
Nicolai pov

Bella was talking she was fine laughing but out of nowhere I see her eyes roll back and she's falling i run to her baxter is barking, i catch her head before it hits the ground. My mom is yelling what wrong ima call the ambulance i say no I'm taking her to the hospital right now call Iris and let her know what happened .

I've been to war seen some crazy sh*t but i was never so worried like i am right now . I'm calm outside but inside I'm worried , scared even. I drove so fast I got to the hospital in no time I stop in front of the hospital not even parking my car, pick her up and take her into the hospital demanding someone to come help her .

Dr. Jones ran out hearing the commotion and asked me what was going on once he saw Bella my arms he yelled for the nurses to grab a gurney I told him what happened and he says I got it from here Nicolai don't worry , I tell him I need to go in with her he tells me Nikolai let me do my job if you keep me here I'll be wasting valuable time . I could be checking on her and seeing what's going on , relax and let me do my job.

I nod my head in understanding and he runs off. I'm left stuck in a place my mind hasn't gone to since i came back from war, thinking of ways to go about this but I'm powerless in this part all i can do is be here for her ,all i can do is let her know she's not alone and that i got her and I don't plan on ever leaving her and pray to God that she is okay . Im so stuck in my thoughts I didn't see iris and alex and my mom come in they are looking at me with concern , i shake my head and say sorry , iris asked what happened? And I explain everything to her .

Iris pov

When sally called me I didn't think it would be to tell me that Nicolai rushed bella to the hospital , she seemed fine when she left , God i just hope she's ok . I tell sally im on my way and once off the phone i tell Alex we need to go to the hospital it's bella , without saying anything we both head to the car and once we get to the hospital Alex parks and we run in meeting sally at the door we get to the waiting area only to see Nicolai pale and lost in his thoughts, me and sally share a knowing concerned look and he finally realizes that we are here with him he shakes his head and says sorry but honestly he has nothing to be sorry about. I ask him for an explanation of what happened so he begins to explain and I just don't understand I say out loud was she feeling sick at all ? Nikolai and Sally say she seemed fine we were eating we're talking and she seemed fine but I don't know she was laughing and then passed out. I tell them we just have to wait and pray for good news bella is strong she will be okay, sally asks what is it that she has and i give a sad smile and say cancer . Sally says she's going to be ok she is strong and she has us all as her support system what ever they say we deal with it together as unit , let's just see why she passed out . I smile and say thank you to them all and alex hugs me and Nicolai has just been so quite he's worried and i get it we all are .

Nicolai pov

I just couldn't pay attention to anything after i told iris what happened I'm so worried about her she needs to be ok . I try to shake off the feeling in my gut a bad feeling but I can't so i excuse myself and grab my phone and call one of my brothers from the army he picked up first ring , hey bro what's up ? He asked i tell him everything and he goes silent and then says bro this is one of those situations where we have to pray and have faith but i tell you what me and the crew we gonna come visit you , you be her support and we will be yours ,you're our brother and you have never let us down not as captain and not as a friend i smile knowing my brothers will always have my back and say thanks bro tell the guys I can't wait . He tells me hang tight see you in 24 hours i say ok and we hang up. I walk back to iris and alex and my mom , i say hey any news they say no ,it's been an hour when i was about to go to ask how much longer Dr.Jones Appeared in with a grim look on his face which tells me that anything he has to say is nothing good so I brace myself and Dr. Jones begins to talk he tells us that Bella white cell count went more down and her already weak immune system is weaker so she caught an infection that they have to keep her in the hospital until the infection is under control , i ask if we can see her and he says not tonight we have her set up and she asleep she needs her rest she's overworking her body chemo takes a huge toll on the body , i think it's time for you guys to talk to her about quitting her job , I shouldn't say this because it's not my place but as her dads old friend knowing how he was and all the stuff he did , I don't understand why she works , her parents left her a lot of money she set for life so why work so hard and put such a toll on her body if she doesn't have to?

Iris sighed and began to say that bella doesn't want to touch that money she says that she would rather have her parents back instead of so much money , iris begins to tear up and says bella has been beating herself up since her parents death she is hurting and I don't know how to help her , her dream when her parents was alive was to open up a veteran center for those who went to war and came back needing help because her dad would tell her stories about her grandfather and she wanted to help but now all she says is how am I suppose to help others if I can't help myself ? , I'm failing her . Alex grabs her into a hug and we all say at the same time you're not failing her.

Dr. Jones says I'm sorry but visiting hours are over go home get rest we will works this out in the morning , i shake my head at Dr jones let me stay with her please , he thinks about it and says I shouldn't do this but since I've known you all since you were kids i know you won't leave so before you go in you need to put scrubs and a mask we can't afford for her to get worst , iris says take care of our girl i say don't worry go home a rest I'll be with her my mom kisses my cheek and says ill be back in the morning with food and clothes , i nod and say thank you and they all leave .

I do what Dr Jones said to do and once I'm set he takes me to bella when i see her my heart begins to ache , she's so pale and she looks tired but still so beautiful , Dr Jones says don't wake her and all that if i get tired the sofa is a pull out bed i nod and DrJones leaves i sit down and grab bellas hand and she twitches a bit but stays asleep , i kiss her hand i say bella baby please stay strong , i need you more than you know , she smiles with her eyes still closed and says don't worry baby I'm not going anywhere , i kiss her hand again a say lets get some sleep she nods eyes still closed and her breathing is even she's asleep , i stay staring at her I don't know how long until I wake up the next day with the sun beaming in and she's staring at me while I sleep, I asked her how long she's been awake she says since six in the morning and I say baby you should get more rest she says I'm fine , i shake my head at her and say Dr Jones said you need lost of rest , she says I'll rest when I'm dead , i shake my head mad she would joke like that and i tell her don't joke that way she smiles and i melt , the nurse comes in and says she needs to check bella that i need to leave the room but bella said no he stays , the nurse looks upset and she check bella and says you have a fever still not as high as yesterday but I'll get Dr Jones , bella nods and she asked why I didn't go home to get proper rest , i tell her I wasn't going to sleep well at all at home plus I slept just fine next to her , her eyes twinkled in a way I've never seen before and a lone tear slides down her face i go to her immediately and wipe that tear away , i hold her and play with her hair what's wrong my bella ?

And she replies I don't want you to hurt you .