DIO: "Robin?" It was clearly apparent he was worried about her.
Finally remembering who this man was. He wanted to smack himself in the face for not recognising him sooner...
Karin: "To think that he got Robin this shaken up... Who is he?" she asked fearing the answer.
Robin: "This man, is one of the greatest powers in the world. Marine Base Admiral, Aokiji." Robin continued to stare at the man in fear memories of the past resurfacing that she had long since buried. "There are only three men who hold the title of Admiral," started Robin unable to control her heavy breathing as she looked upon Aokiji. "Akainu (The Red Dog), Aokiji (Blue Pheasant), Kizaru (Yellow Monkey). Only the marine's top Fleet Admiral Sengoku can command them. He's one of the world government's three greatest powers!"
Aokiji looks at DIO: "You are DIO right? You remind of your master. Silvers Rayleigh" his eyes a bit more serious now. DIO's eyes widened at the mention of his mentor 'how does WG now about that.' he thought "The reason I came to this island was to see Nico Robin and have a look at you. Long ago, your master caused quite a few problems for World Government. Maybe I should, just kill you off now." Aokiji looked DIO right in the eyes.
Suigetsu had enough of this prick: "Oi, what is your problem with Robin-Chan anyway? You are starting to piss me off!"
Aokiji: "I have no personal grudge against her. My only connection to her is that I failed to capture her once. It's an old story. You too will realize sooner or later, when you take up with such a troublesome woman. The time to regret won't be too far away." he looks at Robin. "To prove that. Every organisation that she has been involved with has been destroyed except for herself. Why is that.. Nico Robin?"
Robin remained there silent not able to deny any of those claims.
DIO: "You guys go to the ship and sail to the next island we talked about. I will come and find you after I'm done teaching this monster some manners." Despite knowing he was still a step below Admiral Level, even with his Devil Fruit, DIO couldn't let this man who made Robin suffer so much go without teaching him a lesson.
Jugo: "Let's go. Captain will come after he teach this Admiral some manners." With that Jugo slowly started to run towards the ship, followed by Suigetsu and Karin. Ain and the others reluctantly followed. They were all worried about their captain but none more so than Robin.
Aokiji: "You think it was a wise move to let them go and not have them help you"
DIO: "Yeah I wouldn't be able to fight you if they were here, they are not at the level where they can help against someone of your level... yet." Without saying anymore words DIO transformed into his hybrid form.
Aokiji: "Ohh. This might be more troublesome than I thought..."
And with that DIO charged forward...
-Middle of The Ocean-
Erina: "I-I can't believe we left captain behind" she starts crying "he would never left one of us like that"
Jugo: "Don't you dare cry" the anger was seething from his being. "Captain will beat that punk and he will meet us in Water 7."
While this was happening Robin was crying in the corner. No one was sure how to cheer her up.
Aokiji blocked DIO's rush. But was forced to take few steps back.
DIO looks him in the eye: "You know, you were the only admiral I remotely liked. But you messed with my crew" he disappears and appears again punching Aokiji in the face, sending him flying for few meters.
Aokiji quickly used [Soru] to appear behind DIO grabing his shoulder "[Ice Time]" trying to freeze him into a statue, but DIO shattered the ice from inside-out with his Bushokoku Haki. Hen then puts some distance between them.
Aokiji: "I guess you really are strong. I might actually have to try..." Aokiji creates 12 spears of ice by solidifying the cold air around him and said "[Ice Block: Partisan]" hurling all the spears at DIO.
DIO [Soru]'s to right, dodging the spears. Aokiji, however, already knew where DIO was going to appear with his Haki and waited there with his [Ice Saber].
Seeing the attack coming with his own Haki DIO used Time Skip to disapear and placed both of his fists right in front of Aokiji "[Rokuogan]" and a devastated shock wave went through Aokiji, pulverising the rocks behind him and causing Aokiji to spit blood.
DIO smirks: "You really shouldn't underestimate me that much, you Shikamaru wanna be."
Aokiji: "You are right. I shouldn't. And you really are troublesome" temperature around them drops a great deal "But your little trick won't work anymore"
DIO uses time-skip again trying to kick Aokiji, but Aokiji managed to block 'Shit, after only seeing it twice he is able to counter Time-Skip thanks to his superior Kenbunshoku Haki. These Admirals are truly Monsters' he thought.
They continued to trade blows for 2 hours Aokiji clearly had the upper hand. When DIO appeared to be on his last leg he started seeing glimpses into the future.
His Kenbunshoku Haki had surpassed Aokiji's and he was able to use his Time-Skip again.
With his new found strength DIO continued clashing with Aokiji for 3 more days. Now both of them were on their last legs.
The area they were in was completely destroyed.
DIO was bleeding heavily, there was an ice burn all over his left shoulder. 'Damn' he thought
Aokiji wasn't looking any better. He was bleeding just as much and his breathing was heavier than DIO. 'Mendokusē' he thought.
The two looked at each other, seeing that the last clash would decide the victor.
Aokiji *heavily breathing*: "You really are a monster, aren't you?"
DIO *heavily breathing*: "Look who's talking. Anyway I'll need to leave soon, can't have my crew waiting for long. Soo... how about we finish this in one final clash?"
Aokiji didn't say anything but rushed at DIO, after their clash only one of them was standing.
After seeing someone was finally down a brave Marine approach the area. He was sure the Admiral was the one standing.
Marine: "A-Admiral Aokiji are you alright." The dust clears and it reveals who was standing.
DIO: "Huahhaha. You expected Aokiji to be standing, right? Too Bad! It was me, DIO!" he points at himself 'Good God I wanted to say that since I came to this world. It even makes me forget about my injuries' he thought as he [Soru]'d away.
He found a small ship in the dock. 'Next destination, Water 7. I hope Robin doesn't kill me. Mendokusē' he thought to himself.