Jaya Island

DIO and crew left Alabasta few days ago.

DIO enters into Robin's room. And he could only describe this scene as a tsunami went through a room. Drawn out papers about the possible meaning of every single word and various drawings showing possible locations of Pluton and it's appearance. 'The series never shown this side of her' DIO thought to himself.

Robin looked like a child on sugar rush. Jumping from one side of the room to other. Trying to connect everything and anything she could.

DIO: "Soo... Did you find anything interesting in your ... research, Robin-Chan?" Slightly worried about Robin since he had never seen this side of her before.

Robin: "Huh, DIO when did you come in? Never mind that, look what I found." grabs him by his wrist and pulls him towards a large piece of paper with what appears to be gibberish on it "Can you believe this?"

DIO: "Umm, Robin-Chan I'm not sure what I am looking at, let alone believe it."

Robin *groans*: "Look at here it says that there was a titanic warship with power to sink whole islands." She points at another sheet she was holding "According to this it had been inactivated after the war and the remains have been destroyed in Alabasta. But..." she grabs DIO's wrist and pulls him to the other side of the room "it says in here that Pluton's blueprints are still in the Water 7 to this day, passed down from 1 shipwright to another" she starts jumping excitedly but was stopped by DIO.

DIO: "That's great Robin-Chan but what else does it say. Like a description of it or how to use it?" Since DIO already knew about all this he wasn't that excited about this information.

Robin shakes her head: "No it doesn't, why do you look like you already knew about all this?"

DIO: "Well... I kinda did." He admitted her suspicion.

Robin: "But how? Do you know the keeper of the blueprint?"

DIO bobs her in the head: "That's a story for another time"

Robin pouts at that but she understands, despite being together for a long time, they are entitled to some secrets. After all, she also has her own secrets...


-Jaya Island DIO's POV-

So this is the island that Luffy fought Bellamy in, there wasn't anything important in here except Blackbeard and he shouldn't appear for years.

It is still Pre-Enel era for Skypiea. And I can't even take the Goro Goro no Mi, cause it will appear 3 or 4 years from now on. It's better to just mention it to crew and skip it for now. *Sighs* Anyway...

We all started walking towards the town.

DIO: "Everyone listen up. There is apparently a special island called Sky Island, brimmed with more gold than we can carry."

Karin's eyes somehow turns to Berry signs (how does that even work?): "Let's go already, hurry"

DIO *chuckles*: "Unfortunately before we can go there we need to find Knock Up Stream."

Ain: "What's knock-up stream Captain?" She never heard about that in her time as a Marine.

DIO: "The Knock Up Stream is a powerful pressurised water stream that shoots upwards to the sky for 1 minute. It is created by a giant underwater cave filled with gas. And it happens 5 times in a month."

Jugo: "Captain, our ship is very old. We need to replace it soon, and I don't think it can survive the travel of the next few islands, let alone impact of this Knock Up Stream." As a shipwright he put his own sentiment on the subject.

DIO *smiles*: "Don't worry, I'm not interested in this Sky Island, at least not yet. To go there we would also need to find the perfect Knock Up Stream which would take us to White Sea. And I don't have the plot armour for that" he mutters the last part.

*Everyone Sighs* By looking at their faces I can see that they were either relieved or disappointed... Oh well.

DIO: "Instead we will go to Water 7. And buy ourselves a nice ship. Also we will have another objective there. I'll relieve it after we get there" somehow none of us had seen this titan of a man standing in the middle of the road and Suigetsu even bumped into him.

Wait who's this man sleeping in the middle of the road, and he seems really familiar. He is one of the strongest beings I've ever seen before. Calling him a man just felt wrong. This was a monster at least on par with Rayleigh.


-General POV-

??? *snores* slowly wakes up and looks at Suigetsu: "Ahh... Hmm A Fish?"

DIO: "Are you okay, Suigetsu" not taking his eyes of the man. "Who the hell are you?"

??? looks at DIO asks "What's with you guys?" with a mocking tone.

DIO getting annoyed "What's with you?!"

Erina: "Wh-who's that huge guy? Is he a giant" she was not sure what exactly was going on.

Robin finally sees this man and falls on her ass. She started sweating terribly and had trouble breathing.

-Flashback Ohara, 11 Years Ago-

A giant was carrying an 8 year old Robin in the middle of war zone. [Ice Time Capsule] an extremely tall man shouts from behind them and ice spikes captures giants leg, forcing him to drop to his knees.

Kid Robin: "Saul, are you alright?"

Saul: "Robin run away" he puts her down "Run as fast as you can! If you stay on island, your life is gone for sure! Set out onto see with my raft!"

Kid Robin: "What about you" she asks him with worry, despite knowing the answer.

Saul: "This is the end for me... I've been caught!" *deep breath* "Go!"

Kid Robin: "No! There's nobody at sea"

Saul: "Listen well Robin. You might be alone at the moment, but someday, you'll definetly find nakama."

Kid Robin starts crying and asks "Nakama?"

Saul: "Yes. The sea is vast. Someday, for sure nakama who will protect you will appear! No one is born in this world being completely alone!" Robin cries a bit more "Run Robin. Without looking behind. When things are rough, do as I taught you! Laugh like this!" The man from before grabs him.

Kid Robin: "Saul look out" she tries to warn him

Saul: "Dereshishishishishishi" the man, however freezes him [Ice Time] "Go meet the nakama that are certainly waiting for you... somewhere on the sea... Robin" and Saul dies...

Kid Robin crying intensifies as she runs away and by some miracle Saul leaves his last message to her beyond the grave "Live With Them..."

-Flashback End-

DIO: "Robin?" It was clearly apparent he was worried about her.

Finally remembering who this man was. He wanted to smack himself in the face for not recognising him sooner...