Rock Bottom

Another failed attempt. He looked at his arms, scars already forming on his pale skin. Blood sprinkled across his wrist as he choked back tears. Another day in a living hell. His stupid, annoying bully reminded him yet again that he was useless and quirkless. Another day of going to school and passing that abandoned pub, with the dark alleyway, perfect place to carry out anything more dangerous without anyone realizing. Another day where he watches with emotion heroes doing their jobs to keep people like him safe. Useless people like himself.

Midoriya didn't realize that he was scratching on top of the fresh cuts, allowing blood to flow freely. He winced and bandaged himself up, put on his All Might hoodie, and walked out of the bathroom with a struggling smile. His mother learned fast not to ask, not to comment, just watch as her son crumbled with every passing day.

She saw him walk out of the bathroom and into the living room. "Izuku, what would you like for dinner? I'll make anything to help you," she couldn't help but tear up as she saw his green eyes, usually so full of life, now empty. She held back on questioning about his day.

Without giving her a second glance, he responded a quick, "I'm going out, make whatever you want for yourself." And with that he was out the door.

It was mid-afternoon when he headed out. It was peaceful enough that Izuku took a deep shaky breath. He made his usual stop at the park close to his house, where he hid a duffel bag with rope and some sharp knives. The same park where Kacchan fought me… He shook his head trying to rid himself of the memory. He did not need that reminder.

Picking up his bag and walking to the abandoned bar with the dark alleyway he was stopped by an escaping slime monster. He moved to the side to get out his way, not even thinking about trying to stop the villain. You're useless, Deku. He didn't try to rid his mind of the ringing voice and booming of small explosions. The smoke clouded his mind.

The villain had a different plan. Dropping the purse from whoever he stole it from, he engulfed Midoriya with his gross green slime body. Deku struggled, but not strong enough to fully escape. The villain was cackling and monologuing about having a good host, especially one with a quirk, and why was this kid not using his quirk?

Right before the green haired kid responded to the monster, the number one hero appeared, All Might. For a split second, Midoriya felt relief. Then he was consumed with jealousy. This man, his idol, came out of nowhere. He wished he can become that. Disappear and appear whenever needed. Kacchan's voiced echoed in his mind, and he barely had effort to push it away. Within seconds, the slime villain is contained in soda bottles and his idol is ready to leave. He doesn't check if he was alright. Or maybe he did, you bastard. You just can't feel anything.

All Might waves a quick salute to the middle schooler, but Izuku still had to ask him something. "C-can I become a hero even without-t a quirk?" He yelled out, bowing down to hide his embarrassment.

All Might stopped in his tracks, looking back at the boy. He looked at his hoodie, which was him, and swallowed the feeling of pride. He watches as the boy hides his embarrassment by looking down, he couldn't help but feel pity. "Young man, not having a quirk will make hero work extremely difficult. Think realistically. Now, I must go! Be safe and watch your surroundings!"


It was almost too much. Kacchan's words swarmed his mind, All Might's advice, the doctor saying to just give up… He needed to escape. He found himself running to the abandoned bar, then analyzed the alleyway next to it. There was a thick pipe running on the outside of the building next to it.

Taking the rope out of his bag, he strategically tied a noose. He's done enough research to know how to make it quickly. Izuku moved a semi-full trash can to where the rope was dangling. He took out one of his throwing knives and shakily held it to the outer corner of his right eye.

With a sharp intake of air, he sliced his eyes across. He screamed out and choked back tears. Useless, you can't even harm yourself correctly. The thoughts raced through his mind as he shook, keeping his eyes closed as they started to bleed furiously.

He moved his way towards the rope hanging, eyes slightly pried open to see. He couldn't see any other color but red. He smiled. Deku climbed the trashcan, and put his head through the noose. "This is for you, Bakugou Katsuki! Look at what you've done!" He yelled at no one. It wasn't like anyone was going to hear anyways, the pub was empty.

Unfortunately, a certain villain was coming out from the side door of the pub and heard this declaration. The warp gate villain was taking out the trash, mumbling something about not getting paid enough to be a babysitter for the handsy brat, and saw Midoriya hanging from the pipe, about to kick the trashcan.

Midoriya didn't recognize the man, thinking it was just his imagination. He was hiding in the shadows, and the middle schooler didn't think twice. He kicked the trashcan, and gasped as the air escaped his lungs. There was a creaking noise and the piping collapsed, not being able to hold the small boy's weight. The boy fell to the ground, still not breathing.

Kurogiri dropped the trash and moved to the injured boy. He warped them both inside after picking him up. He looked at the kid, wincing at the cut across his eyes. He almost didn't catch the green haired boy mumble out, "I can't even kill myself correctly."