Forced To Move

Her pencil scribbled all around the paper with no particular thought. She was just staring at it without really seeing it. She was having a hard time focusing and she refused to acknowledge that it was because of what Landon said yesterday. Landon gave her space too and didn't really made any further moves after that which she really appreciated. She's probably just being too lazy today.

Paper after paper filled with random doodles piled up on her desk. She was so engrossed in it that she gave a little jump when someone knocked on her table.

Landon raised an eyebrow at her reaction while she gently nudged the papers out of sight. She asked nonchalantly, "Yes?"

Landon looked at her for a moment then said, "Push back all my meetings this afternoon."


"Let's go have lunch now," he said as if they're just talking about business.

"Alr- huh?" she replied blankly. What's he up to now?

"We're going to have lunch now," he repeated his words like it's a done deal already.

"Oh. I still can't. I just need to finish some stuff first," she lied.

"Really? I don't think so," he said with a small smile then reached out under the counter and fished out my papers full of doodles, waving it at her.

She averted her eyes in embarrassment at being caught then just got her bag wordlessly to go with him. She followed him but not before catching a suspicious stare from another bodyguard who got out from the Landon's office to follow them.

Why is he glaring at me like I owe him money or something?

Ley ignored him after she threw a confused glance at him and continued walking after Landon.

Landon and her ate in companionable silence in an italian restaurant near the company. When she's with him, she doesn't feel the urge to talk just to fill the awkward silence. He speaks when he wants to and quiet after he's done telling her or got the answer he wanted. Needless to say, she was comfortable with him. He was an ideal guy with all that amiable charm and attractive smile but she sensed that this isn't all there is to him.

Landon looked at her like he wanted to say something but was waiting for her to finish first so she stopped picking at the pasta she ordered and put down her fork.

"Should we go to your home and get your things after work?" he asked.

She almost choked on the water she's drinking and looked at him in surprise.

"What do you mean?" she replied exasperatedly.

"Didn't we established last night that I can protect you better when you're there at the property?" he patiently answered as if she forgot.

"I don't remember agreeing to what you said," she shook her head at his logic.

"Aren't you just taking advantage of the situation?" she grudgingly said.

"There's that too. I'm killing two birds with one stone," he admitted with a smirk. She felt the urge to stab him with her fork at his arrogance.

"Let me just say that I don't do relationships with my boss and that won't happen even if I stay with you," she drew a line to keep things clear.

"I would have thought that you'd be hesitating because of my identity as a shifter but you're taking it really well," he stared at her like he's trying to see what goes on her mind.

"Do you want me to react crazily then?" she countered though she's stiff with nervousness. She wanted to slap herself for her stupidity.

"If you don't want to stay at the property, I can also just assigned bodyguards to you," he suggested like he gave her a really good choice.

She wanted to slam her head at the table in annoyance. She can't have bodyguards at all so she doesn't have a choice. Thinking logically, the shifters monitoring the apartment would probably be removed there if she is at the property. Though it doesn't mean that she like the other choice so she glared at him to express her annoyance. This manipulating bastard.

"I'll stay with you as long as you don't enter my room, she negotiated.

"No one denies me entrance in my own home but we can compromise on this. Do remember that I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do unless you want it yourself," he promised. Looking at the glint in his eyes, she can almost imagine the tiger prowling in the shadows.

"By the way, who is the new bodyguard? Where is Ara?" she changed the subject or else he might just bring up last night and that makes her nervous.

"That was Silas. It's just some added security measure since Ara is unavailable at the moment," he explained.

She just nodded but her mind is miles away. Something must have changed from last night for him to change bodyguards.


After work, they went straight to her apartment and to get the stuff she needs for her temporary stay. They arrived at the door when she prevented them from entering. Landon raised his eyebrows at her actions.

"This is my home and it's private," she told him and pointedly closed door in his face.

Landon smiled at the actions of the silly girl while Silas glared outside the apartment.

It didn't even take her 30 minutes to get everything so they arrived back at the property within record time.

"Would I be staying in the same room I slept in?" she inquired.

"That was actually my room but if you want to share the bed with me, it's alright with me too," he gave her a wicked smile.

She ignored the innuendo and just went back to the direction of the door.

"I'll show you to your room," he said with a laugh.

She entered the room and felt like she was in the wrong house. It was full of soft colors clearly designed for a woman but doesn't conform to the rest of the interior concept of his home. Even if it was a temporary room, she felt comfortable just staring at it.

"Is this where your flings stay?" she blurted.

The atmosphere turned cold and Ley regretted asking.

"You're the only woman I brought here," he said, his eyes flashing with unspoken words she dare not ask.


Deep in the night, Silas quietly picked the lock on the door to Roma's apartment. He just can't erase the feeling that something is wrong with that secretary. He would've told Landon his suspicions but it looks like she's interested in her and would likely not entertain his opinions. He decided to take matters into his own hands.

He snooped around the room in search for something incriminating. After finding nothing at the living room, he reached the kitchen when he saw someone leaning at the countertop.

"What are you doing, Silas?" Landon said, each of his words dripping with controlled rage.

"I was just making sure that she isn't a spy," he reasoned weakly.

Landon burst into laughter and Silas could feel a chill running across his back.

"You know that she's been checked before, right?" Landon's voice taking on a menacing tone.

"I understand," Silas said, he bowed his head in obedience.

"This better not happen again,"Landon told him with a promise of threat clearly heard in his voice.

Landon walked out without expecting any reply and Silas followed him out.