1st date

Bella pov

Nicolai comes out my house and walks to me and asks if im ready ,

I nod and he grabs my hand and we head for his car , his car is a 2018 Chevrolet Camaro beautiful its a red wine color with black rims and tinted windows my eyes light up at how beautiful it is , cola is looking at me with a sweet smile this man really makes me feel something im yet to understand but know it's love but what is love between a man and women . As we getting in the car and i sit and we're on our way to the movies it hits me that im a minor almost 18 but still and he's an adult my stomach fills with worry for him if anyone found out about us they will make it sound so very bad and some people in this town can be a-holes .

While in thinking I didn't realize that we was already parked he turns the car off and looks at me and says what's on your mind ? .

Nicolai pov:

The whole ride bella seemed deep in thought and her facial expression made it seem like it wasn't good thoughts was she already regretting being my girl letting me in or was she thinking about her parents , I wasn't sure ,so once we got parked i turned the car off and turned to her and asked what's on her mind and she just looks at me and says let's go to your house better .

I ask her why , she says you shouldn't be seen with me out on a date . At this point im stunned but once she sees my facial expression she goes on saying because she's not yet 18 and doesn't want to tarnish my reputation. I smile and try to stop my laughter but I couldn't .She's looking at me like what's so funny and i now realize she's serious so i tell her not to worry about my rep but she insist to go to my house and i say fine we need to talk about this though , she nods in agreement and so i start my car and we head to my house . While driving home i get a call and it says crazy ex and i forward the call and smile at bella she says it's ok to pick up but i tell her this is our time and I don't want to speak to her she nods and looks out the window. We get to my house and i help bella out off my car and walked holding hands she tried to pull her hand away but i just take it again and i unlock the door as we walk in baxter is already running passed me to bella he stops in front of her and she smile and pets him softly , my mom yells out from the kitchen nic why are you back so soon did you blow it with bella im like ma stop she's like nic what did you do she's running to the living room from the kitchen and then is completely embarrassed I'm like no mom bella wanted to come here , bella says hi to my mom not knowing exactly what to say or do .

Sally pov (Nicolai mom)

I'm in my kitchen cooking and i hear the door so i know its Nic and yell why are you back so soon did you blow it with bella and nic like ma stop so im like nic what did you do so i run to the living room ready to knock some sense in him till i get to the living room and see bella and she doesn't look like she comfortable she says hi and i go to her and and hug her welcome bella sorry for that i just knew nic likes you so um yea you both came just in time ,food is ready bella smiles at me for the first time in a long time and she nods nic walks her to the dining room table and baxter follows and nic pulls out the chair for her and she smiles at him and says thank you but i could of done it and nic kisses her forehead and says when you're with me you don't have to do it she nods her head you're too much . I smile knowing a mother's intuition is never wrong they will be together for the long haul .

I bring the food out and nic helps me serve and bella looks like she wants to talk but doesn't know what to say so as we eat i ask bella how she's doing and she say she is good but she just got so serious , so i ask if she's happy that she graduated early she nod and begins to explain that she hated high school beacause the guys were very persistent so she was very glad to have finished a year before everyone , i smile at her and say I'm so proud of you not alot of people can finish early she nods and says thank you .

At this point nic looks annoyed I'm guessing because of the guys trying to presue bella .

Nicolai pov

So I didn't even know bella finished high school at 17 i got me a enteligent girlfriend, but once she mention guys being persistent with her , i had to ask who and she said mainly a guy name oliver , she said he's the son of the owner where she works , I've been gone for four years so I haven't exactly met the new owner of where she works or his son but I'm going have meet them sooner or later .

Bella pov

So yes I finished school a year early and I'm super glad but even now Oliver is annoying not as much since I'm not around him much at all but i do have unfortunate encounters with him at work so yea , i shake my head at cola he looks like he's up to no good so i say cola if you're planning something please don't i just want peace ,he says Bella I'm not going to do anything , i just want to meet this oliver. Does he bother you at work ? I look at him and say define bother ? He says does he try to ask you out or flirts and i say well im not sure if he flirts because I don't really pay much mind but he always complements me saying I'm beautiful so i just say thanks and walk away so if he even wanted to ask me out he would never have time to. Cola say baby that's flirting he calls you beautiful , sally says Bella have you ever liked a boy before ? I say no , I've honestly never really cared or felt the need to have a boyfriend , my focus is school and making sure my aunt is ok . She looks stunned cola clears his throat and ask what about now ? I look at both them , him and his mom is stearing at me. I smile and say cola you are the exception you are the only guy or person for that matter that i let in and i wink at him and his mom let out a breath , he's like Bella you had me nervous i was about to laugh but I started to feel dizzy and the last thing i see is Cola running to me and baxter barking then it was all dark .