Practicing A Knight Breathing Technique

Dozens of minutes later, the owl was flying above the sky of a mansion before going inside from the window in a certain dim looking room. It then vanished as it was absorbed by the skull staff beside the gloomy middle-aged man sitting on a sofa.

The gloomy middle-aged man suddenly opened his eyes wide as he exhaled a long sigh. Strangely enough, black air came out from his mouth instead of a normal color-less air.

Couldn't hold himself longer, a shrewd-looking plump middle-aged man inquired as he gazed at him, "How is it, Sir Houston?"

"All captured." Just as Lord Andrei was about to celebrate, Sir Houston continued, "The cavalry was all captured by an unknown enemy."

"What!? How can that be possible?" Not believing with what entered his ears, Lord Andrei glared at Sir Houston with a trace of murderous intent but held himself back soon after.

"I see an army of golem, possibly controlled by someone who found one of the countless legacies of the ancient Great Magus Empire…." Sir Houston's eyes twinkled in wonder when he said that.

Hearing that, Lord Andrei's face paled into a sheet of paper as he stuttered, "Wasn't that bad? What should we do now? If he was to attack us with the golem army then—"

"Don't be too anxious, although he may have the legacy. I didn't detect any spiritual power coming from him, but I didn't observe up-close in case he hides it." Sir Houston narrowed his eyes before smiling in greed.


"Yes, if you could help me get the legacy. I'll ask my master to forget the compensation and let you be promoted on the ladder of nobility."

Not a second after that statement was spoken, Lord Andrei smiled gleefully and answered, "I'll gather all the troops in the fief and start a campaign to take the legacy."

"Good." Satisfied with his answer, Sir Houston got up from the sofa and walked out before adding, "Prepare the troops in a week! In the meantime, I had some urgent things to do."

'Fighting someone with a legacy is dangerous without sufficient preparation. I'll need to gather a few more personnel to collaborate with me.'

When Sir Houston was no longer within sight, a malicious intent emerged on Lord Andrei's head. 'Promotion? Count…no, a Marquis, I'll definitely become a Marquis if I were to give the legacy myself. You want to use me to get it? Dream on!'

He then turned to the elderly aide and called, "Charlie!"

"Yes, milord!" The elderly aide Charlie submissively answered.

"Prepare all the available troops in the territory and get ready to march in a week!"

"But lord! We lack the necessary funds to do a massive campaign—"

"Idiot! Did you not hear what Sir Houston said? He'll forget the compensation so long as we offer him the legacy. Used all the compensation money to do a campaign and if it's still not enough, do another tax collection!" Lord Andrei mercilessly stated non-stop.

After hearing that, the aide's face seemed to age for 10 years before he meekly answered, "Yes, I'll tell the other to prepare the campaign."

"Hmph!" Lord Andrei just harrumphed and went to see the scenery. Not minding about the suffering of his people that he will make.


It was sunset when I finished handling the numerous miscellaneous things and had the refugees settled down. The robots were securing and watching them in case they had malicious intent, so I didn't worry too much.

Now that the refugees had been taken care of, I think it's the right thing to have dinner as my stomach had started to gurgle. As for the cavalry… Hehehe… I had a plan for them.

And thus, I went to the spaceship. When I finished having dinner with the gluttonous Lillie and went to the control room, there was a projection of a bluish skinned mechanical woman that appeared from the projector.

She then opened her mouth and the familiar frosty voice of ATA came out, ["Host, I had finished with the thorough scanning of the Razel Knighthood Knight Breathing Technique. With the current data, the technique was deemed safe but it was incomplete."]

Although it's been a few days since she had the A.I. enhancement, it still quite spooky to see an A.I. become as interactive as this. And incomplete? Well, you can't ascend the heavens with a single step after all.

"Excellent, give me the data!"

["As you command."] She bowed slightly in a position that resembled Brown.

Subsequently, the projection of her changed into a pile of data. I began to skim through it, and a surprised look couldn't be hidden on my face as time passed.

So that was the case, no wonder they were able to topple a tree in a single punch. In this world, some people wield extraordinary strength. It was either attained through the path of qi or magic.

There're numerous stages of power, the lowest at the path of qi is called Warrior stage. Although unless their breathing technique is weak, the majority of practitioners attempted to become a knight, thus they were called Knight Apprentice.

Despite so, the practitioner prefers to call their stage as the Warrior stage. It seems that the Warrior stage has five ranks. Rank 1 at the lowest to Rank 5 at the highest. After the practitioners breakthrough Rank 5, their next stage will depend on their breathing technique.

But alas, the knight breathing technique was incomplete so even after merging the knight's memory with it. There was still a lack of knowledge for further Ranks and Stages.

"Anyway, what's matter to me right now is to become stronger, so that I could control my own fate and not be betrayed by others." Stating those, I had my hand clenched in determination before asserting, "This might take a long time, but a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

After having my mindset on a new goal, I had my mouth released a long sigh. In any case, in order to practice a knight breathing technique. First, I would need to secure an empty secluded place. And the only place that comes to mind is the training room on the ship.

Shortly thereafter, I went to the training room and sat in the middle of the room. Now that I'm here, I need to start practicing the way that the technique told. And thus, a holo-screen containing the breathing technique appeared on my left side.

A slow and deep inhaling and exhaling started to come out from my mouth as I followed the instructions on the hologram. One time… two times… ten times, I kept repeating the breathing technique continuously. Strangely enough, there was a warm sensation that emerged on my abdomen as if I was full of energy.

Weird, is this how it feels to practice a breathing technique? I could feel my body start changing somehow and it was filled with vigor. To achieve 1st Rank Warrior, I would need to open the source of qi, which meant opening the heart acupoint.

"ATHENA, could you deduct how long would be needed for me to reach the 1st Rank Warrior?"

Although ATHENA was currently inside my dimensional storage, it could still connect to me as the time wasn't stopped in there. Therefore, a cheerful emoticon of ATHENA appeared on the holo-screen instead.

["From the information that we got from the knight; it seems that he achieved 1st Rank in 3 months and it was also the average time needed to achieve the 1st Rank. But since Master was genetically engineered and thus stronger than even average people in this world. I estimated Master to achieve so in a month."] ATHENA replied in a cheerful female voice.

"A month huh? It's still too long… Are there other ways to fasten up the pace?"

["I calculated that if Master were to do a hard-physical training every day, it will lessen the total time taken by half. Finding someone experienced as a guide will also further decrease it."]

"Physical training is fine but having someone teach me is a no solution. I still need to keep up my image as a mysterious Magus. Are there alternative ways?"

["Higher intake of nutrition value will make the pace faster. Making advanced nanobots to help open the acupoint on the body would also help a lot. Master~!"]

High nutrition value? Advanced nanobot? The constructor on the ship won't be able to produce those… No, wait… I remember seeing something called Synthesize Hall in the Technology Cube. It was said to be able to produce various kinds of sophisticated chemicals and substances.

"Ah, there's no need to think about this further. I just need to order the robot to construct the Synthesize Hall tommo— right now anyway."

Hence, I instructed ATHENA to make the Synthesize Hall before continued practicing the knight breathing technique. A few hours later, I decided to sleep since my concentration began to fade.