The Spy

Sunshine slipped in through the curtain gap signaling the start of another day. Ley blinked her eyes at the light and saw an unfamiliar ceiling. Right. She almost forgot that she wasn't at her own home. She stretched slowly, taking her time as it was the weekend.

She stood up and got some decent clothes to wear in case she bumped to Landon but most likely not. Contrary to what she expected, she barely saw the guy here except during work and in the car. It looks like he's in the study most of the time which she accidentally saw one night when she went down to get water and noticed that the light was still on. This arrangement works really well with her too.

Before she went out, she grabbed her phone and dialed back home.

"Morning, Ley," a solemn tone belonging to Merda came out of the speaker.

"Hey Merda, just checking in. Everything's fine?" she asked while leaning through the door.

"Yes, don't worry. We don't have any problems both here and at the reservation," she replied.

"Alright. Any problems at all, let me know immediately," she reminded before disconnecting.

She went out and saw a post-it note on her door.


I need to go somewhere. Call me if you need anything.



Is he out working even on weekends? Ley shook her head at the thought and just decided to mind her own business. She went downstairs to fix her daily dose of coffee.

With a steaming mug of coffee in her hand, she headed for the veranda and settled on one of the chairs there and soaked in the rays. She kind of felt like she's in one of those luxury hotels. She laughed at the thought and just decided to relax for today since it has been a while since she had a free day like this.

She was checking out the spots from high up when she heard someone calling her name. She looked down and saw Ara waving at her from below. She suddenly thought of asking her a question that's been bugging her for days now. She signaled at her to come up.

"Roma! How are you?" Ara's lively voice sounded out even before she entered the veranda.

"I'm doing fine. I heard from Landon that you were unavailable lately," she stirred the topic in that direction.

"Yeah, I had to do something else so I couldn't be on bodyguard duties," Ara explained.

"I see," she replied purposely in a disappointed tone.

"Why? You don't like Silas?" Ara curiously asked.

"I don't really have any problems with him. I think it's the other way around. He is always glaring at me for some reason," she told Ara.

Ara sighed heavily and muttered, "It's because he's an overprotective idiot."

Ley waited for her to explain the rest.

"Remember that time when the car you and Landon were riding got tailed and attacked?"

She nodded at Ara. How could she forget? That's the reason why she was forced to stay here.

Ara giggled upon seeing her irritated expression, "Yeah, I can see you remember it crystal clear. I got injured that day when we were trying to catch them because it seems like they expected us to come which sent Silas into paranoia, thinking that there's a spy."

"He suspects that I'm a spy then?" she asked though she already knows the answer. She couldn't blame Silas though. If she was in his place, she'd be even more paranoid than him. It doesn't mean that the suspicion is a pleasant feeling though.

"You're one of his suspects, I guess," Ara shrugged.

"You don't think I'm one?" she expressed her doubts.

"I'm pretty sure you're not. Besides, I trust my instinct."

Ley mentally rolled her eyes at Ara's answer. There goes that instinct of shifters again. She can never relate because it never surfaced for her. Maybe because she's only half-shifter?

"Why call him overprotective though?" she continued the conversation.

"It's because I was injured. He isn't that paranoid usually."

She confusedly said, "I don't understand."

"Oh right. I forgot you are human. It's because he's my older brother and I'm not like the others. I can't shift like them," she expounded.

"I don't understand. Aren't you a part of Landon's security team?"

"I can be a part of it since I still got the inhuman physical boost of a shifter. All that speed, strength and enhanced senses, I have them. It's just that I can't shift."

Those kinds of conditions usually can be helped by magic which was why Ley was confused that she didn't have it corrected. Ley still have some questions but decided not to pry anymore.

"I see," she simply said.

"Why are you out here by the way? Do you want me to tour you around the base?" Ara offered.

"I'm fine. I prefer the quiet anyway," she waved her hands to reject the offer.

"Why? Will you be bothered by the stares?" Ara teasingly looked at her.

"Why would I and why would they stare anyway?"

"It's because you're the first female Landon brought here and a human too," Ara excitedly told her.

Ley just laughed at her.

"Is he putting the moves on you?" Ara suddenly asked.

Ley choked at the coffee she was sipping when she heard what Ara said.

"Looks like he did then," Ara cheerily observed.

"We don't have that sort of relationship," she denied once she got her coughs out of the way.

"Sure," Ara uttered in a tone that clearly didn't believe her.


Silas looked at two women on top of the veranda. He kept thinking of ways to prove his suspicions but he hadn't found anything yet. Seeing her little sister close around that woman, makes him mad with anger. He'll uncover this and peel off the mask that she's using.

"Silas," a quiet voice called his name. He turned around and saw one of his subordinates.

"You asked me to monitor that secretary and I didn't really find out anything until today. I heard she was gone for a period of time during the party from Sebastian so I checked around. I found this," he handed in a usb to Silas.

"Is this what we're looking for?" Silas tightened his grip on the usb.

"That woman is dangerous," he nodded.