Recruiting Taka

DIO and Nico spent the next few days getting getting to Dark Mist Island. They came here to buy some supplies and hopefully find some recruits.

When they were shopping for supplies in Dark Mist shopping district, a broadsword was thrown at them.

DIO senses the danger "Get Down!" pulls Robin down letting the sword go pass them. People around them starts to run away in a chaos.

???: "Ohh Look at this Karin. They are not half bad. I guess." man with white hair appearing to be a fish man and human hybrid told the redhead next to him.

Karin: "Shut up Suigetsu and lets catch them already. I saw a 100 million belly they were carrying." her eyes turning into stars.

Suigetsu: "Whaat? That's insane. It's way too much."

DIO was getting angry from being ignored. So he decided to mess with them a bit. "Are you guys a couple or something?"

Their faces changed colours 3 times in the span of few seconds

Karin: "W-w-Why would I even like a muscle head like this?"

Suigetsu: "And I would never like a crude girl like this one."

Rose: "What did you SAY!!!!??"

DIO nods his head "Alright then, would you mind telling me why attack us in broad daylight?"

Suigetsu: "You guys have nice bounties, that means you are strong... We are pirates who fight against other pirates and steal their treasure. Plus this tomato needs money like there is no tomorrow"

Karin punches him in the face. "Shut up."

DIO: "So would you 2 like to join my crew. In return I can help you achieve your dreams." he said 'I have an idea on Suigetsu's dream. I should be able to satisfy him with Haki and Rokushiki training for a few years. But Karin is a mystery' he thought

Suigetsu: "I only follow strong people. If you can beat me in 1 minute I'll join you." He points to Karin "This one is trickier"

Karin: "Shut up!" Turns towards DIO "Fine if you can get me 300 Million Belly I'll join you as well."

DIO: "Robin-Chan are you okay with these 2 joining us?"

Robin: "Sure DIO-Kun" gives him a sultry look "If you can beat him in 10 seconds I'll also give you a gift."

Karin looks at this woman and back to herself. Totally not jealous from her large breasts. No sir. After all flats are justice. Right?

In the mean time DIO rushes toward Suigetsu catching him by surprise. He knocks the sword out of his hand and punches him with a Haki infused Fist. All under 10 seconds.

DIO "I guess you will be joining the crew." smiles 'He should be a commander level, nearly a Rear Admiral, Karin gives the feeling she has just entered the commander level. They should fit my crew nicely.'

Karin was surprised by how fast he managed to beat Suigetsu but she wasn't going to let them know about it. "You still need to pay up 300 Million Belly blue boy."

Robin: "Why do you need such a huge some of money?"

Karin: "A friend of ours. A devil fruit user. He can't control his fruit and been caught by Slavers, they are selling him for 500 Million Belly. I managed to incur 200 Million but it's not enough." She looks down at the ground. "A Celestial Dragon will come to the island next week and if he sees him..."

DIO: "Let's go and buy your friend." He smiles at her.

Karin: "WHAT!?!! Just like that you are going to spend 300 Million Belly like it's nothing, for bunch of strangers."

DIO (channels inner protagonist): "What are you talking about? You are not a stranger. You just joined my crew that makes you family" he said while thinking 'That's something Shanks and Rayleigh would say, it should solidify their loyalty.'

Karin was speechless, she nods and takes them to slave shop.


-Slave Shop-

2 people enters the shop.

Receptionist: "Hello sir how may I be of service?"

DIO: "I heard you have a unique Devil Fruit user for 500 Million Belly I wish to buy him" giving her the 500 Million Belly

Receptionist takes the money "Certainly sir, please follow me."

They then take an unconscious Jugo with them and leave a safe amount of distance. Meeting up with Karin and Suigetsu.

They take off Jugo's chains, after DIO subdues him and explain the situation. Karin hugs him and cry, while Suigetsu punches him in the face for "getting captured like a pussy"

Jugo: "DIO-San, can I join your crew as well"

DIO looks at Robin and seeing her nod "Sure you can, but before we can leave. I need to do something. You guys go to the ship I should be there in 30." And he disappears with a [Soru]

Robin: "Let's get going" they all nod and follow her. Surprised by their new captains disappearance


DIO went back to the slave shop and released a massive wave of Conqueror's Haki knocking out everyone but a fat man and the slaves, the man appears to be the manager.

Fat Man: "Wh-what's happening." A man with a ski mask quickly appears next to him [Shigan] pierces his shoulder. "Ahhhh" fat man cries in pain.

DIO releases minuscule amounts of Conqueror's Haki to make him talk "Tell me where you keep the money and I'll let you go."

Fat Man: "We keep all the money in the safe back there." Points to the wall behind him.

DIO: "Thank you" knocks him out with a chop.

DIO makes his way to the safe and rips out it's door. Seeing nearly a Billion Belly inside he was excited.

He quickly opened a large money bag and emptied the safe. Then he freed the slaves.

He leaves the area with a [Soru] and makes his way towards the ship.


The crew had just arrived to the ship 10 minutes ago. Robin had spent this time by learning their abilities and skills.

Jugo had an unknown Zoan Type Fruit, either an ancient Zoan or a mythical one. He was also a skilled shipwright.

Karin was a skilled medic, while relied on her wits to get by most of the time, she could still use a pair of daggers skillfully.

Suigetsu was a hybrid of fishman and human, he was also very skilled with a sword and a great swimmer. Which would help them since most of their crew were Devil Fruit users.

Then DIO came in. "Yo guys. Missed me yet?" Grinning wholly.

Everyone: "Captain."

DIO: "Anyway Karin. Here's your 200 Million back. I just rob those slaving scum dry and freed their slaves."

This surprised them a lot, there were multiple fighters on par with Suigetsu in there. In that moment they anonymously decided to follow this man, their captain in his journey.


After leaving the island DIO gather them all to the deck

DIO: "Listen up everyone." He points at them "You guys are strong, but you are not ready for what the New World has in store for you, yet."

Karin: "So what are we going to do, just sit on our asses in the Paradise."

DIO: "No. I'm going to teach you all a special martial art, as well as a power that is a must in New World."

He starts laughing and they all got slightly scared.