair treatment."

Noticing that there was still uncertainty on the amicable elderly man's face, I smiled and whispered something to him. Not even a second after that, the village head subserviently bowed and swore allegiance to me, "I, Gillian Penrith, greeted myself to lord."


The elderly man named Gillian then turned to the baffled refugees and declared, "The lord promised to protect us from the evil corrupt Andrei and will give a fair treatment. I, as the former village head, had sworn allegiance to the lord."

Understanding the hidden meaning of his words, the rest of the refugees then bowed and swore allegiance to me. A wide smile formed up inside of me after looking at the submissive refugees. As I had thought, the people in this world and era were simple and easy to manipulate since they lacked education.

"Good good good…. You won't regret your decision."

Afterward, I had ATHENA escorted the refugees with the robots by using helicopter troop transport to cross the river. As I didn't want to reveal the base, they were located to the outskirts of the wall and made a temporary camp there.

Just when I was about to go back to the base, there was a black silhouette of an owl flying in the distant sky. It was circling in the air non-stop as if observing the ground with its hollow eyes.

Weird, how come an owl active right now? Although it wasn't midday, it still quite sometimes prior to the sunset. I held my chin in contemplation but decided to shrug it off as it could be a sub-species.

Guess, I would make some precaution in case that there was a spy using a flying mount or something. Better be cautious than sorry.