Garp was stuffing his face with rice crackers while Sengoku was busy doing paperwork, grumbling "I should burn all these paper. While I'm at it I will burn Marineford down as well, so I won't have to do anymore paper work." he said.
Garp: "Bwahahahaha. Maybe I should share my delicious rice crackers with you?" Sengoku looks at Garp, his mouth was watering. "Nah"
Sengoku drops the paperwork and jumps at Garp.
As this was happening Vice Admiral Mozambia was running the halls of Marineford.
Mozambia: "Huff Huff. Fleet Admiral Sengoku, we just got news from Admiral Aokiji."
Sengoku stops himself from punching Garp and looks at the sweating Vice Admiral. "Oh Aokiji, he didn't return our calls for the past few days. What happened?"
Mozambia: "Apparently Admiral Aokiji confronted 'Blue-Hair' DIO."
Sengoku smiles "Good. That kid had potential to be a major trouble for Marines. It's good we managed to capture him."
Mozambia: "Bu-but Sir... Admiral Aokiji lost."
Sengoku: "WHAT?!?? You are telling me a rookie, who hasn't stepped into New World was able to defeat an Admiral?"
Garp: "Bwahahaha. That kid is surprising." Fleet Admiral glares at him.
Mozambia: "Th-That's not all. 'Blue-Hair' DIO has eaten a Devil Fruit, a Mythical Zoan"
Sengoku had a grim look on his face "Have you been able to identify which fruit it is?"
Mozambia: "We believe Admiral Aokiji managed to learn what it was, but we don't know yet."
Garp: "Oh yeah, what happened to Aokiji. Losing to brats and all Bwahahahaha." Sengoku shakes his head at his friends remark.
Mozambia: "Admiral Aokiji is on his way to HQ and is expected to make a full recovery within the month."
Sengoku nods and motions the Vice Admiral to leave. But before he does...
Mozambia: "Sir, there is one more thing."
Sengoku: "What is it?" getting annoyed at this point.
Mozambia: "I have been tasked with giving you the paperwork of this confrontation" he brings a cart full of paperwork.
Sengoku's jaw drops. "Th-that damn pirate. I'll kill you for this."
Garp: "Bwahahahaha"
-Marineford, Next Day-
The 5 strongest men in Marineford were sitting around a table, discussing the situation.
Akainu hits the table: "How could an Admiral lose to a lowlife pirate?"
Kizaru: "Ooh such a scary pirate, Neee~ Aokiji."
Sengoku: "Enough you 2. we are here to discuss what to do about the 'Blue-Hair' Pirates. Not only do they have Nico Robin, someone who can read those cursed Ponelgyphs, they also have someone who can fight against any one of you 3."
Akainu: "Hmm. He was lucky not to fight against me, or else I would have teach him a lesson about Absolute Justice"
Everyone in the room roles their eyes at that. They were all fed up with Akainu's obsession with 'Absolute Justice'.
They were all Marines and cared about Justice to a certain degree, but this guy had a few screws loose when it came to Justice.
Sengoku: "Anyway. Aokiji tell us what you learned about this DIO."
Aokiji nods: "The kid should be 19 years old, he has a Mythical Zoan Fruit with powers related to Conception of Time. He also is skilled with 3 types of Haki. Especially his Observational Haki, which has reached to a level higher than my own. But...
He is not skilful with his Devil Fruit. He either eaten it recently or he hasn't had much chance to use it."
Kizaru: "Ooh Scaaary~, such a talent is wasted by becoming a pirate ne~"
They all shake their heads at Kizaru's antics.
Sengoku: "Anyways, for now avoid direct confrontation with 'Blue-Hair' pirates. If one of you were to fall while fighting a rookie pirate Marines would become laughing stock and pirates would turn even more daring."
They all grid their teeth at that. Non of them liked the idea of avoiding a pirate, let alone a rookie, but they all knew it to be true.
They are Marine's pillars of strength. If they were to lose their lives fighting a Rookie Pirate, how could Marines maintain order around the world?
Garp: "Why don't you just offer him the position of Warlord or something, don't we have a vacancy?"
Sengoku shakes his head: "As you all know there was a vacancy in the 7 Warlords. The Warlords being 'Desert King' Sir Crocodile, 'Snake Princess' Boa Hancock, 'Ghost Swordsman' Tobi, 'Knight of the Sea' Jinbe, 'Hawk-Eye' Mihawks and Gecko Moria."
Garp: "How did that weakling Moria become a Warlord?" he wondered out loud.
Sengoku was gonna reply, but he couldn't find an answer. 'How DID he become a Warlord?' he thought to himself.
Sengoku: "Moving on... We cannot offer the position to 'Blue-Hair' cause Gorosei is giving it to Donquixote Doflamingo."
Garp: "WHAT?!?? Tsuru-Chan is not going to like this" They all nod at that, her history with Doflamingo was common knowledge among high ranking marines.
Sengoku he turns towards Blue Admiral : "Aokiji you were the one who fought DIO. What would you say his bounty should be?"
Aokiji thinks for a moment: "He is very strong and has oppenly defied World Government multiple times. His bounty should at least be ..."
-Few Days Later, Water 7-
The crew arrived in Water 7 yesterday. There was still no news about their Captain.
Erina enters Robin's room with a plate full of mini sandwiches and glass of orange juice. She approaches to her "Robin... I know you are worried about Captain, but you still need to eat something."
Robin looked visibly weaker. Her eyes were swollen, she looked sleep deprived and had lost some weight. "I'm fine, but thank you." she said.
Erina does not respond. She places the plate in front of Robin and leaves the room.
As this was happening a news coo flew by the ship and dropped today's paper.
Karin: "WHAAAT?!??" alerting everyone on the ship.
Suigetsu: "What happened to you Tomato? Did you break a nail again?"
Karin: "SHUT UP! Just take a look at this" pointing at the paper "Captain has a new bounty"
Hearing this all the way from her room Robin came running "What happened to DIO?" She asked
Karin smirks at that: "What do you expect? Captain fought that jerk of an Admiral and beat the crap out of him"
Suigetsu smiles and throws his arm around Erina "We should celebrate"
Everyone: "YEAH"
The crew celebrated all day long. After all, it wasn't everyday that their Captain "beats the crap out of an Admiral"