Blackkit stared out excitedly at the falling snow outside, that was also propped up mildly high to his mother's chest and was blocking off the other new-born kits inside the nursery from escaping.
With a pleasant smile, the black kit tried pressing his paws in the blanket of white until he fell through onto his stomach.
"Get in here, Blackkit!" Mothlight hissed to say as she pulled her son up from the snow by his scruff, then to eventually rest him at her paws, she sighed hopelessly, "What am I going to do with you?"
"Maybe give him to the two-legs!" Icekit, an all white kit that was born a few nights ago and is already active, replied to Mothlight.
Mothlight stared down at the white kit that was far too young to know anything of that, she tilted her head, "How do you know about that?" She asked Icekit.
Icekit crawled over Mothlight's tail to pin Blackkit down on his back, "Minnowpaw told me! He tells me everything when he gets back from patrols." The young kit said, purring over Blackkit.
A small chuckle came from the ginger queen as she helped Blackkit, once again onto his paws.
Displeased of being taken down by a female, Blackkit pinned Icekit down as well as she did to him, they rolled around with their claws still sheathed inside their paws.
Twistedfoot walked into the nursery's entrance with his head low just like his tail.
Inside his head he was replaying the conversation he had with Sootpelt over and over, and each time it replayed, he'd relish the sourness he tasted when he lied to his mentor once again.
He remembered briefly the words his mentor said when he suspected Twistedfoot was lying, but took pity on him anyway:
Whatever lie you're trying to are the one taking care of it, without my help.
Twistedfoot sighed sadly, allowing his ears to flatten once he reached the nesting area of the queens and kits in the nursery.
Moonsong, who was laying on her side and watching everyone, until she narrowed her eyes to Twistedfoot then towards Blackkit.
"Am I intruding..?" Twistedfoot asked, sitting near Blackkit, he forced a smile at him since he was so innocent now. Although, he cared for Blackkit because of his selfishness he gave to him without his knowing.
Blackkit didn't acknowledge any of them, he stared outside at the snow and wondered what else was out there.
Mothlight stretched tiredly, "Blackkit, come lay down by Firekit and I."
"Come here as well, Icekit. Your sister is already napping, so you should as well." Moonsong yawned, beckoning the white kit to her.
Icekit bundled over to her brown coated sister and laid over her to keep Bluekit warm.
Blackkit still wanting more than just sleep, curled up by the entrance and soon fell asleep.
Hours passed when Blackkit woke up to see the snow was still out there; he stared in awe of the bouncing layers of white that stacked over itself like a river through the clan, he smiled to see the black sky darkening every outline of the snow, while the stars and moon shined.
"Woah.." He said almost in a trance, he got up and started hopping through the snow.
The snow around him was tall, but as he exited the clan carefully to slick past Scorchwhisker, who was guarding for the night, the snow got lower and lower then eventually under his paws like normal.
Above him were the towering dark trees that shielded away the stars, which terrified Blackkit a little, but he kept walking until there was a loud crack of a twig being snapped that made his ear twitched.
A strange smell wafted into his nostrils as he started to internally digest the sweet sell that he's only smelt once in his short life, a juicy rabbit.
It wasn't long until Blackkit started to creep slowly in the snow, only it was difficult from anywhere wrong he could had stepped.
He worried to step wrong to make a loud thud in the snow that would startle any chance he'd get for getting his first prey.
Blackkit kept creeping, now getting his stomach to the ground from getting an even warmer smell from the rabbit being so close by..he stopped fast once he saw the plump rabbit, nibbling at a few blades of grass that managed to survive out of the snow for so long.
He lifted his paw forward, then crunch!
The rabbit lifted its head and sniffed after smelling out Blackkit, it then ran away.
Blackkit almost watched it get away until his paws made him chase after it, even though his mind knew he couldn't keep up.
He spent the time he chased thinking: Stop it, stop it! I'm going to get lost!
Yet, he couldn't make himself stop because he wanted so desperately to be the first kit to ever catch their first prey!
The rabbit was still ahead of him and yet it seemed to be slowing down from only having a few bites of the only remaining grass that Blackkit ruined for it.
A sense of happiness washed over Blackkit when he was getting closer and closer towards the rabbit.
Without Blackkit's knowing, the rabbit was reaching towards the river banks where it all of a sudden swerved to make Blackkit accidentally slip off the water bank then into the cold, harsh flowing water.