New Members

DIO and Ain had arrived to an inhabited island.

DIO: "Ain-chan come with me, I'll gather the crew so you can meet them" she nods and they disappear with a quick [Soru].


Apparently Suigetsu had mastered 4 of the 6 Rokushiki techniques by now, Karin 3, Robin mastered 4 and even incorporated some of them with her Devil Fruit.

Jugo, however, mastered all 6 of the Rokushiki techniques. Even DIO was impressed with this, the guy already had a strong body and a Devil Fruit, now with a proper martial arts he could beat most Low-Warlord level opponents.

Alas all of them were still too weak for New World. And he didn't have a plot armour like Luffy, so he would have to make sure his crew were strong enough to handle themselves.

DIO: "Alright everyone gather around" he shouted, seeing him, the crew quickly gathered around him. Robin even gave him a long kiss, much to jealousy of Suigetsu.

DIO: "I can see all of you have grown stronger, well I found a new member. Her name is Ain. She is quite strong and will be our navigator. Also she will help in your training."

Suigetsu: "Captain, wait a sec there. I don't know who this chick is but I'm sure I'm far stronger th..." he felt dagger on his throat, and Ain was right behind him.

Seeing Suigetsu shiver a bit and Karin laughing at him, DIO continued "anyway, continue to train on Rokushiki, once you master all 6 go and find Ain-chan. She will teach you something that you will need in New World." he stops.

"And you 3" pointing at Suigetsu, Robin and Karin "will try to lend a hit on me, and in the mean time Ain will start training Jugo." they all nodded.


Neither Robin or Karin were exactly trilled with the idea that Ain was joining the crew.

Karin because there was now another woman with melons for bosom, which her two friends and captain keep taking quick glances every once in a while. Like the girls in crew didn't notice it. 'Seriously, maybe I should have joined the marines, those guys would appreciate me more. Justice and all.' she thought

Robin, also wasn't exactly happy with how much attention her boyfriend was giving to their new and beautiful crew mate. 'It's only because she just joined the crew.' she thought. She wasn't jealous or anything... Right?


-1 Month Later-

DIO went to an island to buy equipments they would need, bullets, cannon balls, clean water etc.

While he was in the shopping district he heard a gossip.

???: "Did you hear? Apperantly, Lord Azami gifted his daughter to the World Noble that is visiting our island."

???: "WHAT? Really, Lady Erina was such a nice girl, why would Lord Azami do something like this?"

???: "Well, I heard that since the king died 3 weeks ago and with no heir to the thrown, Lord Azami wants to gain the favour of a Celestial Dragon."

???: "How terrible." A gunshot was heard and everyone started to kneel. A man with a pig face comes riding on top of a beautiful girl with honey blonde hair. With 2 man in suits following behind them.

Saint Jalmack: "Ahh Ahh what a terrible place to visit so dirty... At least I got a proper slave out of my visit. Can't believe those idiots in Goa Kingdom didn't offer me one." he licks his lips "when we get to the ship I will mark you myself slave, do you understand?" he hits her ass with a black riding crop.

Erina: *Cries* "Yes my Lord."

Just like that he met Erina Nakiri, apperantly in this world she was the daughter of a noble, who sold his own daughter to a Celestial Dragon.

DIO had enough of this idiocracy and walks towards the Saint.

Saint Jalmack sees DIO: "Hey why aren't you kneeling?" He takes out a golden pistol and shoots at DIO, and kills him THE END




(JK) DIO dodges with ease and punches the Celestial Pig with his full might, killing the pig.

Suit 1: "Yo-yo-you dare kill a World Noble!" everyone starts screaming, DIO looks at Erina.

DIO: "You must be Erina" *smiles* "When I free you, would you like to join my crew?"

Erina gains some hope: "Yes"

DIO disappears and reappears with a key. 2 men in suits were knocked out. He releases Erina from her chains and smiles at her "Welcome to the family, Erina-chan"

And since DIO wasn't an idiot he wasn't going to wait around for a Marine Admiral to come.

They left the island quickly and arrived at the unnamed training island. Erina was initially shy towards others, but gained her slightly egotistical nature back in no time.


-5 Months Later-

Marines were under a lot of pressure for failing to capture DIO committing 'the worst crime'. They were forced to cover it up by executing 2 suits who were next to the Saint, pushing the blame on to one of them.

However, that didn't stop them from raising DIO's bounty to 329,050,800 Belly. On an another note...

Erina turned out to be an excellent chef (not surprising at all). Surprisingly, however, she was decent at martial arts. She managed to grasp all 6 Rokushiki techniques and incorporate them into her own style. But she hadn't shown any progress with Haki yet.

Everyone else in the crew managed to learn the basics of at least one type of Haki. They were all at beginner level in it and only Suigetsu and Ain were at Vice Admiral Level.

Jugo, however, was at Peak Vice Admiral Level. The rate he improved was even comparable to DIO.

DIO: 'I guess they are strong enough to take care of themselves now' he thought to himself "Everyone listen up" they all stop training and turns towards him "You guys are strong enough for New World now, but we will need to make a stop at Alabasta, there is a poneglyph there and I'm curious about what it says"

Robin perked up about this. Her life long dream was to uncover the true history of the world. And hearing her boyfriend saying he knows where a poneglyph was getting her slightly turned on.

The rest all nods and starts packing, their crew was finally taking the next step.