Red meets Blue

The days, become months, months become years and one day when Shakky and Rayleigh woke up they found a note, next to a breakfast table:

'Dear Old Man and Nee-Chan,

Thank you for taking care of me in the past 8 years.

I learned a lot from you 2, and will never forget you.

Here is my Den Den Mushi number '555-6745-845'

Call me anytime you want. [Some tear drops can be seen]

I'm not good at goodbyes, so please forgive me for leaving like this.

Anyway take care of each other, and I know nothing can happen to you 2.

Your Excellent Apprentice DIO BRANDO'

Rayleigh: "Ah, it looks like there are onions in the omelet"

Shakky looked at the omelet: "No, I don't think so..." When she looked at him, Rayleigh had small tears dropping from his face.

Rayleigh: "No there are onion alright". He wasn't expecting DIO to leave them for at least one more year. He knew DIO exceeded his expectations and needed real life experience to grow stronger, but still, he was hoping the boy with blue hair would stick with them longer.

However, he knew better than anyone when the sea calls for someone it's hard not to answer it.


DIO's appearance had changed quite a bit over the years. Now he has a medium sized, wavy blue hair, his red eyes were more intense, with a very strong and defined body, supported by his 6'2" (1.88m) and still growing height.

He was originally going to wait for another year, but something unexpected happened. Shanks and Red Hair Pirates came to visit Rayleigh. Apparently they left the New World and were going to visit 4 Blues and train.

DIO wanted to travel with them, at least until they reached West Blue. He wanted to get a feel of what a future Yonko's crew would be like. After all he was planning become one in the future. So he snuck in their ship and hid in a barrel.

-Few Hours Later-

Shanks: "Yo kid, how long are you going to hide in there?"

DIO gets out of the Barrel and sheepishly rubs the back of his head "Sorry about that. I wanted to start my adventure in west blue and was hoping I could catch a ride, in a fellow poor soul's ship who suffered under the same monster."

Shanks: "I get what your saying, Vice Captain can be a tough teacher and you seemed to have learned well under him so... " he extends his hand towards DIO "join my crew"

DIO: "No" he swiftly answers

Shanks: "Dahahahaha. Okay , okay you can travel with us to the west blue, but you might wanna cover your face while you travel with us, I'm a well known pirate and I don't get the feeling you want Marines to know about you just yet."

DIO smiles and nods

Benn Beckman walks in: "Sometimes captain is just too trouble some." Rest of the Red Hair pirates walks in and they all start laughing.


2 Months Later - DIO'S POV

It had been 2 months since I started travelling with Shanks and his crew, and I can tell you this much, I love it.

I spar against nearly everyone in the crew by now. Only 4 were a match for me. Of course I was hiding my fruit, but even with it I would be lucky to beat Lucky Roo and Yasopp.

Benn Beckman can probably already beat some Yonko's Top Commanders and might still pull of a draw against some First Mate's due to his immense intellect, but only if they underestimate him.

Shanks, however, is a monster. This guy is already strong enough to match any Admiral. If he still has his arm and actually wants to, he could probably be the pirate king in the next decade or so. No one could stop him, (Maybe Except Plot Armour Luffy)

I tried to spar against Shanks once and I could tell you that he has already surpassed Rayleigh. Only Marine that can hope to capture this man would be Garp. And that's not a guarantee. Garp is obviously still stronger but with Benn Beckman's tactical mind they might even manage to beat Garp.


DIO: "Shanks, we've arrived to west blue, there is an island that's about an hour from here. I should take my leave now."

Shanks: "Dahahahaha, forget about that just join my crew, please, pretty please with cherry on top. Dahahaha"

I release a bit of my Conqueror's Haki and tell him one thing before leaving "See you in the New World" It was my challenge against him, my declaration that we would fight again and that I would win.

Shanks' face takes on a serious look and he nods. "Just don't get yourself killed, kid"

I row towards the Timarus Island. It was an island famous amongst Bounty Hunters. There was an organisation, giving information about pirates and bounties in exchange for cuts in the bounties. I would receive information there and build funds, before starting my pirate adventure.

I made my way towards the dock and give them the dock fee for my tiny ship. Then I made my way towards the Bounty Hunters Organization (BHO). When I entered to the BHO head quarters I was pleasantly surprised, the secretary working the desk was none other than Nico Robin.


General POV

DIO has entered the BHO head quarters, when he looked at the secretary he instantly recognised her, Nico Robin.

DIO: 'Why would Nico Robin, someone with a large bounty work for BHO?... Of course she destroys all the information about herself and still looks for those historical stones.'

Upon seeing a charming man around her age walk in, Robin was surprised, usually bounty hunters were middle aged man that looked far scarier than most pirates.

Robin: "Hello, my name is Olvia how may I help you today?"

DIO shows a charming smile "Hello Ms. Olvia. I wanted to buy the location of bounties that are a day travel from here and are above 10 million."

Robin: "Most certainly, let me check... Ahh I'm sorry Sir but the only bounty that is a day travel from here is 'Black Eye' Joe, who is a Grand Line veteran and has a bounty of 120 Million Belly."

DIO: "No that is great I wish to buy the info" surprising Robin a bit, but not much since many bounty hunters were foolish enough to challenge pirates stronger than them and die.

Robin: "Alright sir, we require 5% of the bounties in exchange of location information and 5% more for the known skills, devil fruits and other abilities." she said in a professional attitude and a small smile.

DIO: "I'll just buy the location information" taking out 6 million belly

Robin: "Thank you sir, 'Black Eye' Joe was last seen in the Tortia Island. Would you like to purchase an eternal pose for Tortia island."

DIO: "Yes please, and 1 for this island and a close by island without too much corrupt marine officials and can pay large bounties." he smiles at her.

Robin: "The only island that meets your requirements is Ilusia Kingdom, Marine branch there is relatively uncorrupted. And your total would be 3 Million Belly" She was slightly surprised by his last request as most bounty hunters would just go to the closest marine branch and sometimes are branded pirates themselves by the jealous marines.

DIO: "Here you go" exchanges 3 Million for the eternal poses. "See you soon Olvia"

DIO left for Tortia Island, with a smile on his face. His adventure can finally begin.