
It had been 2 days since 'Blue-Hair' pirates left for Alabasta.

DIO had a rough understanding of what was in the poneglyph, but he wanted for Robin to see it for herself and study it. Also it didn't hurt that it got Robin in the mood.


Suigetsu: "Grrrrr. Why does Captain has all the luck. She is like the hottest girl I've ever seen and they haven't gotten out of their quarter since we started sailing" *moaning intensifies* everyone gains a small blush "See what I mean?"

Karin: "Just ... Shut Up" punches Suigetsu in the face. "But I guess we should make the doors sound proof" they all nodded at that.

After an hour DIO finally came out of his quarter: "Good morning everyone. Robin is feeling tired she will stay at bed today."

Erina: "I bet she is tired" she mutters just loud enough for everyone to hear. DIO scratched the back of his head with a sheepish smile

Jugo and Ain's faces had taken on a shade darker than Karin's hair. They had trouble making coherent thought.

Karin: "Captain we WILL make the doors soundproof." glaring at him full force. DIO could only nod sheepishly.

Ain: "A-a-anyway we should arrive at Alabasta by tomorrow morning." She looks away not facing DIO "You should wear a disguise Captain. You are quite well known." Jugo nods agreeing with her.

Erina hears a bell: "And breakfast is ready, come along everyone"


They all started eating breakfast. Talking about what they were going to do in Alabasta.

DIO: "There is a Poneglyph in Tomb of the Kings." He said surprising them.

Ain: "How do you know about the location of a Poneglyph? World Government has been hiding all the information about them."

DIO smiles: "I should leave few mysteries about myself, Ain-Chan" *winks* "Or else I'll be a boring man"

Ain was kinda annoyed but nods. Getting used to the antics of her Captain by now. *sighs* "Are we going to wait for Robin-San to decrypt the Poneglyph?"

DIO shakes his head: "No we are going to copy it." he looks at them "How much do you guys know about Ponelgys?"

Karin: "Not much Captain. We never thought they were that important and since government was so adamant about keeping them a secret, we left it alone." They all nod at that

DIO: "Well. Poneglyphs are mysterious steles with history inscribed on them, in the form of ancient letters. All the knowledge about Void Century is in them" *smiles* "There are thirty Poneglyphs in the world. They are also impervious to any damage. Even Whitebeard can't put a scratch on them"

The crew was now surprised by this. Void Century, impervious cubes, ancient letters...

DIO: "There are a total of three types of Poneglyphs scattered across the world: 1st is Historical Poneglyphs which reveals pieces of ancient history as well as messages written by ancient people. Including 3 weapons of mass destruction: Pluton, Poseidon and Uranus. 2nd is Instructional Poneglyphs containing instructions and/or clues about the locations of Historical Poneglyphs. The last one is Road Poneglyphs which contains a location. The combined locations detailed by all 4 Road Poneglyphs allows one to locate Raftel, final island and supposed location of One Piece."

They were all shocked by this knowledge. Ancient Weapons that can destroy entire islands, location of One Piece. No wonder government was extremely scared of Ponelgyphs

DIO: "One of the reason yonko crews are in a state of seize fire is cause the location of the 4th Road Poneglyph isn't known to anyone" he looks up into the sky

Erina: "What are we going to do with the Poneglyphs? Our ship can't carry even one of those Poneglyph's" not sure how they can handle these Poneglyphs.

DIO: "It is possible to print a Poneglyph's text into paper in a similar manner to woodblock printing. And that is what we are going to do." he now looks in their faces, waiting for them to sink in all this knowledge.

Jugo: "What do you think will happen when 4th is found?"

DIO: "Yonko and World Government will need someone who can read those Road Poneglyphs. And only publicly known beauty that can read those is over there" points towards his quarters "We will need to be strong enough to handle them"

This time they were blown away. Suigetsu was sweating beyond what should be humanly possible, Karin and Erina didn't know what to do, while Jugo and Ain were barely keeping their composure.

Jugo: "I-i see" there was silence for the rest of the breakfast. And for the rest of the day, they all think about what this means for them.

They all came to the same conclusion. They needed to be stronger, far stronger than they were now.


-Next Morning-

Suigetsu: "I can see an island". Alabasta could finally be seen.

They approach the dock. Moored up the ship and payed the dock fee.

DIO was wearing a white scarf and a hat that hid his hair, as well as sunglasses. No one should be able to tell who he was.

DIO: "Listen up. Me and Robin are going to sneak in Tomb of the Kings. You 5 are going to buy supplies. We will meet here tonight. Don't make a scene. Also Ain, Jugo you guys are in charge make sure these guys don't cause trouble."

Erina/Karin/Suigetsu: "HEEYY"

Ain nods and Jugo just chuckles.

DIO: "Alright, see you guys later." And they all get separated.


-3 Hours Later, Alubarna-

There was beautiful dancer, performing in the street. DIO's eyes wandered to the dancer.

Robin: "So Captain-Kun, are you finally gonna tell me where exactly is the Poneglyph? If you tell me I might just reward you with that dancer's outfit" says with a slutty expression

DIO: "Alabasta Poneglyph Chamber is hidden underground, below the Tomb of the Kings. Nefertari family has protected the stone for centuries, both from the people and the World Government."

Robin: "Good Boy" gives him a small kiss. DIO hated how easy it was for her to manipulate him, but he still loved her rewards.

DIO *sighs* : "Follow my lead. Currently I'm the strongest person in the island, there doesn't seem to be any Haki users in here, but us. It should be easy to infiltrate."

The two secretly entered the ancient tomb. Easily sneaking past their defences.

Robin was surprised: "Such a big place"

DIO: "The Poneglyph is behind that door" He slides the large door and just like he said, there was a Poneglyph.

Robin started smiling like crazy. It had been a long time since she'd seen a new Poneglyph, let alone decrypt one.

DIO: "Let us copy it and be on our way"

Robin wanted to study it there, but understood that it would take a long time to properly study it and they might get caught in here and alert the Marines.

DIO created a copy of the Poneglyph and they were on their way.


-At The Same Time, Ain's POV-

Well, we have everything we need, but Suigetsu is getting restless. Thank God Karin is keeping him in line.

I still can't believe how much I started to care for this group of pirates. *shakes her head*. I guess I'm one of them now.

Ain: "Alright everyone we bought everything we need, let's go"

They all nod and left for the ship


Just like that they left Alabasta. No one was wiser that they came and take what they wanted.

Needless to say DIO was more than happy with the result.