Black Eye Joe

A small boat was approaching to Tortia Island. On top of the boat there was a relatively tall boy with blue hair.

DIO gets out of the boat and searches for the strongest person on the island with his Haki.

He found 3 strong men, 2 of them were Commander Level and the strongest one amongst them was only Rear Admiral Level.

DIO knew he shouldn't have much trouble against them. So he decides to not use his right arm, Haki and Devil Fruit against them.

They were 30 km inside the island. So he starts making his way towards them.


Around 20 pirates surrounded a town. A person with black eyes, seeming to be their captain started laughing.

Joe: "Kararara. Don't worry. You only need to give us all your treasure and we will be on our way. Kararara"

Random Village Chief: "Please sir have mercy. We are a small town with little money. If you take what we have we can't even feed our young" he pleaded them.

Swordsman Pirate: "Captain. Would you like me to kill this fool" his right hand reached towards his sword.

Joe: "Hmm. No let him be." Then he saw a young woman, she was around her 20s with pink hair and bosom that would make most woman jealous (Imagine slightly older Rebecca)

Joe: "But as a punishment to your village I'll let one of your woman entertain me and my man tonight" He sent a lustful look towards the woman.

The man around him starts to laugh. All of them sending twisted looks towards the pink haired woman.

She hugs the man next to him. Appearing to be her fiancé or husband.

As this was occurring DIO analyses what was happening. He was sickened to his core.

Deep down, he knew most pirates in this world were like this. But he wanted to assume there were more like Shanks and Rayleigh out there.

If it wasn't for the twisted nature of World Nobles, and that Marines are their dogs. He might have helped them exterminate these vermin. But alas...

DIO quickly run behind the 17 cannon fodders and hit them behind their necks, one by one, knocking them out cold.

This resulted in the other 3 to put their guard up.

DIO: "Hello scum. My name is Shinigami. And I'm going to give you 3 a choice: either die here or surrender"

Joe: "Kararara. Kid you surprised me there for a second. But I'm invincible in the West Blue" with an extremely arrogant tone "I will let you live if you lick my boots and join my crew."

DIO takes a fighting stance with his right arm behind his back. "Let us Dance" (AN: channeling his inner Madara)

As the 3rd member of their group - marital artist run towards him, DIO deflects his punch with his left hand and counters with a back hand strike, hitting his chin and breaking it.

The martial artist drops to the ground. Dead.

Seeing this the swordsman gets slightly scared. Him and the martial artist were around the same level and this... child easily killed him.

Joe: "Smith... attack him already." Showing he was annoyed.

Smith attacked DIO, quickly drawing his sword, striking him with great speed, what he didn't expect was for DIO to duck and quickly punch him in the gut.

Smith spits blood and falls on his knee. DIO didn't let him take a break and smashed his body with a kick. Aiming towards his heart resulting in Smith's swift dead.

Now Joe was scared, this unknown kid just killed his 2 strongest crew member in few seconds and he wasn't even bothered by it.

Joe: "Kid. I'm giving you one last chance. Drop on your knees, beg for forgiveness and swear your allegiance to me and I'll let you live."

DIO didn't even bother bantering with him, he run towards Joe and before he could punch him, Joe turned into a black panther hybrid.

Joe: "Kararara. Now do you see it's impossible for you to beat me. I have devil's power on my side" regaining his lost confidence.

But before he could even understand what was happening DIO took out a bullet and threw it into his eye, the bullet has gone straight through his eye and destroyed his brain, killing him in a matter of seconds

As Joe drops to his dead, the villagers come out of hiding thanking DIO extensively.

DIO: "No problem, but I should be on my way. I have a long way to go."


Location - Ilusia Kingdom - Marine Base

Marine Officer: "Here you go 135 Million Belly for Black Eye Joe and his companions, we took 10% of the bounty as tax"

DIO was kinda annoyed with the 10% tax, but at least it was manageable. "Thank you sir, I should get going."


Few Days Later - Timarus Island

DIO was happy with the results, he made 135 million within few days. He walked towards BHO hoping to buy some more information.

When he arrived, he heard a conversation happening inside.

???: "So 'Olvia' how long has it been since you joined BHO?"

Robin: "6 months Mr. Jones" getting slightly worried.

Jones: "And you are 16. It's a great age to be, you know. Same age as that notorious bounty Nico Robin you know."

Now Robin was terrified "What do you want?"

Jones: "Well you seem to be bothered in those clothes so why don't you take them off and we can continue ... our discussion."

Robin was petrified. She didn't knew what she could do. She might be able to kill him and escape, but she needs to make him lower his guard first. But before she could...

DIO: "Hello there."

Jones: "Mister Jones. I heard about your success, congratulations. But, I'm discussing something with my secretary now"

DIO ignores him: "So Nico Robin, nice to meet you. How would you like a new job?"

Robin: "I accept."

DIO kills Jones in that second, he was impressed by how fast Robin could change loyalties. He will need to gain her true loyalty.

DIO: "Gather all the money in here, as well as information and all eternal posts. We are leaving in 20. Also is there a specific reason you don't dye your hair?"

When Robin heard the last question she wanted to slap herself in the face.

Her only picture in government was when she was 8. Nearly no one could recognize her if she dyed her hair.

Then she thought maybe this man would be different, maybe he is the one Saul talked about.

Only time could tell.