
It had been 3 years since DIO woke up in this world. He learned a lot from his new employers / family, Shakky and Rayleigh.

From Shakky he learned information gathering, pick-pocketing, manipulation, strategizing and probably the most useful skill for anyone wanting to travel in One Piece, navigation.

Rayleigh focused on building a foundation for DIO's future growth, he started with 100 push-ups, sit-ups, squads and 10 km run every day for a year, while slowly increasing the amounts and distance. By the end of the year DIO was doing 1500 of each exercise and 150 km run.

The next year Rayleigh trained him in the basics of fighting hand-to-hand combat, how to read your enemy and also DIO started his swordsmanship training, which they learned he had little talent for. He also continued his foundation training while wearing ankle weights.

In his 3rd year he had started wearing weighted clothes as Rayleigh said it wouldn't effect his growth after the age of 10 (AN: Zoro trained with boulders and he had above average height, so it shouldn't effect height growth in OP verse) and was able to hold himself against 30,000,000 Belly worth pirates and/or a Marine Captain from HQ.

Overall even Rayleigh was slightly impressed by DIO's progress. He wasn't sure how far DIO might reach, especially if he gifts him 'THAT' Fruit.


Night Time in front of Shakky's Rip-Off Bar

DIO is finishing up his daily training.

DIO: 'Wow. I can't believe how far I've come just in 3 years at this rate I might even become the next pirate king without trying (Hahahaha).'

He looked at his body admiring every inch of it. His baby fat was gone. He had a well toned body that had explosive strength and agility.

He knew that his training wouldn't help as much anymore, after finally reaching HQ Captain Level his improvement was staggering. As DIO was deep in thought he hears:

Shakky: "DIO come inside and go to bed, its getting late." Puffing a mouthful of smoke.

DIO: "Coming Nee-Chan" he ran inside not wanting to face the wrath of his Nee-Chan 'I need fighting experience to improve, I'll ask Rayleigh if he knows a place I can gain experience, maybe even make some money.'


Next morning DIO was already up by 6 and started cleaning the bar. He was waiting for Rayleigh to wake up.

Around 10 o'clock Rayleigh walked out of his room with a loud "Yawn" A second later an excited DIO was next to him.

DIO: "Morning old man how are you doing?"

Rayleigh: "Yawnnnn. I'm fine DIO. So what do you need? Otherwise, you wouldn't wit in front of my door first thing in the morning." Cutting to the point.

DIO: "Well... Lately I haven't been improving much and it's because I lack fighting experience. Training is good and all but, I need to fight against others, and old man you re too strong for me to gain anything from fighting you... So do you know a place I can make money and fight against strong people?'

Rayleigh: 'He has grown quiet strong in the past 3 years, maybe its time to take him to the island.' he thought "Well, you have 3 options: 1 - You can become a bounty hunter and earn bounties. 2 - You can join the underground fights, but you shouldn't do that those are way too dangerous, also slavers tries to capture the weakened losers after the fights. 3 - You can fight against wild animals in a special island and sell their fur and meat. So which do you choose?"

DIO: 'I need to think about this, 2nd option is out, and I don't want to be a bounty hunter yet, I am too weak, so...' blue haired boy thought. "I'll go with the 3rd option old man"

Rayleigh smirked to that. They walk inside and see Shakky haggling customers. Seeing the boys come in Shakky threw the customers away after taking their money.

Rayleigh: "Shakky, I'm taking the kid to the island, we should be back in a month or 2" Hahahaha

Shakky: "Okay, be careful." She makes a scary smile and turns towards the red eyed wonder kid "It could get... quite dangerous there"

DIO starts sweating, while he loved the result of his training the hardships he went through every day weren't worth it sometimes. And now it was gonna get worse. Tears fall down his eyes, similar to a green-haired hero wannabe. Maybe he should tell them he changed his mind.

Rayleigh: "Huahahahaha" His eyes shone and grab DIO's face making him unable to speak "Alright we should go now see you in 2 months" "Huahahahaha" They walked out of bar and Shakky release a big cloud of smoke.


The next day 2 people, a kid and an elderly man can be seen in the middle of the sea. Little kid is paddling an improvised version of a mountain bike that is covered in weights and used rows the boat they are on.

DIO: "*Tired Noises* Old Man how long more do I need to do this. I've been going on for an entire day. This is borderline child abuse"

Rayleigh: "Huahhahah Don't worry I can already see the island. Huahhaha"

DIO: "Where is it, can we finally start fighting ?" hoping for this part of the training to end, and get to the cool fighting part."

Rayleigh grabs DIO by his collar

Rayleigh: "Survive for a while I'll pick you up on your birthday. If you manage to impress me enough I'll even give you a present" After saying that he throws DIO towards an isolated island.


Rayleigh: "Huahhaha. You are thousand years too early to challenge me brat, that is if you survive."


As DIO will come to realise his real training was only just beginning... And he should have wore a parachute.