Desolated Archipelago


As he was flying / falling DIO saw an island, and it was approaching very fast. He did the only thing that he could do...

He prayed he would fall into the sea. *Splush*

DIO: "Huaw. That was intense, I knew the old man had insane strength but... It should be humanly impossible for anyone to throw someone that far. Especially not a HAS BEEN WHO HAS A FOOT IN THE GRAVE!!!"

After calming down a bit 'Alright since I have to survive in this island for a month, first I should find a place to stay. Maybe a small cave or something' blue haired boy thought

DIO walked around the island, looking for a suitable place to rest at night time, and luckily he found one and unluckily its resident found him tasty looking.


DIO enters a cave he found while walking around the island hoping it's cozy enough to sleep in. As he was too distracted he didn't even notice a very large, brown bear laying in the dark, starting to wake up.

As DIO heard the bear he turned around and saw it stand at the respectable height of 5 meters.

DIO: "You Kuma-chan how about you leave this cave and I don't make you my lunch. Well actually I haven't eaten breakfast yet, so I guess it would be brunch."

The bear got angry in DIO's attitude, Kuma-chan rushed towards DIO, but its speed was too slow and DIO just side-stepped and dodged its claws.

DIO continued to skilfully dodge Kuma-chan's blows, but suddenly *groooowwllll* - DIO's face flushes a bit.

DIO: "Oopps sorry Kuma-chan I haven't eaten in a while and you are starting to look quite delicious, so I'm really sorry for this."

DIO punches delivers three punches on the heart, jugular and the face. Bear is budges few steps back, clearly hurt a bit.

Kuma-chan *ROAR*s and he rushes towards DIO again, seemingly with a second wind. However, same thing happens again, DIO uses footwork and his superior speed to dodge all of Kuma-chan's blows and repeatedly delivers the 3 punch combo, eventually Kuma-chan fall down and he couldn't get up.

DIO: "Well that takes care of brunch and a place to stay. I should be more aware of my surroundings though, I didn't even notice there was a giant bear in the cave." berating himself for not being prepared enough.

DIO takes out his pocket knife and skill fully removes Kuma-chan's fur and cuts its meat into pieces.

DIO: 'Well this time I got lucky, while Kuma-chan was slightly stronger than me, I was faster and more skillful, so I won. But since this is training I should find stronger animals to fight.' he thought to himself

As this was happening a News Coo (bird) flew inside the cave and give him a newspaper, it was one of the lessons Shakky drilled into him, he should always collect information and should only believe in 15% of that information.

DIO began reading the news and was surprised, apparently Kuja Pirates were cornered by the marines, that meant that Boa sisters were captured and sold to the 'Celestial' Dragons.

He forgot about this event. It had been 3 years since not reading or watching any One Piece, of course he would forget about it, and even if he didn't, bar telling Rayleigh about it and telling him how he knew there wasn't much he could do.

After getting this strong he was starting to get cocky. This event helped remind him that he was still too weak and he should never be complacent with his strength, always aim higher.


A month and half later - DIO's birthday

An elderly man with round glasses swam towards the island and start to walking towards the middle of the island. As he was walking a pocket knife was thrown at him. He easily caught it between two finger.

DIO: "Shitty OLD MAN. How could you throw me like that?!?"

Rayleigh: "Huahhaha. Don't worry about it, you are still in your youth, perfect time to train like that. Old bones like me have trouble getting out of the bed you know. Huahhaha." a thick mark appears on DIO's face "Well, at least you got stronger, hard to believe that snotty nosed 8 year old who passed out in the heat of the forest is know a 12 year old who can fight evenly with some Marine Commanders... I'm impressed." he said finished with a smirk.

DIO: "Ohh yeah, you mention something like a present if I could impress you so what is it?" then he started to get worried as this monstrous old man might say doubling his training is his present.

Rayleigh: "Huahhaha. Anyway I'll give it to you when we go back home" They both started walking towards the shore.

DIO: "Old man, where is the boat?"

Rayleigh: "Oh we are not going with a boat, it would be too slow and we would miss your party." he then tied a rope in DIO's waist and his own and started swimming towards the Sabaody Archipelago.

DIO: "AHHHHH. CRAZY OLD MAN, THIS IS CHILD ABUSE. *puha* (accidentally drank a bit of sea water and can hear Rayleigh laughing)... AT LEAST DON'T ENJOY IT SO MUCH!!!"


Few Hours Later - Shakky's Rip-Off Bar

DIO was unconscious, Shakky was shaking her head and looking towards her husband with a mixture of annoyed and dissapointment look, the kind that promised that he would be sleeping in the couch for a week.

Rayleigh: "Ah well you see, we needed to hurry since we were running late, so I kinda rushed a bit and kid was apperantly tired..." Seeing as she was not buying it "I'm sorry"

DIO wakes up "Huh. Where am I? Did I die? I didn't even get to kill the old man?" shedding tears, causing two adults to sweat drop.

Rayleigh: "Kid... Anyway welcome back to the land of the living. Huahhaha. No need to get angry. You impressed me so much that your present is..." his eyes shone, similar to the masters of a wimpy brown haired talentless boy in another universe, scaring DIO that his training was gonna get even harder. "A Devil Fruit."

DIO was speechless, deep down he hoped it was a devil fruit but with this old man you never knew.

DIO: "Which fruit is it?" he asked with wonder.

Rayleigh: "It's a fruit me and captain found in our last voyage. Its a very powerful fruit. The ... no Mi"