Secret Base

DIO had left his crew on an island, give them training manuals on Rokushiki. He wasn't hopeful in any of them learning basics of Haki just yet, but he was sure they should all be able to learn at least 2 Rokushiki techniques by the time he was back.

In the meantime, he wanted to explore this secret marine base Dalmatian told him about. Apparently this is a THE Secret Base of World Government in Paradise, where CP-0 Members receive their missions. It also contained all of their mission reports for Grand Line.

It had 3 Warlord Level CP-0 agents protecting it at all times. With occasional Vice Admirals to help them stay hidden.

It made him excited, fighting all 3 would be a new challenge for him. They might even force him to use 'That Form'

Also, the main reason he was going there was because DIO got very curious about a certain hunch he had. If his hunch was correct he could gain a valuable ally in the future.


DIO decided hiding wouldn't work. There were multiple Haki users in the Base. As soon as someone of his level enters the base they would come rushing towards him.

He decided to just walk in the front door. Knocking out everyone in his path with a wave of Conqueror's Haki.

As he was half way there 3 man wearing CP-0 masks appeared. They didn't engaged in any banter and quickly attacked DIO.

Agent 1 used [Soru] and [Shigan] combo trying to catch DIO of guard, luckily DIO predicted his move and dodged his attack, and sent the agent flying with a Haki infused punch.

The agent quickly did a back flip and landed next to the others.

DIO: "So... Are you guys some kind of brainwashed lap dogs of the Celestial Pigs or something" trying to taunt them.

It didn't work. "I guess I should not underestimate you guys too much, if it was 1-on-1 it would have been an easy fight but..."

The 3 rushed at DIO with [Soru] attacking him with punches to lethal spots. But he blocked all 3 of their attacks and looked at them sinisterly.

Then DIO started to grown in height all the way up to 5 meters, his muscle mass increase and his skin was glowing blue, while his eyes red.

The agents jumped back trying to assess the new situation. Their information didn't show 'Blue-Haired' DIO had a Devil Fruit, a mythical one at that.

DIO had no intention of giving them time to think. He suddenly used [Soru] alongside Time-Skip.

He appeared next to Agent 2, with a Haki infused kick sending him flying. "Since you guys have seen this form, I can't let you leave this place alive. I'm sorry..."

CP-0 agents understood they couldn't win against him anymore. This 18 year old boy in front of them could probably defeat most Yonko's Top Commanders at this form.

They needed to escape and alert Marine and CP-0 HQs.

But alas, DIO wasn't going to let them.

DIO disappeared where he was standing and appeared next to Agent 3, a [Shigan] piercing his arm.

DIO was aiming for his heart but missed, when Agent 3 predicted DIO's move with his Haki. Barely dodging the fatal blow.

He didn't waste anymore time and disappears again this time he punches Agent 3, in his face, destroying his mask and ending his life.

The remaining 2 agents were shocked. There was a 17-18 year old who could just waltz in to the most secure base in the Paradise, and so easily at that.

DIO, this time uses pure speed and rushes towards Agent 2.

His left arm is clad with black armor. He uses [Goshigan] on Agent 2's stomach. He follows the piercing strike with a powerful thrust. Creating a large hole in the mens' stomach.

DIO turns towards the last one, Agent 1 and smiles ever so slightly. Releasing every bit of his Conqueror's Haki.

DIO: "I have few questions for you. If you could answer few of them I might even let you leave." His smile turns slightly wicked.

However, CP-0 agents were trained in a manner that if capture is inevitable, they should just end their life. So he bit his tongue, killing himself.

DIO *Sigh*: "I remember Rayleigh telling me these guys would kill themselves before talking but, I just couldn't imagine someone sacrificing themselves for those pigs, I guess brainwashing since childhood could do that"

DIO shakes his head and goes to the room with mission records. There was a specific mission report he was interested in. If he was right...


DIO went inside the mission record room. It had records of all CP-0 missions within Paradise for the past century.

What DIO didn't know was that there was another in the ceiling, waiting for him.

A man jumps from the ceiling and appears in front of DIO. With a confident smirk.

???: "Hello there."

DIO: "General Kenobi"

???: "Wha..."

Before he understood what was happening last man standing in DIO's way was sent flying with a Time-Skip supported Haki fist.

DIO: "Always wanted to say that" with a happy smirk on his face. "But this place is way too well protected to be in Paradise."

DIO: "Each of those guys I fought could beat most Vice Admirals and even make a name for themselves in The New World." he said to himself 'They even forced me to use my Devil Fruit' he thought.


-2 Hours Later-

With the recent news reaching DIO, he wanted to check a story from anime. If it was as it's presented or there was something darker behind it.

He went through over dozens of mission reports of CP-0 agents for those 'Nobles' and it made him sick.

A government with these guys on top of it... There was no doubt left in his mind that he would lend his support to Dragon and his Revolutionaries anymore.

DIO checked the box labeled 25 years ago. He had finally found it.

DIO had finally found the mission report he was looking for. And it was just as he predicted.

Only, 1000 times more messed up than anything he could predicted.